Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 864: Longevity ancient star reappears!

What about people?

Where is the elder!

Around the dojo!

The monks of the Lei family are all ignorant!

Too elder!

Is he slipping!

As soon as he saw the ghost sword shadow behind that young man... Did he escape!


Taishang elders are heavenly emperors!

How could the elders too escape?

At this moment, Brother Lei did not dare, and he did not want to believe that the elders had escaped, but this is an undeniable fact!

"My true Yuanxiu is in the middle of Mahayana, I haven't tried to raise a sword. I thought I was trying to take the power of your elder Lei family elder, but your elder Lei family elder just slipped. You said it was angry. ."

Chen Zheng smiled gently.


Lei Family Cultivation!

In addition to the homeowner Lei Peng!

The rest are all back!


Lei Peng noticed this sharply, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes, and he stepped back! It turned out that he didn't want to hold on, but just didn't respond the first time!

"You... who the **** are you! Are you... you want to cut me! I... I am the owner of the Lei family, the bloodline of the goddess of the Chen family! Emperor Chen, who was one of the four great emperors of the heavenly court, was sleeping, but he will soon wake up! And... and this time when he wakes up, he must be a quasi-holy level! Yours Although the sword is terrible, it can cut me, but can you cut it?

Lei Peng took a deep breath and whispered!

"Slash you? Are you worthy of cutting my sword."

Chen Zheng chuckled, and the ghost sword shadow fell behind him.


Lei Peng and Lei Family sighed a sigh of relief!


The old man beside Lei Peng secretly heard!


Lei Peng said nothing, Huaguang directly swept away! I saw that the bleating fairy lights up, and within a blink of an eye, the Lei family monks all retreated!


At almost the same time, the girl who was crying on the ground suddenly stopped crying. At this moment, she looked up and looked at Chen Zheng with a small face for a few moments. Then she asked: "Why... why?" Don’t kill those bad guys... Those are all bad guys, good and bad bad guys..."

"Huh! Pretend! It's all old ladies who don't know how many billion years have lived. You think you can be a fool by pretending to be a little girl. Pretending to be Nima! Six days, you think you can pretend to be tender. Do you sell Mengmeng!

An indifferent voice instantly sounded, this is the voice of the little girl!


There was an obvious flash of surprise in the eyes of the **** the ground, but it was only that moment. At this moment, a small face continued to look at Chen Zheng stupidly, as if he didn't understand what the little girl was saying.

"Six desires to rob the Lord, your consciousness has been sober, stand up and speak."

Chen Zheng spoke.

"Stand up..." The girl said in a moment of silence, the silly expression on the small face had been put away, and the voice had completely changed. It was no longer a child's voice, but the voice of an adult woman. The voice seemed to be There is a natural apathy. After looking at Chen Zhengshu's eyes, the girl said in a deep voice: "Although I don't know who you are, you can actually let the legendary future lord be born in advance, and trap the future lord in your Yuanshen, You must be an extremely powerful guy. It doesn’t seem to matter who you are. The important thing is that the immortal ancient star is to be reproduced. There is an immortal gate on the immortal ancient star, and the immortal gate can be a closed place."

Speaking of which, the girl stopped and looked at Chen Zheng again, then lowered her voice and said: "If you take me out, help me find my artificial lotus seed, I can... recognize you Be a younger brother! No! My younger brother! As long as I resume my cultivation, I will treat you better than my younger brother, even though I have no relatives!"

"Little brother......"

When Chen Zheng heard it, there was a playful look on his face.

"Haha! Hahaha! You are a waste of the Six Desire days, not only have you lost the forged lotus seeds, but you can’t even break through this sealed off place, you’re a terrific sixth-generation forge, and the sixth-generation robbery master has fallen to this. In one step, you still want to recognize Chen Zheng as your younger brother? You must be honest and honest with this guy. The conditions you give are a chicken neck!"

The little girl is sneering disdain!

"..." The girl stared, looking at Chen Zhengdao: "It seems that this is the same reason. But... I am a robbery master, it is impossible to recognize you as the master, Even if you were the overlord of the era..."


Before the fairy tales were finished, she stopped by herself and looked directly at the void space and time to the southeast of Gou Chen Guxing!

This look!

A huge star appeared out of thin air!

"That is!"

"Eternal Star!"

"Eternal longevity reappears!"

Gou Chen Gu Xing exclaimed!


Lei Family Mansion direction!

A warship surging from Lehman rushed out of Gou Chenxing!


next moment!

A huge thunder net enveloped the entire Gou Chen Gu Xing!


"What is the Lei family!"

"The Lei family is... wanting to monopolize the chance of the immortal ancient star on the fairy gate!"

The creatures on the ancient star were stunned for a while, and then they reacted. The Lei family deliberately planted a thunder net and blocked the ancient stars of Gou Chen to prevent the creatures on the ancient stars from going to live forever!


Want to dominate the ancient star of eternal life!


Almost at the same time!

Among the ancient stars of Ziwei, a huge warship was swept out, and then a flash of Zimang was seen, and an enchantment blocked the ancient stars of Ziwei! It was the battleship of the Jiwei family, the Ziwei ancient star. The Ji family was able to block the Ziwei ancient star with supernatural powers, and it was the same idea as the Lei family!


At this time!

On Qinghua Ancient Star!

There are huge warships to fly out!


That huge warship has not rushed out of the ancient star!

The Leijia battleship and the Jijia battleship moved at the same time, and appeared over the Qinghua ancient star. Then Leiwang and Zimang broke out at the same time, and the warship that was about to rush out of the Qinghua ancient star was suppressed. !

In the blink of an eye!

Qinghua Guxing is blocked!


A roar came instantly from the Qinghua Ancient Star Enchantment!

"Lei Zhen! Ji Mo! You've already calculated it! Hate! Hate! Do you think the Lei and Ji families can hold everything together! Did you forget that there is a quasi-saint in the land of exclusion? "

After the roar, there was a roar!



The Lei family snorted!

Ji Jitai also snorted!


Two huge warships rushed into the longevity ancient star at the same time!

"Hate! Hate! I hate! The immortal ancient star immortal gate! Why did you let the Lei Jiaji rob you! Roar!"

There is another crazy roar in the Qinghua ancient star enchantment!

"Lei's! Ji's! Hum!" Here, Chen Guxing, in the center of Tianwai City Dojo, the girl who was transformed by Liuyu Robber snorted He looked back and looked at Chen Zheng: In this world, you have the mysterious treasure sword soldier, and the future robbery master will put you in battle. At this moment, don't go to the eternal star to compete for the teleportation opportunity of the immortal gate. What are you waiting for!"

"Xianmen Teleport... I don't want the Xianmen Teleport."

To this, Chen Zheng just shook his head gently. He raised his right hand and grabbed the girl, and picked up the girl directly. The girl showed an angry look, but at the next moment, Chen Zheng stepped out and went directly to the Chen Guxing knot. In the world, the void in the middle of the three ancient stars of Chen Ziwei and Qinghua.

"It is said that there are three homes in the Forbidden Land. The Leijia and Ji homes have all gone to Changsheng Guxing. How can they be missing the third."

He raised a hand and touched the ancient Qinghua star blocked by the Lei and Ji families, and the enchantment was shattered!


With just a roar, a huge warship was killed from the Qinghua ancient star, and turned into a streamer to kill the immortal ancient star!


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