Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 823: Yuanling appears!

?this moment!

It's really silent!

The monks around the holy mound are almost silly!


The old man shouted!

Induced thunder and thunder!

The black qi that blocked the Holy Spirit Realm rolled above, condensing a huge and fierce demon face. The demon faces all stared at Chen Zheng, as if to see Chen Zheng through, but after counting the magic face All shattered, turned into black gas!


Originally, Emperor Mo has burned his roots to display the secret method, and the black mansions are all lit up. At this moment, Mo Di forcibly interrupted the secret method!

He stayed!

He wants to see if he will go!

"Holy...the corpse is begging him..."

Poseidon Mirage returned to God, looking at the two figures in front of the hanging wooden coffin, dumbfounded!

Hanging in front of the wooden coffin!

There are two figures!

Stand alone in the air!

Kneel alone in the air!

But whether it is in the eyes of the Mirage or the Cultivators, what is seen at the moment is extremely strange, because the person standing in it is only a young man who is a true Yuanxiu, but the kneeling is a saint!

This Nima!

This is reversed!



The breath released at the moment when the coffin was released was terrifying. Even if the holy throne has been lost and is no longer a saint, the corpse after the change can definitely have the saint's combat power! This level of creatures is above the beings of heaven and earth, how can this level of creatures kneel to others!

But now!

The corpse really kneeled!

And the cry of the corpse was calling for help from the young man!

"You... don't you know only the monsters that kill? How did you kneel for this kid? Why are you asking for help from this kid? No! This is not right! Yuan Ling's dog thing passed to this seat thousands of years ago and said, You monster has long become a monster that is more ruthless than heaven! Although Yuan Ling is not a good thing, but that guy knows all things, he knows all the secrets of the heavens and the world! Could it be... he Deceived Lao Tzu!"

Sacred Mound Spirit Lord's head remains, and at this moment, when he came back to the sky, he roared wildly: "Yuan Ling! Yuan Ling! You dog lie to me! Damn! Damn! You created Lao Tzu, and let Lao Tzu inherit you Part of the memory, do you just play with Lao Tzu! Dog stuff! Lao Tzu is going to kill you! Dog stuff! The corpse has rebelled, your plan is about to fail, don't you show up yet!"

Emperor Tianlong and Ji Yuwei heard this roar and frowned again!

Yuan Ling!

Yuan Ling Zun!

This time it won't be wrong!

The Yuan Ling shouted by the Holy Tomb Spirit is definitely the Yuan Ling Supreme Venerable who was mysteriously missing in the Eight Wilderness Ancient Lands!

Yuan Ling is still alive!

Not only alive!

And it seems to have reached a level at least on par with the saint!



The remaining head of the holy tomb blasted away!


Sacred Mound Spirit Master is completely annihilated!


All the practitioners took a breath, because they all saw it. It was the old man kneeling in front of Chen Zheng, the hand from the saint! The holy corpse just lifted his hand and wiped the holy tomb spirit master!

Although the Holy Mound Spirit Lord has lost the terrible taboo power before, his primordial spirit is also the level of the heavenly emperor. Raising his hand to kill the primordial spirit of the level of the heavenly emperor, the holy corpse definitely has the power of a saint!


Even more terrifying!

"This guy... is threatening his master?"

Next to Ji Yuwei, Xiao Gu raised his brow slightly. It has seen the samsara saint body in the spiritual world. The saint saint has not kneeled the master, so the old saint corpse has kneeled the master. It does not feel much surprised, but takes it for granted.


Now the old corpse corpse seems to be threatening with action... or to warn the master!

If the owner does not nod?

Does this guy dare to do anything with his master?

Is it really dare to destroy the Holy Spirit Realm?

"You are threatening me."

The public repaired his breath, Chen Zheng smiled and asked the corpse.

"No... not dare!"

The corpse responded!

"Are you afraid of the Yuanling coming through the Holy Spirit Master?"

Chen Zheng raised his head and glanced up at the heavenly vault of the Holy Spirit Realm, which was blocked by the black air.

"Yuan...Yuanling...My enemy of life and death! My Lord...evil...Yuanling is also evil!"

The corpse spoke again!


When Xiu heard this sentence, his heart was full of words!

My lord!

The two words mentioned by the corpse are extremely critical!

The corpse even has a master!


The combat power is at least a saint level!

And the corpse has a master!

What level is the master of the corpse!

Above the saints, is not only the heaven and the heaven!

"It's over!"

"We seem to have heard something terrible, we are going to be silenced!"

"We shouldn't have come to see the excitement. When he opened the saint's coffin just now, we should have withdrawn!"

The practitioners who watched from afar, all looked sad and sad, crying without tears! They are not stupid, knowing that the holy corpse is involved in terrible creatures, that is, they can wipe out such horrible creatures of golden immortals with just a thought! I am just a ant, but now I know that the existence of that kind of creature, if that kind of creature is going to die, I have no chance to escape!

So at this moment, this group of monks who come to see the excitement regrets the most!

The monks in the sacred mound are more afraid than anyone at this moment, because the sacred sacred spirit lord is dead, and the moment the sacred sacred sacred spirit lord dies, the dragon-shaped sacred spirit of the sacred sacred sacred spirit also shattered silently! Now the rest of the sacred tomb, let alone face the corpse, even face Emperor Mo, there is no resistance!


It's all over!

"Master of the corpse..."

Mo Di whispered, and his face sank completely. What he heard at the moment was beyond his cognition, because his master was not at the level of saints! Maybe I should have left just now, and I should have just escaped this area with mystery and returned to the starry sea directly!

"Yuanling and your master are all evil generations." At this time, Chen Zheng glanced at the kneeling corpse, and said in a vague voice, then raised his head and looked at the dark sky dome. He smiled and said, "Yuan Ling seems to be here. I always think that the thing in the sky is Yuan Ling, but it doesn't look like a thing."


The sound of Chen Zheng has not completely fallen yet. A divine light penetrated the black gas that blocked the Holy Spirit Realm. At this moment, he came to the Holy Spirit Realm and descended above the Holy Tomb! All the creatures around the sacred mound raised their heads and stared at the divine light!

Shenguang did not completely fall but turned into a face in the sky!

This face is weird!

This face is half man and half woman!


"That half is indeed the Yuanling Supreme Venerable in the Eight Wastelands!"

Ji Yuwei was amazed. Emperor Tianlong whispered and recognized the face of the man on the other side. That was indeed the face of Yuan Huang Lingzun in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, but who was the other half of the woman’s face? The true face of Yuan Ling Dazun?

"Holy corpse... to me!"

The face opened, without any human emotion, as if it was more indifferent than Heavenly Dao!

The corpse shuddered when he heard this sentence!

"who are you?"

Chen Zheng asked with a light smile.

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