Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 861: Cover the sky!


Colorless sea!

Ancient blood should splash again!

The small bone ripped the head of the ancient Yinglong to life!

Dragon blood splashed onto the flying wing demon warship here, and the flying wing demon shouting the slogan suddenly swallowed the dragon blood madly, and the blood gas in each body was soaring to the naked eye!


The small bone swallowed the ancient Yinglong, roared upwards, and then shrank away, falling into the arms of a female flying wing on the battleship!

"The little bone king is invincible!"

A group of flying wing demons quickly shouted on their knees!

"Okay, don't be invincible. I'm still far from my master. Don't call it slogan of invincibility in the future. When I become the master of the colorless sea, come call this slogan again." Xiao Gu swept indifferently. A glance at the flying wing demons, a little thought: "I am here today, tomorrow to play the golden shark in the eighth lap sea area, let it run last time, this time I must swallow it!"

"King of Gold Shark... That's a Taoist King..."

The flying wing demon shuddered.

"Dao Jun? That's a fart! My goal is to enter the innermost area of ​​the colorless sea within half a year. I have a hunch that my master will definitely come to the dark sky within half a year. Before, become the master of the colorless sea!"

Xiao Gu snorted.

"Lord of the Colorless Sea..."

The Flying Wing Demon Patriarch and all the Flying Wing Demon are shaking again!


This goal is too big!

In the nine large circles of the colorless sea, the ninth circle is the weakest creature, and the innermost circle is the most terrible creature. It is said that there are more than one ancestor! The little bone king is against the sky, can he get the murderous creatures of his ancestors within half a year!

If this goal is set by the owner of the small bone king, will the small bone master think the colorless sea is too simple!


Forbidden land.

The Six Demon Sects of the Earth Spirit Realm.


Tian Yao has become a golden fairy, and Chen Zheng has also raised a small realm to the middle of Mahayana. Although Tian Yao is somewhat difficult to understand this situation, she is very clear that this man's combat strength cannot be measured by Zhen Yuanxiu.

"Chen Gongzi... but is there a way to get out of it?"

In the hall, Mrs. Luzhu thought for a moment and asked.

"The Forbidden Land...I can't trap me, but someone left something in the Forbidden Land, and I will take it away."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Mrs. Green Pearl was shocked.

Forbidden land!

The saint is also hard to break free!

The sage can only go to the ancient forbidden land on Gou Chenxing!

It is rumored that there is a very dangerous ancient fairy road connecting the outside world!

After crossing the ancient immortal road, you will be able to get out of the land!

Although Chen Gongzi is against the sky, although he can kill Jinxian, but... Chen Gongzi said that the land of forbidden can't trap him... The thoughts in Mrs. Luzhu's heart flashed again and again. Believe.

"Yaoyao... want to go back to the green hill of the fox holy land."

Tian Yao whispered.

"I... I don't want to rush out of the Forbidden Land. The source of my collapse in my previous life should be difficult to find. It will take some time to restore my cultivation."

Lu Wuluo thought for a moment.

"Maybe this extinct land will be unblocked in a few days."

Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously.


Three people in the hall were shocked!


How to unblock?

Could the land of exclusion become a middle-thousand world or a big thousand world?

"It seems that someone can't bear it."

At this moment, Chen Zheng's eyes moved, looking up.


The three also looked up.


Above the sky of the spirit world!

First, there was a light spot!

Then there are countless lights lit up!



The earth spirit field gloomed down instantly!

A huge shadow enveloped the entire spirit world!

"Oh my god!"

"What a big battle!"

"What magic weapon is that!"

The Six Demon Sect monks exclaimed, and all the monks in the spirit realm screamed. At this moment, almost all the creatures in the spirit realm raised their heads, looking at the sky dome, and looking at the dark pressing things above the sky dome!

That thing is a huge iron curtain, which covers the sky!


As long as you raise your head in the earth spirit domain, you can see the three huge ancient stars in the sky!

Go Chen!



Three ancient stars!

Visible to the naked eye!

But now!

The huge iron curtain covered the sky, and the three ancient stars seemed to disappear out of thin air. In fact, the three ancient stars did not disappear, just because of the sudden appearance of the iron curtain covering the sky, the three ancient stars and the earth spirit domain Forcibly separated!

The sky-shielding iron curtain divides the Forbidden Land into two areas, on one side is the spirit land, and on the other side are the three ancient stars!


"Whether this is a magic weapon or something, who is this means, why should he do this?"

"Aren't... Are we going to forbid us to go to the three ancient stars, do we want to make the spirit land into a prison? The land of exclusion is already a prison, and now the spirit land is divided into one. Prison, this... are these three ancient stars ready to completely sever ties with the earth's spirit realm?"

"Is it... will it be the ancient immortal star that disappeared from the beginning will disappear, and the powerful monks on the three ancient stars teamed up to form a large array to prevent our spiritual monks from going to immortality star!"

All kinds of sounds!

Many people have thought of this!

I thought that the long-lived ancient star that mysteriously disappeared would appear!

There is an ancient teleportation array on the ancient eternal star, and the monks can send out the forbidden land at a certain price, so the powerful monks on the three ancient stars are estimated that the ancient immortal immortal is about to appear in the world. Curtain, block the spirit monks from being blocked, and prohibit the spirit monks from going to the ancient stars!

"Is it really the immortal Gu Xing is about to appear?"

Lu Wu thought for a moment and looked at Chen Zheng.

"This iron curtain covering the sky, the power of the level of Daojun can't be broken, it can be regarded as the death of the spirits in the spirit area of ​​the earth. This is the means of the monk of the Heavenly Emperor Realm. I don't know which Heavenly Emperor on the three ancient stars shot. ."

Chen Zheng said casually.

"Emperor...Hum! I am missing the source of this life. If it is not the source of the loss, it is not easy to pinch the dead Emperor! Since there is a Heavenly Emperor on the three ancient stars, it must be the immortal ancient star! As soon as the ancient star appeared, all monks in the Forbidden Land must go to live forever! There are three houses in the Forbidden Land, and their emperor should be awake!"

Lu Wuwang There was a fierce flash in his eyes.

"Then... are we over?"

Mrs. Green Pearl shuddered.

"I'll go and see, there will be results within three days."

Chen Zheng smiled and disappeared out of thin air.


Mrs. Green Pearl frowned.

"Since Chen Zu has started, then we don't have to worry about it, just wait for the result. Counting the Longevity Emperor, even if the Four Great Emperors are all awakened, they will not be Chen Zu's opponents! Besides, that's why Chen Da and Chen Ziwei saw each other Chen Zu, I’m afraid I’ll be scared to the point that I’m so scared! Green Pearl, if the land of denial is really unsealed, I will help you to rule out the land of sanctification and let you be the master of the land of extinction!"

Lu Wuxiao smiled!


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