Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 837: Who left the whole body?


The middle-aged monk was startled, and suddenly there was a strange feeling, only to see that the scene in front of him was somewhat similar, as if somewhere had heard this!

"Just call me Lu Wuxiao..."

So the middle-aged monk opened his mouth subconsciously, but he was stunned as soon as he said it, looking at Chen Zheng with doubt. Chen Zheng just smiled and glanced into the mine.

"You...really not a Six Demon Devil..."

In the distance, an old man asked carefully.

"You should leave as soon as possible. The Seven Love Sects are really the first great ancestors in the spirit world, and they are also related to the Thunder family of Gouchen Guxing. The Gouchen ancient star Lei family is said to be the descendant of the **** blood of the legendary Gouchen emperor. One of the top three in the land! You killed the Seven Love Sect disciples. The Seven Love Sect will certainly not be willing to give up. Perhaps the arrogance of the Law Enforcement Hall is already on the way, and you can escape!"

Another monk lowered his voice.

"Cloud arrogance! Seventh-order Xuanxian! The ancient Thunder was repaired, and the means was extremely brutal. Once someone provokes him, he directly slaughtered a city with Thunder, and all the creatures in the city were bombarded by Thunder!"

Another old man said in horror.

"Shangsanjia... This word is familiar."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Did you... come from the three ancient stars?" Someone thought of a moment: "Yes! You landed in the Yunshan mine from the sky. When you fall, you will die and die, and you will die with a wave of your hand. It’s time for Mahayana disciples! You are so indifferent, you must be from the three ancient stars!"

The middle-aged monk Lu Wuxiao also looked at Chen Zheng curiously, and now think about it carefully, the mysterious young man in front of him is most likely from the three ancient stars, a child of a strong family on the three ancient stars, used one Play under the pseudonym to the spirit world.


Thinking of this, Lu Wuxiao couldn't help but sigh. At first, he provoked a noble son from the ancient star of Lagerstroemia. That noble son wanted him to be a miner of his life. For the sake of Wuxingmen, he was able to leave the Yunshan mine, but remained in the Yunshan mine.



Raymond flashes in the northwest!


"No! It must be that the Seven Love Sects are coming! Chen Gongzi let's go!"

"This time I have to go. This time I am not a Mahayana monk. This time I am a 7th-order Xuanxian! The 7th-order Xuanxian cloud is already at the top level in the spirit area of ​​the earth, except for a few lords and some Elder Jinxian can defeat him, and the rest of the creatures can't beat him! Moreover, he still practiced the ancient Lei Fa, and he was just overbearing!"

Almost all the slaves in the Yunshan Mine showed horror. Many people whispered and persuaded Chen Zheng to escape.



Just in the next second!

A huge thunder net instantly enveloped the entire Yunshan mine!

"It's over..."

Looking at the thunder net that covered the entire Yunshan mine, looking at the flashing lightnings, the eyes of the miners were desperate!

This is Lei Gang Enchantment!

As long as it is pressed down, everyone in the Yunshan mine will die!


he came!

Seven Love Sect Clouds!

Thunder Wang Yunhuo!


Thunder and lightning!

An old man arrives in no time!


Behind the old man, seven or eight figures also came, all disciples of Seven Love Sects!


The old man was wearing a purple Lei robe. At this moment, Lei Mang was surging, and his double pupils were also purple. After staring at Lu Wucao, he stared directly at Chen Zheng!



The old man's mouth is like a thunderstorm!


The monks in the Yunshan Mine, except Chen Zheng, all spurted blood on the spot. Lu Wuxiao covered his heart and collapsed to the ground as soon as he stepped back! Yunshan mine slaves, all looking pale, looked at the old man with horror. At this moment, apart from fear, there was only despair!

This time!

This time it was really over!

Thunder Wang Yunpao will surely slaughter all the minions to bury his disciples!


Chen Zheng glanced at the old man and shook his head gently.

"You can withstand the thunder and roar of this seat in a fit period, then you are the one who killed my disciples and seven love sect disciples! You sign up for yourself, this seat does not kill unknown people, let this seat see See, which one in the Spirit World has sent a bold disciple like you!"

Thunder Wang Yunhuo cold drink!

"You are weak."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.



Is this kid crazy?

In an instant!

The seven or eight disciples who followed, all collapsed to the ground, the Yunshan mine slaves were all startled!


A fit young man said that Lei Wangyun was so weak!

This Nima!

This Nima has eaten the bear heart leopard gallbladder, this is the dragon heart phobia gallbladder!

"Xuanyin Five Thunder!"

Thunder Wang Yunpao smiled disdainfully, opened his mouth to drink, only listened to the bang, five instant Xuanyin **** thunder appeared above Chen Zheng!

"I don't know if it's a thick boy!"

"What does a fit period count?"

"Every ants dare to provoke Elder Yun, even if they die!"

The seven or eight sons of Qiqingzong had cold drinks one after another!

The Yunshan mine slaves all held their breath and did not dare to have any movements. They had heard of Xuanyin Five Thunders. That was the most terrifying lightning method. At first, the thunder king Yunbiao was Xuanyin Five Thunders who slaughtered a city of souls. , A secret method slaughtered a second-class force in the spirit realm of the earth, and directly bombarded the mystery of that force!

"Little ants, you kneel down and ask for this seat, this seat may consider leaving you a whole body!"

Lei Wangyun arrogant smile!

"You kneel down and beg me, but I might consider leaving you a whole body."

Chen Zheng responded with a chuckle.



It's really crazy!

"Humph! Find death!"

Thunder Wang Yunhuo raised his hand and only heard the bang, the Xuanyin **** Lei suddenly fell!

"Humph! Find death!"

Almost at the same time, Chen Zheng also raised his hand and caught Lei Wang Yunhuo!


At this moment, the disciples of the Seven Love Sects drank in unison!


Lu Wuxiao and Yunshan Miner both sighed, even though the son Chen came from the three ancient stars, even if the strong warrior massacre of the Mahayana monks broke out before, he can now face the thunder king Yunhuo, afraid that it is even There is no chance of winning! Many mine slaves have closed their eyes at this moment, do not want to see the scene where Chen Zheng was killed by Xuanyin God Thunder!


Xuanyin **** thunder hits Chen Zheng!

Lei Wangyun was disdainful, and the disciples of the Seven Love Sects were also disdainful, but in the next second, Lei Wangyun's face changed instantly, and his disdain turned into fear!

"Do not!"

A cry!



It burst again!

Thunder Wang Yun's flesh burst!

The flesh and blood splashed the disciples of the Seven Love faces of the disciples of the Seven Love Sects were full of blood.

"Lying trough!"

On the side of the miner, Lu Wuxu was the closest to Chen Zheng, and he was the first to react. His body trembles, and a swearing burst between his throat agitation! Those Yunshan mine slaves with their eyes closed suddenly opened their eyes, and when they saw Chen Zheng unharmed, the thunder Wang Yunhuo was gone, and they were all dumbfounded!



Chen Gongzi killed all the thunder Wang Yunchao!

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