Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 902: Don't spare your life!

In this world!

No one knows Bai invincible!

Ao Shi's reputation for being invincible is still above the two saints!


Master Dongpo took a deep breath, stared at Chen Zheng for several times, and lowered his voice: "You are in a period of robbery and say that you know Bai Zu. Listening to your breath, Bai Zu is just an ordinary person in your eyes! You can really pretend to be kid, you almost got cheated by you! You are one of the **** during the robbery period, you must pretend to raise your realm before pretending!"


This kid is just going through the robbery!

Does this kid say it's true to know Bai Zu!

I was just scared by the name Bai Wudi!

Wu God’s eyes were also bright, and then he laughed: "Young man, have you practiced illusion and got caught in the magic, have you seen Bai invincible in your dreams, and regarded Bai invincible as a junior, you can really dream! This kind of person, even if the original **** saw him, should respectfully shout Bai Zu, and what are you!"

"Why is this sword familiar?"

Chen Zheng glanced lightly at Wu Wu, then looked at the fairy sword floating in the air, a smile appeared on his face.

"This sword is a fascinating fairy sword, don't you think that the sword is smart for you? Do you have a peerless sword body!"

Master Dongpo smiled disdainfully.

"Oh." Chen Zheng returned a word. He lifted his right hand to the Yingxian Xianjian, and the Xianjian started directly. He took a sword flower and said softly: "It seems that I really have a sword body."


Jian Ming moved!


The look of Master Dongpo and the Witch God sank instantly!

"This **** doesn't believe you. A kid during the robbery can control this fairy sword. The **** knows very well that even a fairy Emperor Wu can't completely control this sword. This sword is called a fairy sword, but it is actually a terrible Taoist weapon! "

Wu Shen stared at Chen Zheng's voice indifferently!


Chen had no fluctuations in front of him, and he pointed at Wu Wu with a hand, and only heard a sword sound, as if nothing happened!

"..." The witch **** froze for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Haha! Little trash! Do you really think you can control this sword, do you really think you can cut the **** with this sword? How is the god? It is also a Daojun! This Xuan Minghai area, except for the original Cangxian Xianxian, can hurt the original god! Besides, the original **** has the power of a big man you can't even imagine, even the power of that big man, even Even the quasi-saint can’t cut the god, unless the saint personally...!"


A series of bursting tears interrupted Wu Wu!

this moment!

Around the witch **** body!

Sword shadows appeared out of thin air!


The witch **** is ignorant!


The Wujin has not fully reacted yet. As soon as the sword-like shadows were moved, the Wujin God was penetrated by the sword-shadow and became a blood man in an instant!



A thought broke!

"Do not!"

Between the destruction, there was a scream, and I saw a flash of glory, and the remaining thought of the witch **** was instantly transmitted by that force!

"Originally guarded by Taoism, I looked down upon you, but what is the use of your remnant now to escape, you still have to die after all."

Chen Zheng felt the strange power and said something like a smile. He just used a sword just now, and he didn't use any power at all, so he released a little power to seduce the fairy sword.

As for the witch god's thought of escaping, he couldn't turn over even if he returned to the nest. What's more, he already knows from the myth of witchcraft, who is the so-called unimaginable big man, he will personally meet that big man.

"You... you cut the witch god! How is this possible! You are just the ants in the robbery period! You... even if you have a peerless sword body, even if you can use the magic sword, you can't exceed So many realms to cut a Daojun! You... used the blind eye method, right! The blind eye method! It must be the blind eye method!"

Master Dongpo froze for a while and howled at Chen Zheng for a while!


Chen Zheng turned around and raised his hand to shoot with a sword!

"Go Jiangdong!"

Dongpo Master shouted in horror!


A long river rolled in front of it!



This long river cannot stop the sword shadow!

A face-to-face shattered!

"Huh? Da Jiang Dong?" Just when Chen Zheng heard this sentence, he casually stopped the sword shadows that pierced Master Dongpo and looked at him. He asked, "Are you Su Dongpo reincarnated?"

"Su Dongpo..." Master Dongpo shivered and fell from the beast suddenly, kneeling at Chen Zheng: "Big brother spares life! Big brother spares life! I am not Su Dongpo, my teacher is Su Dongpo! I am not Xianwu Great World, I come from Xuanwu Great World. I came to this world by the order of the teacher! The big brother knows my teacher, is it right?




It was a kowtow!

The secret method he just used was already the strongest secret method he would know. The strongest secret method could not stop the strange sword shadow. He had already died himself, but he suddenly heard Su Dongpo and knelt on the spot. beg for mercy!

"Forgiveness? Huh."

However, Chen Zheng chuckled, only heard the stab, the sword shadow moved, and Master Dongpo raised his head in horror, and the moment he was about to speak, a head flew out!


Yuanshen shattered!



All the people in Yao Village kneel to the ground in horror!

They were scared!

A monk during the robbery!

Not only can control the magic fairy sword!

Before raising his hand, he cut the witch **** and cut the master of Dongpo!

This young man!

It seems to really know Bai Zubai invincible!

Chen Zheng grabbed Dongpo Master's broken Yuanshen fragment with his right hand, and smiled: "Sure enough, he is a traitor. If he is really ordered to do things, how can he hold Dongpo's name to swindle and cheat."

The Master Dongpo was just a traitor who was expelled from the Xuanhuang Academy of Xuanhuang World.

"Take it."

Chen Zheng's eyes changed, and he looked at the **** the altar. He threw the enchanting fairy sword to the girl.

"Ah?" The girl was stunned for a few seconds before she suddenly recovered. She was kneeling at Chen Zheng: "Cang Sheng thanked the senior for his life-saving grace. Dare to ask, and Cangsheng is just a mortal. It is useless to ask for this sword! Ancestor Cangming said that there must be a peerless sword body to allow the **** to recognize this sword! Ancestor Cangming has a golden sword body, but it is not The true owner of this sword was only able to borrow the power of this sword during his lifetime!"

"Let you hold it and hold it, I still don't look down on this sword, let alone this sword is my own hand, and whoever says you don't have a sword body. Your little girl with no sword body, I Like to give Chen Zheng smiled casually.



"How can it be!"

Girl dumbfounded!

People on the shore Yaoyao are dumbfounded!

This young man!

He said what does it mean that Yingxian Xianjian comes from his hand!

What does he say that Cangsheng has a sword body?

Do not!

This is impossible!

Yao villagers headed by the village head of Yao village, when they think of their previous behaviors, their faces are instantly white.

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