Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 813: Give despair to the emperor's family!


The ancient temple vibrates!

I saw this area lifted off the ground and took off into the sky three hundred feet above the center of the Sky Crown City!


The enchantment that shrouded the ancient temple is broken!

But at the next moment, over the ancient temple, huge eyes emerged, no more than a total of twelve, a cold and merciless eyes locked Chen Zheng at this moment! A sense of horror oppression instantly enveloped Tianguan City!

"Eye of Heaven!"

"The Eye of Heaven's Punishment!"

"Heaven is here!"

In the Sky Crown City, whether it is a human being or the Holy Spirit, even the Golden Immortal Holy Spirit of the Six Saints family, this moment is trembling!


That is not the heavenly way of the Holy Spirit world!

That’s the heaven of the world!

You can kill the Golden Immortal Spirit with just one glance!

"Sure enough, the Dragon Slaughter Conference is just an introduction. The Tian family is to introduce the young man to the Tianguan City. The Tian family is to kill the young man. It is not intended to form an alliance with our Liu family. Our Liu family are only chess pieces!"

In the Liujia ancient courtyard of the Holy Spirit, a young man frowned, looking at the hanging ancient temple, and looking at the twelve punishment eyes that were less than a thousand feet from the ground. At this moment, he had a very bad hunch!

"Huh! The Tian family is from the world of thousands, and they are always first-class, and there is also the first-class strength! Cheer, don’t be entangled with these, the young man will be a fit monk, no matter how big the origin is, how powerful it is today. No doubt! When the Tianjia destroys this kid, he will help me to catch the woman, and as long as you take care of that woman, Qier, you will be able to become the evil body, and you will be eligible to go to the world and the world. Those arrogances are fighting! Now our Liu family, just feel at ease to be a dog for the Tian family!"

A middle-aged man sneered.

"Being a dog to the heavenly family..." The young man whispered, looking at the hanging ancient temple and sighed, "Does Liu Qi want to be a dog to the heavenly family in my life...I am not willing!"

"Since you are unwilling, then wait for the woman to be caught by the Tian family. The woman's physique is very special. You have to use the secret method to supplement the woman before you are eligible to jump out of the Holy Spirit!"

The middle-aged man snorted.

"Ji Yuwei..."

The young man whispered a name.



Thunder rolling!

The gray light of the twelve heavenly punishment eyes hit the ancient temple, and the ancient temple was shocked. Then it was enveloped by the gray light and another enchantment was formed!


Not an enchantment!

That's a big battle!

A large array of transparent nothingness but terrifying terror!

"That breath!"

"My Dao Zun!"

"Can Jinxian survive the incense burner time!"


In all kinds of exclamations, a crack appeared on the small bone, but the golden crown of the sun **** on its head flashed, and the crack was repaired instantly!



Cracked again at the next moment!


The bone showed a fierce color, and the power of the reverse road circulated wildly, but it was repaired and cracked, and the power of the reverse road could not hold it!

"The Great Refinement of Heaven has been completed. This is the supreme mystery. It is the forbidden technique of the Heavenly Palace. This method can even refine the quasi-holy and even the ancestors of the thousands of worlds. Chen Zu, your spiritual pet, will soon become nothing. "The old man's phantom showed a sarcasm. After a sneer, a face sank down again, and he looked at Chen Zheng with a look that looked down on life and death: "Chen Zu, you don't know, our Tianjia is waiting for this day already After waiting for thousands of years, we thought that we could not wait for this day, and we still wait for you today! In this large array of refining heaven, all living things must be refined, including the people of my family. Including me! Chen Zu, Chen Zu, in the Heavenly Dao Palace, the people of my Tian family were like ants in front of you. If you want to kill, you can kill, if you want to wipe it, wipe it off.


Chen Zhengzheng returned a word without any fluctuation, grabbed it, and saved the small bone into Yuanshen.


A flash of gray!

The old ghost ghost cracks!

"Chen Zu, Chen Zu, when Tianhe saw you for the first time, you were the most respected person in Tianhe. The awe of Tianhe even surpassed the awe of Tiandao, but in the did it yourself I killed my grandfather and my father! Chen Zu, let you die with me and the children of the Tian family today, to sacrifice the elders of the Tian family to the spirit of the heaven!"

The old man is another sentence. After this sentence, a figure flew out of the ancient palace, among which there was the old man's flesh. The old man's phantom merged into the flesh, and the flesh opened his eyes and stared at Chen Zheng again!

"Sacrifice me the spirit of the ancestors of the Emperor Tianjia!"

The old man shouted!

"Sacrifice me the spirit of the ancestors of the Emperor Tianjia!"

Every day, the children of the Tian family shouted in unison at this moment, staring at Chen Zheng, as if to look down on life and death!



Under Xuan Xian Realm, the children of the Tian family burst into blood mist!



In an instant!

The twelve heavenly punishment eyes linked to the blood, and the power of the refining sky array instantly tripled!


"What are the heavens talking about!"

"Are you killing yourself!"

In the Heavenly Crown City, the Six Saints family, and the rest of the creatures, all eyes widened at this moment! Although they could see Chen Zheng and the children of the Tian family in the formation, they could not hear the sound in the formation, so they could not understand it at this moment!

Did the children of the heaven family sacrifice to enhance the power of the terrible large formation?

"It seems...My Liu family doesn't need to be a dog for Tianjia..."

In the Liujia Ancient Courtyard of the Holy Spirit, the head of the Liu family gleamed in consternation.

"It seems that Tianxiao is not... Tianxiao is afraid that it has already been sent to the world."

The young man shook his head.

"Tian Xiao! Hmm? It's really not there! A Tianhe ancestor, actually left a hand! Huh!"

The middle-aged man immediately swept around and then snorted.


This is the moment!

In front of the ancient hall, more than ten figures burst into blood mist!

That's the mystery of the heaven family!

This burst!

The gray pupils of the twelve punishment eyes turned into blood pupils!



The power of Liantian Dazhen has skyrocketed at least ten times!


The golden fairy of the Tian family, at this moment, the flesh was directly fragmented, and instantly burst into blood mist!


The twelve eyes of heaven and earth roared!


Terror and coercion shrouded in!

Heavenly Crown City split instantly!



In the sky crown city!

Almost all creatures kneel involuntarily at this moment!

Even if the Great Celestial Enclave only enveloped the ancient temple, the Sky Crown City was only affected, but the horror and coercion that escaped from it could not be supported by the ancient Holy Spirits of the Six Saints!

"Chen Zu..."

In the southwest corner of Tianguan City, the black light shrouded the black robe of the woman, which could withstand the horrible coercion and whispered at the moment.


Lian Tian Da Zhen!

Before the ancient temple!

The flesh of the old man and several other old men were also torn apart, and the other old man's spirits could not bear it, and instantly burst into blood mist!


The terrible coercion fell down!


In the sky crown city!

Almost all buildings are cracked!

Chen Zheng's body!

The fairy that had been wearing it for some years also cracked at this moment!

"Haha! Hahaha! Even the Great Celestial Array can even be refined by the ancestors of thousands of worlds. Chen Zu and Chen Zu all said that you are an immortal being. I finally started killing you to the town today. ! Now as soon as I die, I will sacrifice again, there will be no more Chen Zu in this world!"

The old man's residual soul laughs and laughs!

"This fairy dress... was woven for me by splendid embroidery..." Chen Zheng glanced at the cracked fairy dress, his brow furrowed slightly, then shook his head, and raised his right hand to the old man. Soul caught: "In this case, I will give you the despair of the emperor's family forever."

"Humph! Do you really think you were that invincible Chen Zu? You are already abolished! Chen Zu! Let's turn into dust together with Tianhe!"

The old man roared!

The remnant soul explodes!



The old man sacrificed!

Liantian Dajin Shenwei instantly skyrocketed dozens of times!


Sky Crown City is directly reduced to ruins!

Even if the Heavenly Crown City is not within the range of the Celestial Realm, it can't bear the terrible pressure of this horror at this moment. All the buildings are turned into ruins, and the creatures in the Heavenly Crown City are terrified to the extreme that they are all dead!



Twelve eyes of **** punishment screamed at Chen Zheng!

Liantian Dazhen began to compress!


And Chen's face was cold, and when he raised his head, it was a cold and ruthless roar!

The twelve eyes were stunned with **** punishment, and the **** color disappeared instantly, turning into a gray pupil. This moment is no longer indifferent and merciless. At this moment, there is only fear. This moment reminds me of the fear once dominated by the man in front of me!


Twelve punishment eyes are broken!


The Liantian Great Formation is broken!


Chen Zheng snorted, and lifted a blue cyan light in his right hand. The old man who blew the Yuanshen was remodeled at this moment, not only the Yuanshen remodeled, but also his body.



However, he was dumbfounded!

Where is the Liantian Dazhen?

Where are the twelve punishment eyes?

He doesn't want to live!

He wanted to kill Chen Zheng!

But Refining the Great Array is enough to refining the ancestors, it seems that in the end, it only makes the man's fairy clothes crack!

"Lost... failed..."

The old man opened his mouth puffed down and knelt on the floor, thinking of Chen Zheng's words of despair that endowed the emperor's family forever!


The old man is struck by lightning!

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