Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 811: Tianguan is coming! Dragon Slaughter Conference!

"Ancient Maori... Is Taitian the oldest wilderness Maori..."

Mu Yun asked blankly.

"Maybe a ancestor."

Chen Zheng smiled casually.

"Zu Wu!"

"Zu Wu!"


When everyone around me heard it, their faces changed greatly, especially Dean Du. At this moment, I vaguely remembered the Holy Text that I had seen in the past, and there was a sense of destiny suddenly in my heart!

Was it that in the Xuanhuang World, I was squeezed by my colleagues in the academy and came to the Holy Spirit Realm, and I came to the Tianhai City, and today I met the son in front of me, everything is destined?

Dean Du thought of this, and he suddenly shuddered in his heart. He remembered that it was only after seeing that holy scripture that he had a series of things that were later excluded.

"Fate...who can break free...this day is shackled.........oh!"

Dean Du sighed with emotion.

"If the starry sea is really a place where ancestors and witches are reincarnated, then... Mo Di is really nothing. Of course, whether it is Mo Di or Zu Wu, it is too terrible for us. Tianhai In the history of the city, the most powerful monk is the Golden Immortal Consummation. In the final analysis, the Holy Spirit Realm is only a medium-thousand-world world with a little heritage, and it can’t get out of the level of quasi-holy ancestors. If there is a quasi-holy, ancestor or The sage sits in town and is not afraid of the resurrection of a ancestor."

The pastoral head also sighed.

In the Holy Spirit world, the Golden Immortal Holy Spirit family is already a first-class Holy Spirit family, and the top Holy Spirit family generally has the kind of immortal Daojun sitting in town. As far as the shepherd family master knows, in the entire Holy Spirit world, I am afraid that there is only the Spirit Master of the Holy Mound.

It's just that the Spirit Lord never really showed up, and no one knows what the Spirit Lord looks like.

"Although Dean Xiu is currently staying at the level of Jinxian, he has already learned about the Holy Path in the poems, exited into chapters, and pulled the avenue. If Dean Du returns to the Xuanhuang World, he can be promoted to Daojun or even Tiandi in a short time. It may lead to the holy position, not to say that it is a heavenly saint, it is not a problem to become a quasi-saint.

Chen Zheng glanced at Dean Du.

"Ah? This..."

Upon hearing this, President Du fell into silence. He was tempted, but if he left the Holy Spirit Realm and returned to the world of Xuanhuang, he would abandon Tianhai City and he could not do it. So after a moment of thinking, Dean Du said: "If the horror of the Holy Spirit world may explode this time, the old decay is still alive, and the old decay will return to the world of Xuanhuang!"

"Pastor, go and ask Fairy Menglin to do a dragon banquet."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly and said something to the head of the shepherd family.

"Yes! Juniors, please go and invite Fairy Menglin!"

The shepherd head responded and swept away.

"Hey! Jiaolong Banquet!"

Xiao Gu smiled.


After an hour.

Everyone had a meal.

"Menglin Fairy's cooking skills are truly unparalleled, and she deserves to be a disciple of the God of Food. After eating a dragon feast, I even rose to several small realms. It is already a ninth-order Xuanxian. The means of the God of Food is really different. ordinary!"

The head of the shepherd family held a fist at Fairy Menglin.

Mu Yun is also unbelievable. She is an immortal. After eating Jiaolong Banquet, although she has not broken through the border, the power of the fairy in her body is at least a second-order Xuanxian level. Of course, the Moxa Dragon in Golden Fairyland is very important as an ingredient, but the person who cooks it is even more critical, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for me to absorb Moxa Dragon's power so easily.

"The pastor has a reputation, and Meng Lin's cooking skills are far worse than that of the master. If the master comes to do this dragon feast, the pastor will be a golden fairy after eating it, and Miss Mu Yun is already a mysterious fairy. Fairy Menglin shook her head gently and said that her eyes fell on Chen Zheng's face. After looking at Chen Zheng for a few more moments, she said: "This son's appearance...comes quite well with a wooden sculpture carved by my master. For similarity, when I first saw the son, Meng Lin thought she had seen a real person...Have you ever been to Yunjie?"

"Tianhaicheng Chengmu Muge came out to take orders!"

Fairy Menglin had just asked, a red awn came in, turned into a red robe monk, and fell over the pastoral compound. The red robe monk was condescending and swept down with an indifferent glance!


The pastoral head raised a brow!

"Sky Crown Law Purpose..."

Fairy Menglin frowned slightly.

"Tianhai City guards Mu Ge's purpose!"

The head of the shepherd family got up and responded with a slight lowered head.

"On the order of the Crown of the Heavenly Crown, call the great guards of the Holy Spirit Realm and the head of the Holy Spirit Family, and arrive at the Heavenly Crown City within three days!" Everyone in the courtyard froze for a moment when they saw the golden crown on the small bone, and then said: "Pastor, you must arrive at Tianguan City within three days, otherwise you will be at your own risk! You must also arrive in Tianguan City within that time! At this point, you have to go to the top city, so you don’t have to send it!"


The words fell!

The red robe monk turned into a red awn and swept toward the southwest!

"Does a golden fairy pose so high."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Chiyan is one of the five ambassadors of Tianguan City. Tianguan City is the largest city in the Holy Spirit world. It gathers several first-class Holy Spirit families. In addition, there is a top Holy Spirit family, namely the Tianjia. It was extremely profound. At that time, the Tian family had graciousness to the major holy families. The major holy spirit families cast a piece of heaven order to the heaven family.

Wrangler whispered.

"Xiaoqing, a person from the Tian family, had met one at first, and it didn't feel like a person. There was a feeling that he couldn't speak."

Xiaoqing shook his head gently.

"Open it and see."

Fairy Menglin said.

The head of the nomadic family nodded and opened the crown of the heavenly crown. I saw the golden gleam flashing, and a line of gold characters appeared. Even if this line of gold characters appeared, even the golden fairy level creatures such as Xiao Qing and Dean Du felt a sense of oppression. , As if to see the law, you have to kneel!

The head of the pastoral family took a deep breath and chanted out the gold words in a low voice: "The Yanyu City Holy Spirit Ghost and Holy Dragon made a huge mistake. Three days later, Tianguan City held the Dragon Slaughter Conference to slaughter the ghost Holy Dragon to warn the world! Tianhai Mu Ge, the head of the city's shepherd family, and Fairy Menglin, the **** of food, went to Tianguan City to observe the ceremony!"

As soon as it came out, the head of the shepherd family looked at Chen Zheng.

"The Emperor Xingsu Haimo has been awakened, and the disaster of the Tianhai City is unpredictable. The owner of the Tianguan City does not send people to help, but suddenly a dragon slaughter meeting is made, and I and Meng Lin fairy went to watch the ceremony..."

The pastoral master could not help shaking his head for a while.

The change of the starry sea must have spread throughout the Holy Spirit world. However, this Heavenly Crown Law sent by the Heavenly Crown City was silent on the word, but instead said that it was necessary to get a dragon slaughter meeting to make the shepherd master feel chills.

"Ghost Holy Dragon... isn't that old dragon? What did that old dragon to be slaughtered?"

Xiao Gu blinked and looked at Chen Zheng.

"Seniors know ghost ghost dragon?"

The pastoral master was shocked.

"I only entered the Holy Spirit Realm, and the Emperor Haimo Emperor woke up here, and the Heavenly Crown City was about to slaughter the Ghost and the Holy Dragon. This is really a coincidence."

Chen Zheng seemed to be a non-smiler, glancing up into the sky.


In an instant!

Something on the sky dome seems to be passing away!

"That is......!"

Xiao Qing was shocked, and Dean Du's herdsman was also shocked, as if there was something in the sky peeping at the herdsman!

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