Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 921: Nightmare becomes reality! Tongtianshengsheng!

"No! It won't be like this! How could it be like this!"

The face of Our Lady of Golden Spirit was instantly white, and her face was full of grief!

"Blood rain, a sign of the Holy Meteor!"

"This kind of vision appeared only a short time ago, and this kind of vision appeared again today. It was only a month or even less than a month that two saints fell!"

"The saints who fell last time are still unclear, and today another saint fell! But... why the palace lord is so sad, is the saint who fell..."

Xie Sanxiao and others thought of the palace owner's self-reported history just now, and they immediately thought of a saint, and his face changed a lot in an instant! The palace owner was a disciple of the saint. At this moment, the palace master is so sad that the saint who is falling out is very likely to be the one in heaven!

Master Tongtian!


The name came to mind!

Xie Sanxiao waited for the monk's complexion to change again!

My Dao Zun!

This is really incredible!

Master Tongtian!

What a character!

That's the name anyone in the world should have heard of!

Although there are two saints in the Xianwu Great World!

But the two saints are not at the same level of prestige as the characters such as the Master Tongtian!

Master Tongtian!

That's the character who has lived from this oldest flood era to this era!


The blood rain is getting more and more violent!

At this moment, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit was full of tears!

"Why... will it rain?"

At this time, Xing Cha, the sleeping Cang Sheng opened his eyes and rubbed his eyes. When he saw the **** rain, his face was full of doubts. But the next moment she thought of a rumor, her small face also changed, and she was terrified.

This is a saint in the world of thousands fell!

"It's just that a saint has died. Is the saint very valuable? The Taoist ancestors are not valuable. Whatever the saint is, the era overlord is barely worth some money."

In Chen Zheng's mind, the sound of a little doll made a sound.

For her future lord, the saint is barely qualified to enter the level of Taoist ancestors, and Taoist ancestors are actually immortal realm, above which there is the village chief of the era overlord.

Therefore, in her eyes, the saint is not much different from the ants. Of course, in her eyes, the world nowadays, except Chen Zheng, the rest are all ants! Even a robber like A Jiuluyu is a ants in the eyes of her future robber!

The more she awakens, the more ruthless she is, she is born for destruction, born for destruction, born for ending everything!

"At the beginning of the spirit world, he came as an incarnation and sent him the sword of his treasure Qingping sword. It should have been calculated to this day."

Chen Zheng looked at the **** rain and whispered.

In fact, in the spirit world, Tongtian ignored Tiandao Palace and forced a will to come to him, and left a sword of the treasure, he knew this day. I just didn't expect that this day has come so fast, at most only half a year has passed, even less than half a year.

"Chen Zu! My Master... Is my Master still saved!"

In the cry of Our Lady of Golden Spirit, she suddenly looked towards Chen Zheng's side, and a dignified and solemn face was full of sadness.

"Are there any salvation? There must be salvation, but just to see if he saved himself or me."

Chen Zheng pondered a little, and returned.


Our Lady of the Golden Spirit is puzzled.


"Can the saint fall to life again?"

"The saints can only be sanctified by the heavenly sacred throne. It is said that in every large world, the heavenly sacred throne is fixed, and the heavenly master is declining. When Hongmeng is too high, a heavenly sacred throne will be vacated in the sky. Isn’t that... .Sometimes someone will preach and become a new saint?"

Xie Sanxiao and others also looked towards Chen Zheng.

"New Saint...maybe, but who is the new Saint is unlucky."

Chen Zheng smiled.



Why did it become a bad news for the New Holy Church?

Xie Sanxiao and others also showed their doubts.


Cangsheng took a small photo, and didn't know what to say at the moment. In fact, when she woke up, she found out that she was already a period of refining emptiness, and she should have been quite excited, but she, a little cultivator, was really nothing in front of such a big event as the saint's fall.

Master Tongtian fell!

This matter must shake all the worlds in a short time!

"Huh? Something is coming to us!"

"Who is that!"

"That's... an illusion! Oh my god, this one is!"


The monks of the Holy Spirit Palace exclaimed!

I saw a light falling above the sky dome, blinking Kung Fu, and the blue light turned into a shadow of nothingness and transparency. The shadow of nothingness first glanced at Our Lady of Golden Spirit, smiled slightly at Our Lady of Golden Spirit, and then looked at To Chen Zheng!

this moment!

Both the priest of the Holy Spirit Palace and Cangsheng held their breath!

This shadow of nothingness and transparency is the Master of Heaven!

"Chen Zu."


Nothing is transparent!

He bowed to Chen Zheng slightly, he shouted extremely calmly, and then burst into an uproar!


Our Lady of Golden Spirit reached out her hand and wanted to catch the shadow of nothingness and transparency, but it was too late. She only caught a touch of air. The image of nothingness and transparency completely disappeared from heaven and earth!

"Master Tongtian!"

"The last thought!"

"That's the Master Tongtian!"

The monks of the Virgin Spirit Palace came back to God and were shocked one by one!


It really fell!

And the sage that fell is still one of the oldest saints!

After the Master Tongtian fell!

A remnant came to the Xianwu Great World!

Came to meet Our Lady of Golden Spirit!

Came to meet the mysterious young man called Chen Zu!

Do not!

Our Lady of Golden Spirit should just happen!

Chen Tiancai really came to see this Chen Zucai right!

"Meteor Saint..."

Chen Zheng looked at the blood rain sky dome and whispered two words.

"Do you want to transform the Master Tongtian with the method of the master of the corpse? Then you have to go to Hongmeng to heaven, and you may not get the corpse of the heaven when you go to the heaven. Maybe the corpse of the heaven has been taken away. It may be the master of the corpse that kills the sky!"

At this moment in his mind, the sound of a little doll made sound again.

"I don't know what is the specific situation of Taishangtian. When Tongtian finally came to see me with the last remnant, it seems that he just came to see me and did not disclose other news."

Chen Zheng casually said.

"Master...I will never see Master again...Master..."

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit grieved the shouted blankly.

"I have the Supreme Sword Art that your Master has left. Today, your Master has fallen. You can take this Sword Art to comprehend, how much comprehension you can comprehend. After comprehension, you will return it to me, maybe one day you Master resurrected by a treasure sword."

Chen Zheng lifted his right hand, hitting a cyan sword intentionally, and the treasure sword intention flew directly into the heart of Our Lady of Golden Spirit.

"Supreme Sword Art...Can Master Really Resurrect..."

Our Lady of Golden Spirit looked at Chen Zheng.

Xie Sanxiao and other priests of the Holy Spirit Palace also looked at Chen Zheng.

But Chen Zheng did not answer.

He felt something, but he was not sure yet. Of course, if he could find the corpse of Tongtian, he would have a way to resurrect Tongtian, but Tongtian would no longer be the former Tongtian.

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