Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 826: Into the stars

? "Holy Coffin"

Chen Zheng thought for a moment, and grabbed the holy coffin that fell to the ground. The holy coffin suddenly shrank, as if a golden box fell into his hands.

"Can this thing grow larger and smaller freely?

The bone showed curiosity.

Chen Zheng did not explain, glanced at the saint coffin in his hand, and threw the saint coffin directly into the Xuya space. The cantilever of the universe has scanned the holy coffin, and Chen Zheng has seen something. The internal structure of the holy coffin is very similar to that of the flying shuttle of the Seven Princesses. Obviously this is not a coincidence, but he did not pay much attention to it.

After thinking for a while, Chen Zheng raised his head and looked at the heavenly heaven where the Holy Spirit Realm had returned to normal: "Shen Dao League Supreme Hall Buddhism Gate, what is the immortal dynasty of the Thousand World Family, the ancestor of the demon domain in the heavens, some guys in the Buddha domain, pointing There may also be saints and the like. The immortal Taoism in the Taixu, the eternal ancestors of the Tao, the killing of the vertical and horizontal, plus the old monsters of the past era of destruction. Now count, there are indeed a lot of people to kill. Every time a hole card is used to kill a person, there is also a limit to the hole card. It seems that it is necessary to repair Zhenyuan as soon as possible."


Emperor Tianlong stunned.

There are so many things that Chen Zu mentioned that I have never heard of, and it is definitely not easy to just listen to the name. Are there so many enemies of Chen Zu?

"Go back to Tianhai City, then go to Xingsuhai to wake up that guy."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Emperor Tianlong grasped the spirit and showed the body of Tianlong directly. After a while, Chen Zheng took the dragon and walked out of the sacred tomb. Hearing only a long chant from Tianlong, Tengyun drove the fog towards Tianhai City.

Tianhai City.


"My God! What a big white dragon!"

"God! What level of Holy Spirit is this!"

More than a thousand feet of white dragons plundered, and the whole city was shocked. In the pastoral yard, the pastoral head and Mu Yun also widened their eyes, because they saw Chen Zheng on the back of Bailong for the first time.

"Ooooo! Big master!"

Others hadn't responded yet, the Longhuang Battle Banner flew into the sky with a whimper, whizzing around the white dragon for a while.


Mysterious light flashed.

Bai Long narrowed and landed in the herdsman's yard, turning into a middle-aged man wearing an emperor's robe.

"Chen Zu and Lord Tianlong"

Xiaoqing shouted, looking at Tianlong Emperor's eyes a little complicated at the moment.

"Sister Green Snake"

Emperor Tianlong saw Xiaoqing, stunned slightly, and then sighed.

"Dragon Emperor"

Pastoral Master and Mu Yun dumbfounded.

"You slowly reminisce, and President Du and I will go to the starry sea."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly and looked at Dean Du.

"it is good!"

Chief Du responded.


The starlight flashed, and the star chap appeared above the herdsman. Chen Zheng took Ji Yuwei and Dean Du to the star chase, and directly plunged into the sea of ​​stars.


Mu Yun opened her mouth slightly, not knowing what to say at this moment.

"Senior Chen's work is really popular."

The shepherd sighed.


Constellation Sea.

There has been a storm.

"Probably half before the incense sticks, there was dragon blood splashing in the sky of the stars, and then Mo Di appeared in the depths of the stars."

Dean Du thought of what he had seen before and said at this moment.

"The black dragon with that princess Mirage escaped from the sacred mound must have been injured. The guy has a realm of emperor realm, but his head seems not so good, there is no treacherous sea god."

Xiao Bone said.

"Is it possible that Senior Chen Zeng has leveled the Holy Mound?"

Dean Du was surprised and asked cautiously.

"The sacred monks are destroyed anyway."

Little bone casually said.

President Du shuddered, sighed, and was so emotional that he could not speak.

"This starry sea may be a chance for Xiaogu and Yuwei to advance."

Chen Zheng glanced at the starry sea below, and the starlight star struck into the sea.


Upon hearing this, Ji Yuwei only uttered these two words in a low voice, and there was no obvious joy on his face. In her past life, she was a great ancestor of the Eight Wilderness Lands and Waters, and the Water Spirits respected the murderer's ancestors. This life has awakened the memories of the previous life, and it is also somewhat affected by the memories of the previous life.

Ji Yuwei didn't want to go any further, and wiped away the thoughts in his heart, and said nothing.


Xingcha only dived less than three hundred feet under water, and huge beasts rushed out of the water, and the giant mouth bite toward Xingcha one by one. The small bone glanced at it, and flew out at once, taking a small bite. The huge beast was swallowed by it in one shot.

"It tastes good."

Xiao Gufei came back and landed on Chen Zheng's shoulder to comment on the food.

Dean Du has nothing to say, just now that the beast has a high-level Xuanxian cultivation behavior, and this little beast of Chen Gongzi looks no special magic, but just flew out just now, and swallowed the beast in a single photo .


Chen Gongzi is not easy!

Chen Gongzi's spirit beast is not simple!

This should also be a strange world!

Dean Du thought of the egret bird that had accompanied him for hundreds of years.



In the deep sea of ​​the starry sea, there was a strange vibration sound, as if a hidden force was released! And at the next moment, everyone on Xingcha smelled an extremely **** gas!

"This is the breath of Emperor Mo!"

Dean Du felt it, and his face sank!

Emperor Mo!

Is it self-mutilation!

The majestic blood coming out of the deep sea did not actively attack others, so Emperor Mo was going to prepare to sacrifice himself and prepare to wake up the ancient witch who reincarnated and slept in the starry sea?

Chen Zheng lifted his right hand, Xingcha turned into a streamer in the sea water, and immediately dived thousands of feet!


Xingcha came under the deep sea, directly passed through a water curtain enchantment, and directly appeared in the underwater city pool within the water curtain enchantment!

"Lying trough!"

When looking at the scene in the underwater city pool, the small bone opened his eyes!


Dean Du's brow Di is dead"

Ji Yuwei frowned.


The huge underwater city pool wrapped in this water curtain encircles a huge black dragon lying over a thousand feet, but it is still motionless, and the dragon blood is all around the black dragon! Above the black dragon, a figure is devouring the blood of the black dragon crazy!

That figure is the sea **** Mirage!

"Hey! Hey! Old things! Your power finally belongs to me! You can feel at ease with the old things, I am your bloodline, and now inherit your power, you can rest assured that I will fulfill your last wish, Help you wake up the sleeping ancient power!" Phantom Emperor Yin laughed, raised his head violently, and looked towards Xingcha, it seemed that Yin Xie's eyes fixed on Chen Zheng: "Chen Zu you Are you here? You have used Arcadia in the Holy Tomb. I bet you cannot use Arcadia continuously in a short time, so no matter what you are for, I have prepared a cage for you!"

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