Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 802: Yin and Yang in one! Gudaotai mysterious space!

Chen Zheng drove the ancient Taoist platform, crossed the barrier of the blood sea, directly entered the Shura realm, silently traversed a land, and reached the ancestral land of the Shura family. As soon as he appeared, a figure flew directly out of the Scarlet Palace, plunged into Chen Zheng's arms, and hugged Chen Zheng tightly.

All in red!

Fabulous looks!

Who can this figure be besides Queen Shura!

"His Majesty!"

"Chen Zu!"

"Senior Chen!"

There was a cry of exclamation below, there was General Shura Mengmeng, the old man Wu Wu of the human race, and Wu Qingyan, the granddaughter of the old man. After Wu Qingyan shouted, she saw Chen Zheng hugged tightly by the emperor Shura. Her mood was a bit complicated.

Grandpa said that he should wait until Chen Gongzi returns and then leave Shura Realm. Now that Chen Gongzi returns, he should also leave Shura Realm, but after leaving this time, I don't know if there is a chance to meet again.


Wu Qingyan sighed.

"This time you are back, you can't run until you get married to me!"

Empress Asura in Chen Zhenghuai raised her head, stared at Chen Zheng fiercely, and then kissed Chen Zheng in front of everyone!



Xiao Gu and Xin Meng smiled at the same time.


Old Man Wu glanced at his granddaughter and saw that his granddaughter had lowered her head and could only shake her head gently.

After a moment.

Before the blood pool.

"Senior Chen, old man Xiu Wei has returned to the level of Daojun, and it is only one step away from Emperor Xianwu. It is also time to return to Xianwu Great World and return to Wu Family! The old man and Qingyan also unravel the poison of Shensha!"

Old Man Wu bowed his hands deeply to Chen Zheng.

"Xianwu Great World... I have half of the disciples in Xianwu Great World. If you are in trouble, you can go to that girl, and that girl should now have almost Daojun's combat strength."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly and said something.

"Ah? Half a disciple? That's..."

Old Man Wu was taken aback.

"White Niang."

Chen Zheng said a name.

"Bai Nishang... Bai Jia... the old man understands!"

Upon hearing this, Old Man Wu groaned slightly, then focused on his head, and paid another respect to Chen Zheng, then he took Wu Qingyan away.

"Have you left?"

Xiao bone blinked.

"Isn't it time for the next business? Your majesty and the empress should be married?"

Xin Meng laughed again.


That night.

Deep inside the Scarlet Palace, in the room of Emperor Asura. I saw mysterious light flashed and isolated the outside world. Xiao Gu had no way to overhear. Xiao Gu shook his head and flew out of the Scarlet Palace.

"Master Bone, what's inside?"

As soon as Xiao Bone flew out, Xin Meng couldn't help asking.

"I only saw the red clothes flying and did not see the following situation. The enchantment blocked everything, and I couldn’t see it. But it should be started. Miss An Jing said that the master is very strong in that respect, and the emperor is small. Although my sister has a special physique, she certainly can't beat her master."

The small bone said casually.


Xinmeng dumbfounded.

At this moment in the palace, as the empress Shura whispered, everything was done, and it cannot be elaborated.

After half an hour.

"where is this place?"

The emperor Shura frowned, only feeling that the world was changing wildly, as if she had entered the long river of time, and was quickly moving through the long river of time.

"Time is long."

Chen Zheng frowned slightly.

He and Emperor Shura are both like Yuanshen, and after only a glance, he knows that he is in the river of time.



The river of time disperses like a shatter!

Chen Zheng and Empress Asura emerged on the platform underneath!

This square Daotai is the ancient Daotai that Chen is getting in the small world!

"It turns out that you're making trouble."

Chen Zheng glanced at the Taoist tower and instantly realized that the long-term vision of time was brought in by the Taoist tower. At this moment, the two gods were dragged by the Taoist tower to a mysterious place, more precisely to an ancient past time and space!


Soon the void becomes chaos!


Then there was a cry in the chaos, a baby girl suddenly appeared, and the baby girl cried wow!

"Who is this!"

Empress Asura showed her amazement and raised her hand to catch the little girl. Then, under this catch, the little girl turned into nothingness and disappeared in an instant!

"Linglong Immortal Venerable."

Chen Zheng said.

"Linglong Immortal Venerable?"

Emperor Asura looked puzzled.

"This should be the original life of Linglong Immortal Sovereign, and Gudaotai reflected her original life."

Chen Zheng nodded.

The little baby girl is exactly the same as Linglong Xianzun's little demon girl, without any difference. The only difference is that the little demon girl brought into the Yuanshen by the little girl was real, and the little demon girl was just an ancient shadow reflected in the Daotai.



In nothingness!

A big dark hand stretched out!

The big dark hand caught Chen Zheng!

"Be careful!"

Emperor Shura's face was instantly cold, but Chen Zheng did not fluctuate, and let the dark big hand catch it, and in the next second, the dark big hand hadn't touched the two primordial spirits, and it was shattered!


Emperor Shura was even more puzzled, and suddenly felt a force of repulsion to add herself, as if to force her primal spirit into this mysterious space!

"It's okay."

Chen Zheng said lightly, giving Empress Asura a relieved look, and Empress Asura nodded her head. When she saw the corner of a dark giant city, her Yuanshen directly escaped from this mysterious space!


In the palace, the Emperor Shura opened her eyes. She looked at Chen Zheng. She saw that Chen Zheng's eyes were closed like a stone sculpture, and she was covered with a layer of ghost. She thought for a moment and reached out to touch Chen Zheng, but before touching Chen Zheng, she was bounced away by a strange force.

"Who is Linglong Xianzun...what is that black giant city..."


Inside the mysterious space!

Chen Zheng is already in the dark city!

There is an old man in front of him who is leading him. This long passage is bleak and dull, and a strange power of law is flooding this passage. The old man is sometimes real and sometimes unreal!


After a long passage, the old man whispered and disillusioned.


An ancient door opened, and the front was still bleak!

"You came."

And just as Chen Zhenggang stepped into that ancient door, UU Reading stepped into the dim and dull palace, a murky voice sounded, and as soon as the voice sounded, everything seemed to stand still!

Chen Zheng glanced over the palace and saw a figure, that is a man, sitting on a dark throne, the man has a face, the magic is extreme!

This face!

Chen Zheng has seen it!

This face is the face that came out of the Western Emperor Realm a few days ago when he put on the palm sky mask!

"Since you are here, why don't you invite the future robbery master, the ninth robbery master and Linglong Immortal Venerable to come out and see you, when the people are here, I will kill you all!"

On the Dark Throne!

The strange man suddenly smiled!

This laugh!

Extremely evil!

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