Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 877: Trip to the Gods Market!

Golden Page!

Who exactly wrote the legal purpose!


Two fairy lights!

Swept back and forth towards Fengcheng!

These two figures are the sons of Beishan and Shengtianshengzi who are flying away. At this moment, the two men once again hang the sky pillar thousands of feet above the sky, and they are all staring at that golden page! Although the son of Beishan was ruthless, he dared not go to pick the gold page again, he was afraid that he would be blasted again!

He has been seriously injured. If he comes again, he has not yet attacked the Yuzhong City in the cloud, and he has not yet seen the Lord Yu Fei, the lord of the cloud world. He is afraid that he will have to go back to the Yanyang Temple of the Xianwu Great World to recover from the injury. !

"Is this golden page the saint's law?"

The Divine Son thought for a moment, frowning and whispering.

"It can't be the saint's law. The saints in the Thousand Worlds won't take care of this kind of thing. The thing that Yunjie Yunzu did was impossible for the saints to take action! This is definitely a kid who pretends to be a ghost behind the scenes, only But the kid was a bit capable, and he didn’t know where he had stolen a saint gold page! The power to counter us is not the power of the kid, the power to counter us is the power of the saint gold page!"

The thought of Master Beishan flashed again and again, and said coldly.

"I want to know who is writing this inscription."

The Divine Son suddenly smiled.

"Humph! I will stay in the cloud world! I will wait for him! I want to see what he is!"

Beishan sneered.

"The two of you are interested in the gold page, then stay here and watch the gold page. Within ten days, the Supreme Hall will have the ancestor descended from the dharma body and opened the blockade of the feather city in the cloud! I’m going to settle for everything!"

At the top of the Baizhang Pavilion, all creatures have a sleeve.

The creatures of all ethnic groups in the Chaofeng City were silent for a moment. As the people of the cloud world, they naturally stood on the side of the Yu tribe, but the forces from this thousand worlds, one larger than the other, are currently only compromising.

If the ancestors of the Great Thousand World came, Yunzhong Yucheng wouldn’t be afraid that they wouldn’t be able to stop the Great Thousand World Ancestor. Are the big thousand forces in Yunzhong Yucheng's idea full?

This is really hard to say!

"Ancestral Hall of Supreme Patriarch Dharma Body...Chen Zu should come out of the **** ruin within ten days. Chen Zu went to the **** ruin, really like what Chen Zu said, swallowing a lot of magic medicine at once For fusion and other aberrations, where will Chen Zu's Zhenyuan Xiuwei recover? Chen Zu's Mahayana period can kill Jinxian, and he should be able to hit Daojun... ...But it’s not enough to cut the ancestral dharma of the Thousand Worlds, you still have to use the bottom card. Chen Zu, Chen Zu, if your old man recovers to the peak, what is the Supreme Hall, the Fu Tu Gate, and the Yanyang Temple, just in one thought Can you erase it..."

On the first floor pavilion, Su Youyou sighed. After she sighed, she picked up the jug and started drinking.

And at this moment in the main palace of Fengcheng.

"What's wrong with you, Lord Lord?"

"Is this the Lord of the City?

"do not know!"

The servants all looked at the figure in the courtyard with amazement. The figure was toward Zhou Xianglong, the lord of Fengcheng City. He just came out of retreat. When he came out of the retreat, he suddenly froze when he saw the golden page on Tianzhu, and then there was a panic. Growl!

"He... is coming back! He is coming back! That man! He is coming back!"


God market.

The Shinto world degenerates.

It is said to be extremely dangerous.

It is said that ninety-nine of the creatures that have entered the **** market never come out again.

At the moment, Chen Zheng is already in the **** ruins.

"Wow! The aroma of the magic medicine! Master Master! We have issued!"

Beside Chen Zheng, a small purple beast suspends, and it is the Dao Beast Pantian.

The little animal sniffed its nose frantically, even if it was just the first area after entering the Divine Ruins, the little animal had already smelled no less than five kinds of magic medicine. Now I wish to rush through the aroma of the magic medicine and swallow it all in one go. The secret method of the immortal emperor of the Pangu saint's clan has now been completed, which is in line with Chen Zheng's expectations.

"No wonder Luo Tian came in here and didn't want to go out again."

Chen Zheng swept around and seemed to have seen through the Shenxu and said with a smile.

"Huh? Luo Tian? Are you a Mahayana monk who knew You Tian Luo Tian? That was a senior elder in the **** city and a quasi-holy. Are you descendants of Luo Tian?"

At this time, a group of people appeared in the ruined building ahead, looking at Chen Zheng with some doubts for the old man.

"Huh? What a weak look! Except that this old man is a mysterious immortal, everyone else can't even reach the immortal, and there are even... guys under the Yuan baby period? Lying trough! But here is the **** market! God market! With so many heavenly and earthly treasures and so many fairy herbs, how can there be humans who are not in their infancy?"

Dao bite swept around, blinking and wondering.

"This... the **** ruins are of a strict grade, and you must pass the assessment if you want to take the fairy herb. Unless it is a powerful foreign creature, it will be given to the fairy herb by the **** city." The old man thought slightly. In response, he looked at Chen Zheng and shook his head: "You are a foreign monk, little brother, but you only have the Mahayana period, but you don't have that kind of treatment, and you are afraid that you will be punished in this case..."




The old man had not finished speaking. Seven or eight fairy lights shot from the sky and fell directly on the area between Chen Zheng and the old man. First, he looked towards Chen Zheng with enthusiasm. Chilled out!

"Mahayana period?"

"Or ordinary people?"

"How did you come in!"




All eyes are on Chen Zheng!


The old man and the group of people in the ruins are all silent!

"Master, these guys seem to look down on you!"

There was a shout of illustrious flash in the eyes of the bite beast.

"Look down?"

"Humph! The **** ruins don't need waste, and the **** ruins don't raise waste! Outside monks, do you really think that the **** ruins are **** medicine gardens? Any cat or dog wants to come in to find opportunities!"

"Cultivate yourself as a ants, so don't blame others for looking down on you!"

A sneer!

"I am Muronghai, the third-order Heavenly Guardian of the Holy City, and according to the rules of the Holy City, all the foreign souls who are cultivated below the True Immortal, and the bloodlines of the major gods of the Shenxu are sent to the lower-level medicine garden as medicine slaves. When you become a true immortal, when will you be eligible to enter the God City! Alien boy, what else do you want to say!

In these **** city heavenly guards, a middle-aged man in divine armor spoke coldly.

"That Murong Command... This little brother seems to know Elder Luo Tian!"

The old man gritted his teeth in the rear and said something at the moment.

"Elder Luo Tian!"

"Elder Luo Tian?"

"That's a senior elder in the God City!"

The Shencheng Tianwei was startled and somewhat uncertain.

"Know Elder Luo Tian? Elder Luo Tian is a quasi-holy. There can be no descendants like you in Mahayana period? And Elder Luo Tian is a family of shadows. You are clearly just an ordinary human race. What can you do with Elder Luo Tian? ......Ok!"

Murong Hai frowned and stared at Chen Zheng, but he still spoke indifferently, just talking and his expression suddenly became solemn!


At this moment a beautiful figure fluttering in white falls!

"Taiyin Goddess!"

Muronghai and the other **** city Tianwei faced the figure with respect and worship!

"How did this son feel when he first entered the market?"

The woman known as the Taiyin Goddess did not respond to Muronghai and others, but after looking at Dao Beast and Chen Zheng, Yan smiled and asked.

"Master! This woman wants to seduce you!"

The Dao Beast opened his mouth.


Muronghai and others stared indifferently for a But there was no anger on the face of Taiyin Goddess. At this moment, she was still smiling at Chen Zheng.

"Whoever comes to a big dream."

Chen Zheng replied lightly.


Muronghai and others were stunned. Why did this kid suddenly read a poem, thinking that he could impress the goddess of Taiyin with poems?


This kid is afraid of wanting to eat fart!


The Taiyin Goddess suddenly shivered after hearing this sentence, and looked at Chen Zheng as a stone carving!


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