Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 871: Who you are! unstoppable!

This kid!

Isn’t it just a Mahayana junk!

Chaos Mist!

The saints cannot be dispersed!

Why can a mahayana **** disperse the mist of chaos!

The dozen or so figures exposed at the edge of the mist, at this moment, it only felt like they were stripped of their clothes, and they were exposed to the public without any cover! Even if all the skin is very thick, they are old monsters who have lived for some years, and they feel a little blushing at the moment!

This Nima!

I wanted to tease this kid in secret, but I didn't expect to be slapped by this kid in a blink of an eye!

" the true face of the forbidden land!"

" does it feel like a lying giant!"

"There are no secrets in the Forbidden Land. The Immortal Gate is there! Did you see that immortal gate? It looks like the head of the lying giant! Hmm? There is an altar on the upper right of the immortal gate. A treasure bottle!"

The Four Great Emperors divinely moved, glanced over the exposed forbidden ground of the sky, and saw the Immortal Gate at a glance. Not only did I see the Immortal Gate, but I also saw an altar and objects suspended on the altar.

"Mine! Mine! It's all mine!"

At this time, the reincarnation girl of the Six Desire Masters holding his head sobbing and weeping suddenly stopped crying, stared at the aquarium suspended on the altar, and yelled, and rushed into the sky forbidden land!

"Humph! Stop her!"

The elder of the head unicorn shouted!


The more than ten strange-looking creatures immediately deployed a formation to restrain the girl. No matter how the girl struggled, she couldn't get rid of the bondage!

"It seems...these guys have quasi holy war!"

Gou Chen's eyebrows were tightly locked!

Although the ten or so strange-looking creatures are not quasi-saints, they are the power of the quasi-saint level. If you want to crack this forbidden land, I am afraid it will not be so easy!


The girl was trapped and started crying again, and the strange power of this cry spread. Whether it is the Great Emperor of the Four Great Kings, or the head of the Qilin body old man, and other creatures in the forbidden land of the sky, this moment is affected by that force. Although there is no crying, there are tears in his eyes.

"Humph! The power of seven emotions and six desires! Have you, a creature like this, lost your supreme treasure, have you fallen to this point!"

Deep inside the forbidden ground, where the Immortal Gate is located, an area that looked like a giant's head appeared with a figure, and then an indifferent and indifferent eyes swept over it.

"Holy Words!"

The head of the old unicorn!

More than ten creatures on the edge of the forbidden land!

The rest of the creatures in the Forbidden Land!

All look at this moment bowed to the figure!

"Daozi? Which door is this Daozi? Which Daomen Daozi is the ancestral realm in the world?"

Gou Chen Great Emperor was shocked!

The figure that appeared was a middle-aged man, and the breath he emitted was at least the level of the ancestor, and this was just a breath released! Gouchen the Great has never heard of a Taoist son who is an ancestor, at least there is no such Taoist door in Heaven!

Emperor Ziwei, Emperor Changsheng and Emperor Qinghua also showed their astonishment at the moment. As soon as this chant came up, they knew they were definitely not their opponents!

"It's you who dispelled the mist of chaos in the Forbidden Land? Hmm? The Mahayana period! What a Mahayana period! Let me see what secrets are hidden in your Mahayana period!"

The middle-aged man, who was called the chant of Taoism, locked Chen Zheng's indifferent gaze, and raised his big hand to Chen Zheng!


Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and then he was like a torrent, striking forward in a straight line, this collision directly hit the formation under the dozen or so strange creatures, and the dozen or so creatures turned back!


"This kid!"

"Our nine-stranded sky!"

More than ten creatures exclaimed!

"This kid is ready to challenge the chants of Taoist Songs!"

The old man of the head Qilin was also surprised. He noticed that Chen Zheng's collision not only knocked the sky nine days away, but also carried the girl, and flew towards the deepest part of the forbidden land together!


Moreover, the kid seemed not to be influenced by the hymn path at all. The kid hit it by himself, not by the hymn path at all. The hymn path is actually useless to the kid!


Even if the Divine Song degenerates into a big realm, it is still the highest level of the ancestors, and its mana is even more magnificent than the so-called saints. Mana alone can suppress the saints!

Isn't that kid immune to the magical power of the hymn song?

"Boulder God!"

In the area where Xianmen is located, the hymns slammed with cold mouth!

"The end will be!"

In the middle of the forbidden area of ​​the sky, a creature in stone armor responded with a low voice, and then saw a flash of fairy light. The stone armor, which was originally more than two meters high, skyrocketed to a height of a thousand feet, and the giant hand flew in a straight direction Chen Zheng Just a catch!



Just listen loudly!

"What! This is a giant stone god!"

Thousands of heights of stone armor were shocked. Not only did he not catch the rushing boy, but he was knocked down by the boy!


A loud noise!

Boulder God crashed to the ground!

The sky is forbidden from shaking!


After falling to the ground, this stone armor called the giant stone **** shrank to a normal size, and was also able to climb up from the ground. He looked up and found that a crack had appeared in his right hand and the entire right arm!

"How can this body be able to withstand the impact of the treasure, how can this boy be cracked by a bump!"

Boulder God stunned!


"Boulder God is defeated!"

"Boulder God didn't stop the kid, but was hit and cracked!"

The old man with the unicorn head, the creatures in the forbidden sky, once again felt very unreal! Because all the creatures in the forbidden land, except for the chants, no one else dare to say that it is difficult to break the flesh of the giant stone **** and even leave traces on the body of the giant stone god!


Isn't that kid's body harder than Treasure!


"I don't believe you can get past the level of the hymn!"

The elder of the head unicorn body gritted teeth and shouted!

This kid's flesh is strange again!

It's impossible to get past the level of the hymn!

How can there be ancestors in the hymns?



Chen Zheng rammed all the way, in the forbidden ground of the sky, after the giant stone **** was knocked down, no one dared to block Chen Zheng except the deepest chanting Daozi, and at this moment Chen Zheng had rushed to the Xianmen! Just listen to the hymn Daozi snorted, raised his right hand and stood in front!


Fairy light flashes!

A giant palm surfaced!

"Eternal sky!"

The chant of the hymn is cold!

This cold drink has an indescribable overbearing!



This cold drink hasn't completely fallen I heard a click, and a figure passed through the giant palm and landed in front of Xianmen!


Not in front of the fairy gate!

It fell to that altar!


The sky was silent and forbidden!

All creatures stared at the figure in front of the altar. It’s really hard to believe that a Mahayana kid, like ants-like rubbish, was able to rampage through the sky and the forbidden ground, as strong as the chant of God, and cast a supreme secret method. Did not stop the kid!


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