Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 820: Heaven Emperor lifted the coffin Taboo in this world!


Three dragons in chaos over the Holy Mound!

There are only three creatures at the level of the emperor!

But this moment!

More than ten creatures at the level of God Emperor!

Poseidon Mirage is stunned!

The practitioners who watched from a distance were also dumbfounded!


In front of the Holy Mound!

Originally equivalent to three Heavenly Emperor Wars, now... Now it has become more than a dozen Heavenly Emperors, is the holy mound so terrible! Just what is that weird black awn just now, why the ten or so sacred mound monks become weird as soon as they catch up with the ten or so sacred mound monks who have escaped!





Emperor Tianlong, Emperor Mo, and the dragon-shaped Holy Spirit roared at the same time!


The dozen or so sacred monks of the sacred mound at the level of the heavenly emperor also screamed and roared. They almost rushed to the front of the dragon emperor and the emperor of Molong. !

Fly to smoke!

Emperor Tianlong and Emperor Mo were all stunned. They looked at each other and separated, and swept to the land of 800 feet above the holy mound. They each occupied an area and stared at the dragon-shaped Holy Spirit below!

this moment!

Although the dragon-shaped holy spirit spread its teeth and claws, it did not continue to attack. It hangs ten feet above the holy mound, as if it has been ordered inside the holy mound to block it outside and prevent anyone from entering the holy mound!

"Just... what's going on!"

Poseidon Mirage growled!

"Damn it! It's weird! More than a dozen Xuan Xian suddenly became aliens and became Heavenly Emperor, and all of them suddenly disappeared!"

"My day! The holy mound is terrible! That method is too weird! What level is the holy mound spirit master!"

"Why don't we withdraw, and wait and see if there are some weird things coming out, we will all be finished!"

The practitioners who watched from a distance felt more and more strange at this moment. Many people said that they were withdrawing, but none of them withdrew. They still stayed on the sidelines, and they didn't seem to want to miss this opportunity!

And many people already have a hunch, this time maybe you can see the earth-shattering creatures appear! If you evacuate now, I am afraid you will miss a chance to learn!

Holy mound!

Holy mound!

What is buried underneath!

"Unable to control this force, ultimately it is self-destruction."

Chen Zheng chuckled.

"Humph! Continue to pretend to be a ghost!"

Poseidon Mirage said she ignored Chen Zheng. In fact, she secretly overheared. She glanced at Chen Zheng with a cold eye. She was very unhappy. Chen Xing couldn't wait to slapping Chen Zheng with a slap.

"Spirit... Lord Spirit Lord..."

Inside the sacred mound, an old man shivered tremblingly, and the rest of the sacred monks also showed horror, and all backed away! They saw a black qi, a human form condensed by the black qi. Although it is not the body of the holy mound spirit master, it was a thought of the holy mound spirit master, but this thought is very strange at this moment, and it sweeps them. Eyes make them shudder!



The condensed humanoid figure shot out of the Holy Mound and fell directly on the head of the dragon-shaped Holy Spirit. After glancing at both the Dragon Emperor and the Emperor Mo, he suddenly smiled strangely: "One Dragon, one ancient Black Dragon, used to sacrifice It should be enough."

"That's the Spirit Master of the Holy Tomb?"

"is this real?"

"do not know!"

The practitioners watching from a distance exclaimed this figure one by one!


Emperor Tianlong raised a brow.


Emperor Modi's dark and deep black pupil stared at the Spirit Master with only a cold hum.

"Do you believe it? Ha! Ha ha! Ha ha ha!"

The figure opened his mouth and said that there was another smirk. Between the smirk, it suddenly split into two, turned into two black air, and rushed to Tianlong Emperor and Modi almost instantly!


Emperor Molong, the Dragon Emperor, roared at the same time to extinguish the black gas, but the black gas not only did not die, but turned into a gruesome and terrible face, and it disappeared into the two dragons! The crowd hadn't responded yet, and they heard two shocking dragons. The dragon-shaped holy spirit spread out, and the two behemoths with a body over a thousand feet fell into the holy mound!


Loud noise!

"My father!"

Poseidon Mirage exclaimed, at this moment there was confusion on his face!

"the host......"

The small bone frowned.

"It's okay."

Chen Zheng only smiled.

"Fuck! You are about to be finished, you are still pretending to be calm, still pretending to be a ghost! Boy, if you have powerful means, hurry up now!"

Emperor Poseidon's eyes shot at him and snarled at Chen Zheng.

"You do not understand."

Chen Zheng was too lazy to look at Mirage and smiled only slightly.

"It's finally started. It's okay for the human race, the Hai people, or the Holy Spirit. I can see this thing in this world today, and this life is worth it!"

A voice sounded!

Then a figure swooped out of the sacred mound!

I saw a person standing in the air, dancing in a white robe, wearing a crown of nothingness, and a face covered by a wooden mask decorated with strange patterns, so that people could not see his true face!

"Spirit Lord!"

"See the Spirit Lord!"

"Everything, every soul!"

Inside the holy mound, monk holy mound shouted in unison on this knee!

Spirit Lord!

It turns out that the figure in the air is the Lord of the Holy Tomb!

The true spirit master!

"Come! This thing must be lifted by the spirits of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and it must be the Holy Spirit of the Heavenly Emperor Realm that inherited the oldest blood! Come! Tianlong Black Dragon, lift it from the ground for this seat!"

Lingzhu lifted his right hand and opened his mouth to order!


Inside the Holy Tomb!

The behemoths of the two Heavenly Emperor Realms seemed to be controlled by their minds, and they roared at the moment, and then lifted out the invisible black air in the deepest part of the Holy Tomb!


In an instant!

The giant beasts of the two Heavenly Emperor Realms flew out of the Holy Mound, like two servants at the moment, hanging in the air! And between the behemoths in the two emperor realms, there is a thing suspended in the air several meters higher than the two emperor real dragons!

At a glance!

It seems that the two emperor real dragons carried the thing!

That thing is a black coffin!

Around the Holy Mound!


Poseidon Mirage is silent!

The monks in the holy mound were also shocked, and they didn't seem to know that there was a coffin hidden deep in the holy mound!

The practitioners watching from a distance are also silent!



The coffin made a vision!


The monk watching in the distance couldn't help but burst out a sloppy One by one, the expression was terrifying. At this moment, it was not only scalp tingling, but also felt creepy.

"Sure enough, the emperor still needs to lift the coffin to lift you out. I waited in the Holy Spirit world for so many years, and finally waited until today. Now it's time for me to swallow your taboo!"

Sacred Mound Spirit Lord opened his mouth, and suddenly fell in front of the hanging wooden coffin, and then fell to the corner of the wooden coffin in front of everyone, and the wooden mask on his face suddenly broke down and exposed the lower half. Half of the face!

next moment!

I saw a big mouth!

He bit down at the corner of the wooden coffin!

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