Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 828: It's just a group of remnants!


"Ancestral Witch of Water!"

Two exclamations!

Dean Du and Ji Yuwei respectively!

At this moment, the two stared at the witch clan, who was rushing towards Xingcha!

"Gong Gong?" Xiao Gu glanced, and Xiao Xiao's face was calm and commented: "This guy looks okay. If it's not a person, if it's a snake god, Xiao Gu really wants to swallow him!"

"Humph!" Over ten Mirages over there listened and sneered at the same time: "Little reptile, you still want to devour an ancestor witch, you dare to think! You little reptile, you are about to die, do you know! "

"Mentally handicapped!"

Xiao Gu straightened his eyes back straight!


this moment!

Zu Wu Gong Gong has flew onto the Xingcha deck!

"Haha! Die! Chen Zu, everyone around you is going to die! At this step, don't you sacrifice the treasure!"

More than ten Mirage laughed!



Zu Wu Gong Gong is set on the deck of Xingcha!

I saw the pale blue mysterious light flashed, and then I heard a clatter. Something inside Zu Wu Gong Gong seemed to be broken. The ugly face of Zu Wu Gong Gong stayed for a while, his eyes moved, I saw Chen Zheng, and I was clearly seeing Chen Zheng. That face was stupefied again, and then he kneeled with a pop!

"Meet Chen Zu!"





Dean Du!

Ji Yuwei!

More than a dozen Mirage emperors froze at this moment!

"Chen Zu..."

Ji Yuwei cherry took a bite, but it was just two words. In the memory of her past life Shui Lingzun, Chen Zheng was almost a barren ancient land that he went to more than two thousand years ago. Her previous life and the other four great spirit princes had speculated about Chen Zheng's beginning. However, at this moment, after seeing the ancestral witch work, she realized that she had guessed how many great spiritual ancestors had been.

Dean Du was shocked at the moment, and it was the same reason as Ji Yuwei. He also speculated about Chen Zheng. He speculated that Chen was the reincarnation of an ancestor in a great world. Now he also understands that Chen Zheng is definitely not as simple as the reincarnation of the great ancestor of the great world.

Zu Wu knew Chen Gongzi!

Zu Wu will shout Chen Zu!

and so!

Therefore, Chen Gongzi is also a character in ancient mythology!

If you have to relate to your ancestors!

Then it is only possible that ancestor!

And that ancestor is a tremendous person who surpasses the so-called ancestors in more than one realm in the world today!

this moment!

A name appeared in the mind of Dean Du. He shuddered slightly and asked with a bow: "Senior Chen... But the legendary Zixiaogong master reincarnated?"

"No, my host has nothing to do with Hongjun!"

Xiao Bone shook his head directly to respond.


Dean Du froze when he heard it.

" could you be Hongjun..." More than ten Mirage emperors recovered, and more than a dozen eyes stared at Chen Zheng. After a few eyes, Suddenly all the strange colors appeared: "Chen Zu Chen Zu, no wonder the Holy Spirit also called you Chen Zu before, saying that the past thousands of years were your time, and now it seems that your time is much more than the past thousands of years! Well...Now the ancestors and wits work together to worship you, but under the secret technique of creation, the work together must also surrender!"


More than a dozen Mirage emperors, their faces instantly became very cold, and they spoke again in the same moment, but the sound was different!

"Creativity. Control God!"

"Fortune. Yuxian!"

"Cultivation. Zhentian!"

"Fortune. Fuck!"

"good fortune......"

Indifferent voice!

One after another!

I saw a strange light, all added to the Gong Gong kneeling in front of Chen Zheng! Gong Gong raised his head violently. At this moment, a non-human face was extremely unbearable, and he was resisting the magical secrets of mirage cast by Mirage!

"Secret Art of Creation...Fuck..."

Xiao Gu raised his eyebrows and stared at the struggling co-worker. Ji Yuwei and Dean Du instinctively stepped back, and the chemistry secrets were added. The ancestors and witches seemed to be crazy. The quasi-saint level ancestors and witches seemed to be unable to resist the strange secret chemistry.


At this time, the Yinxie laughter sounded again, and more than a dozen Mirage faces changed at this moment. Except for the Mirage body, the rest turned into faces that had never been seen before. At this moment, they were staring at Chen extremely fiercely. positive!

"Chen Zu!"

"Chen Zu, do you still remember the temple of fortune that year!"

"Who destroyed the temple of fortune!"

"The retribution is here!"

"There is no unreasonable hatred in this world, you can understand Chen Zu!"

The sounds were so indifferent!

"Hey! Have all my future masters appeared? I have divided more than ten drops of real blood to allow the masters to descend. How should I stabilize this time! Masters, kill this first People around the guy, then take this guy and the ancestors and witch workers to the world where you are! This guy is very powerful, it seems that the saint can’t kill this guy, but the weakest masters are quasi-sacred, sure There is a way to imprison this guy so that this guy can't turn over forever!"

At this time, the Mirage smiled again and again!

"Prison prison, suppress the world!"


Drink more than ten figures at the same time!


An extremely terrifying coercion is coming towards Xingcha!


Xingcha cracked!

"Chen Zu, don't you sacrifice your treasure!"

Mirage smiled again!

"It's just a group of remnants, a remnant that doesn't even have a flesh, and a remnant that doesn't even dare to come to the body, where is the most precious treasure." Chen Zheng chuckled lightly, his eyes lightly swept over the dozen or so figures: Remnants, do you think that my cultivation is severely degraded, and you can use your trash-like secret chemistry to suppress me? Don’t you know that the secret chemistry you cultivate is just a scrap from beginning to end? If it can only be used to control others, but does not even have a little active combat power, is it also suitable for making?


More than ten figures frowned, and noticed something!


next moment!

They heard a snort!


Terror and hostility were released in Chen Zheng's body!


Dangerous gasification dragon!

Suddenly rushed to the dozen or so figures!

"good fortune.......!"

More than a dozen figures changed was about to open my mouth to perform the chemical secrets, but in a short time, I was ripped by the angry dragon turned into scum!

"The murderer ancestor!"

Ji Yuwei looked at Chen Zheng at the moment and couldn't help shouting out!


At that time in the ancient land of Eight Wastelands!

The reason why Chen Zu is called the ancestor of the murderer, in addition to the slaughter of the strong people of all ethnic groups in the ancient land of eight wastelands, there is another point is the iconic murderous gas, which is the murderous gas released by Chen Zu at this moment!

Even if thousands of years have passed, even if it is just a memory of the past life, Ji Yuwei feels the Yuanshen trembling at this moment, he was almost crushed by Chen Zu's anger at that moment!

Also after that time, his past life Shui Ling Zun fell in love with Chen Zu!

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