Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 849: Life and death appear now! Offenders cut!

Back to the top?

Chen Zhengyi shook his head.

"My life...can't I return to the top?"

Lu Wu sees this, showing disappointment on his face. After the fusion of the phaseless magic species, although the power has not fully returned, he has remembered all the previous life. He is very clear, that is, what Chen Zu said is absolutely not wrong. At this moment, Chen Zu shook his head, meaning that he could not return to the top in this life. Thinking of something from the previous life, Lu Wuxiao couldn't help but fall into silence.

"Your past life is also known as a demon ancestor, so just pursue it?"

Chen Zheng saw Lu Wucao's disappointment and shook his head again.

"Ah? What does Chen Zu mean?"

Lu Wuxiao heard this sentence, froze for a moment, and then his eyes lighted up.

"The phaseless species is far more precious than the source you lost. There is the phaseless species. It is only a matter of time before you return to the top. Think about it yourself. When I fought with that thing, you came to me and was affected. That thing broke your roots and shattered the phaseless magical species. You should have been completely destroyed. But you are still reincarnated, and the phaseless magical species are still intact, you should understand."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"That thing...I get it!"

Lu Wucao's eyes flashed differently, focusing on his head.

Speaking of his previous life, the fall was also unlucky. He created a magic skill, and wanted to find Chen Zheng to prove it, let Chen Zheng see if there is a possibility to upgrade the grade of the magic skill. He relied on the charm that Chen Zheng gave him to send directly to Chen Zheng. Where did he think that he would encounter a war as soon as he sent it, and Chen Zheng was fighting with the heavenly thing at that time.

At that time he didn't react, and he was hit by a blow from the sky! At the moment when he thought of that thing, Lu Wuxuan Yuanshen couldn't help shaking!


Above nine days!

That thing is a creature that transcends the heavens, or that thing created the heavens to control the heavens and the world. That is the only master and the real master of the heavens and the world!

That thing should be called the Lord of Heaven!

Lu Wuxiao forcibly wiped off the trembling in Yuanshen. After thinking for a while, he asked, "Chen Zu, when you battled that thing, the final result was..."

"Both defeats, the epoch restarts, it hurts a little bit harder, the last time I flew from the Earth to the robbery to the spirit world, it came to force me to suppress me, to stop me from going to the spirit world, I slept in sleep, within three years Something won't wake up."

Chen Zheng said casually.

"The era restarts...sleeping for three years...that is, are we only three years left..."

In Lu Wucao's eyes, the horror passed away, and his face sank.

The state of his previous life is not low, it can be said that the state is extremely high. Because of a sentence of a woman, he dared to go to the heaven to find the sage Yuanshi Tianzun fighting. Although he lost to Yuanshi Tianzun, he was also retired. In his previous life, he was a phaseless old devil in Chen Zheng's mouth, and a phaseless demon ancestor in the head of the big dark sky demon. He once controlled one third of the realm of the big dark sky.

So his previous life is really not weak, but very strong!


But even a devil ancestor who was not afraid of saints in his previous life, in front of that thing, couldn't even stand by and was beaten up. That thing is really terrible!

Above all beings!

Above the heavenly way!

The saint shivered in front of that thing!

This world!

Except Chen Zu!

Who else can fight that thing!

For a while!

Lu Wu can't figure out who else!

Too sage in heaven?

No way!

The Devil Ancestor in the Dark World or the ultimate devil called Gaishi?

Not good!

Only Chen Zu!

Only Chen Zu!

"It's a bit desperate. When that thing wakes up, the heavens and the heavens of the world are under its control. The land of isolation can cut off the saint, but it can't cut it! It knows that I am still alive, and a thought can destroy me. !"

Lu Wucao sighed again, even if he forcibly erased some fearful thoughts, and refused to let himself think about it, he couldn't help thinking about it.

Own a magic ancestor!

Blasted by that thing!

This shadow is too deep and terrible!

"Chen Zu! You are my only spiritual support! Woo-woo! Chen Zu, I must hug your thigh!"

Lu Wuxu raised his head and shouted at Chen Zheng.

"Do you have any kind of magical species? It's a big deal and reincarnation."

Chen Zheng just smiled at this.

"Reincarnation... I will be reincarnated, and I'm afraid I'm sinking."

Lu Wucao sighed again.


And at this moment, a ghost came from the south, penetrated the enchantment of Wuxingmen to isolate the outside world, and fell before the main peak!

"this is?"

Lu Wuxiao raised his eyebrows.

"Five Elements Monk receives the decree!" You Mang turns into a rune, and an indifferent voice in the rune sounds: "Before sunset, in the spiritual realm of the Forbidden Land, all the Zongmen Zhenxian and Zhenxian were cultivated as the above creatures, Must come to the real demon ridge! This order is a life and death order, the offender slashes! Among the sect gates, there is a true fairyland monk who will not come, and this sect destroys your sect gate!"


You Mang flash again!

That command directly fell into the hands of Lu Wuxiao!

Almost at the same time!

All the sect gates in the earth spirit domain received the same command!

"Life and death order!"

"True Devil Ridge!"

"Is that rumor true?"

"It's over! It's all over!"

"Earth Spirit Domain is about to change!"

Then there are all kinds of horror!

On the main peak of Wuxingmen, after looking at Fu Ling’s countenances in his hand, Lu Wulu only sneered, and squeezed his big hand hard: “Life and death order? Violent order cut? It’s not so arrogant! What are you, and the offenders are cut!"


His pinch!


The life and death in his hands are intact!


Lu Wucao raised his eyebrows. He merged the phaseless demons. The cultivation base is already a Mahayana period. The power of the phaseless demons can be used to release the power of the Daojun level. The pinch just now is the power of the Daojun level!

However, the power at the level of Daojun has no effect on life and death orders!

"Chen Zu... this thing?"

Lu Wucao stared at the life and death order again and presented it to Chen Zheng.

Of course, he is not afraid of life and death orders. He is now only afraid of one person and one thing, Chen Zheng and the one above. At the moment, I was just curious. It seemed that this life and death made a nod.

Chen Zheng took the life and death order, looked at it, squeezed it, and only heard a click. There was a crack in the life and death order.

"Hey! Chen Zu is invincible!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Wuxiao smiled and flattered.

"Life and Death Order... This is a relic of the refining of souls that has penetrated into the way of life and death. It has no lethality and is as hard as a masterpiece."

Chen Zheng said something.

"Huh? Seeing the way of life and death? That is to say, an ancestor-level devil, is that guy sealed in True Demon Ridge?"

Lu Wuxiao's eyes lit up.

"Maybe it’s just a Chen Zheng wiped it out, repaired the cracks in the life and death order, and then smiled: "Go to Zhenmo Ling to see, maybe some kind of magic medicine or something hidden, I need Holy medicine holy things to fill my empty flesh. "

"Empty flesh..."

Lu Wuluo listened to this sentence, if he thought about it, he would understand it in less than three breaths!

Chen Zu!

The flesh is equal to a container that is harder than the treasure, this container has reached the limit of the heavens and the world, and even the thing above the sky can not be broken! This container is just lack of water now. Chen Zu wants to restore the cultivation, just fill the container with various forces!


Understand this!

Lu Wucao couldn't help but sigh again!

It would be great if you could have Chen Zu's horrible flesh!

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