Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 843: Kaishan Patriarch also had to kneel!


Longya Mountain shakes violently!


The blood man Yin Jiu sacrificed the power of the Jiucheng Yuanshen, and could no longer maintain the flesh, and the flesh was extinguished directly. At this moment, there was only a broken Yuanshen, relying on the power of the Seven Swords!

"Seven Masters Sword Master... Seven Love Sect Opening Mountain Patriarch! Didn't you go to the ancient star of Changsheng, didn't you die in that battle, how did you return..."

Lu Wucao was shocked!

He used to be the core disciple of Wuxingmen. He naturally knew that there were many things in the land of exclusion. The master of the Seven Swords was the ancestor of the Seventh Sect Emperor Kaishan. However, the mysterious ancient star disappeared mysteriously, and the seven master sword masters were on the ancient star, how could it be alive!

The people of Qiqingzong also showed their surprise!

Seven Sword Masters!

That is the grandfather of his own school!

Is Grandpa Master alive!

Didn't the grandfather fall with the eternal star!


The Seven Wonderful Swords shot a divine light. The divine light shot into the depths of Longya Mountain, and Longya Mountain shook again, and in the booming sound, Longya Mountain cracked, and this splitting saw only Xianguang masterpiece, A lotus platform flew out of the cracked Longya Mountain! On the lotus stand, a young man sat down with his eyes closed!

This young man!

All in white!

The breath that comes out is extremely indifferent!


There seems to be no trace left on him at all!

"Nine Pin Lotus Station!"

Lu Wuxang didn't know what was going on. At the moment when he saw Liantai, the four words blurted out!

"Yin Jiu meets Grandpa Patriarch!"

The broken Yuanshen maintained by Yin Jiu in the air with the power of the Seven Sure Divine Swords is a deep worship to the white-clothed youth on the lotus platform.

"See your grandfather!"

"Congratulations to the grandfather!"

"The disciples meet Grandpa!"

The disciples of the Seven Love Sects came back to God and paid their respects to the white-clothed youths on the lotus platform. This is the ancestor of the Seven Love Sects. This ancestor is the first person recognized in the spiritual realm of the closed land. It has been said that the ancestor has fallen on the ancient star of eternal life. It turns out that the ancestor has been deep in Longya Mountain. Sleeping everywhere!

Now the grandfather is awakened by the patriarch, and the seven love sects are originally the largest sect in the spirit world. Now that there is a grandfather, it is not a problem to unify the spirit domain! At that time, the Seven Love Sects will be able to shut down from the powerful sect on the three ancient stars in the sky!


The Seven Swords of Divine Sword fell on the lotus platform before the young man in white. Although the young man in white did not open his eyes, he could just raise his hand and the Seven Swords of Divine Sword fell into his hands!


As soon as the Seven Swords of Divine Sword fell into its hands, a kendo enchantment blocked this area, shielding it from prying eyes from the outside world, and a fierce sword was released from the youth in white clothes!

Feeling this sword spirit, Yin Jiu broke the Yuanshen, and the monk Qi Qingzong, all shaking at this moment!

Not afraid!

But excited!

So strong!

Grandpa is so strong!

This sword spirit alone can crush the sects of the spirit world!


That kid must be finished this time!

"Yin Jiu shame to teach Grandpa Master that he can't cut this kid who attacked Longya Mountain, he can only ask Grandpa Master to come out of the mountain!" Yin Jiu broke the Yuanshen again, and shouted in a low voice: "Patriarch Grand Master, Yin Jiu The defeat of Yin Jiu is a waste, but this son actually said that the seven sentiments and seven sent down by Grandpa Patriarch are absolutely false secrets. This point can not be tolerated by the disciples of Yin Jiu and Seven Love Sects, so please ask Grandpa Patriarch to do justice!"



The youth in white on the lotus opened his eyes!

This opened his eyes!

The white man's face was extremely grim!

A look!

Staring at Chen Zheng!

Just glanced!

The brows of the youth in white instantly twisted into a line!

"Here is this son, who uttered insults and insulted the secret of the ultimate killing passed down by the grandfather!"

Yin Jiu quickly spoke!

"Please Grandpa Master beheaded this child!"

"The seven emotions and seven secret methods of this child who dare to insult the grandfather are fake, and this child cannot be left!"

"Cut it! Grandpa! Kill this child!"

Elder Qi Qingzong exchanged his eyes at this moment, and at the same time shouted!


He was obviously angry!

This time!

This kid can't live!


He is the first monk in the spirit world!

Killing this kid is like killing ants!


The young man in white on the lotus platform stared at Chen Zhengliangjiu for a long time. After exhaling, he got up from the lotus platform!


An elder immediately roared with a roar, and in his eyes, the young man in white was going to use the ultimate killing secret method, wipe out the kid with a sword, and cut the kid into nothingness!


The young man in white didn't show the sword, but looked solemnly and inserted the Seven Sure Divine Swords on the lotus platform. Then he knelt on one knee and dropped his head against Chen Zheng!

"Fan Wusheng, a disciple under the Seventh Absolute Sword, meets Chen Zu!"

Bow your head!


This shout!

Up and down the Longya Mountain, whether it is Lu Wuxiao or the monk of the Seven Love Sects, or the remnant soul of the Sect Master Yin Jiu in the air, this moment is completely shocked!

Fan Wusheng!

The disciples under the seven master swords!

Meet Chen Zu!

This... Isn’t Patriarch Grandpa himself the Master of Seven Absolute Swords, how can Grandpa Master claim to be a disciple of Seven Absolute Sword Masters!

Fan Wusheng!

Fan Wusheng!

Is this the real name of Patriarch?



The Seven Love Sect monks only felt a mess in their minds!

"Fan Wusheng... Qijue mentioned your name to me at the time, and said that he found a talented heir in the world of Futu. He wanted to pass the Qiqing and Qijue to him, but your heir seems to be unqualified. "Chen Zheng floated above Longya Mountain, glanced at Fan Wusheng lightly, and then said slightly: "The Seven Sacrifice's Sorrowful Swords of Mercy, changed by you into the Seven Supremacy Swords, the Seven Supremacy's Seven Sentiments and Seven Supremacy Techniques, and also by you Secret law of killing, it seems that you, the student, have done something that should not be done."

Upon hearing this, the young man in white shook his body slightly and raised his head violently. A flash of different awns flashed in his eyes, and then he lowered his head again: "Return to Chen Zu, Master was in a forbidden place in the world of Buddhism. Several ancestors in the door, the masters lost to Futu door, and the ancestors sent out the disciple with the compassionate sword! The disciple was later hunted down by the monk of the Futu door, and the trap that hit the Futu door was sent to this extinction. Earth! The reason why the disciples changed the secret method and changed the sword of compassion to the merciful sword of the Seven Supremacy is to hope that one day they will be able to kill them and enter the world of Futu to revenge Master!"


Chen Zheng lightly smiled back.


Qi Qingzong Yin Jiu and other is silent at this moment, even if you don't want to admit it at this moment, you can only admit it!


It turns out that the Kaishan Patriarch is not really a seven-sword master!

It turned out that Kaishan Patriarch was just an apprentice of the seven master sword masters!

It turns out that the seven emotions and seven secret methods passed down by the seven emotions are not authentic!

this moment!

Many monks felt that the heart cracked!

"The disciple knows that Chen Zu's methods are universal, and the disciple begs Chen Zu to give his disciples a secret method. The disciple must avenge his master! Only Chen Zu's supreme secret method can cut the ancestors of Bu Tu Tu!"

The young man in white on his knees kneeling on the lotus platform raised his head again and looked at Chen Zheng. His face was sincere at the moment, and he worshipped Chen Zheng again!

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