Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 923: Shenjia Yandi Mountain

"Yudu Hongmeng, black and white creation, I do not know if there are creatures in this world can control all creation."

The old man whispered, looked at Chen Zheng, and transformed into light particles with a slight smile, then disappeared.


Our Lady of the Golden Spirit shouted.

"Hongjun is in control of the two eras of Hongmeng and Yumeng, and it is only part of the control. Together, it is a way of creation. He is still far away! Any era overlord can stabilize him! He wants to control all creations. Said, he doesn't have that ability!"

In Chen Zheng's mind, the voice of the little doll made sound again.

"I will spend the night in the Virgin Spirit Palace. I will take back the heavenly treasure of the sword before tomorrow morning."

Chen Zheng did not respond to the little doll, but only said to Our Lady of Golden Spirit.


Our Lady of Golden Spirit focuses on the head.


late at night.


Chen Zheng, sitting on Xingcha with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at the void of time and space. The direction he looked at was not too high, nor the spirit world, but the direction of the earth!

at the same time!

In the country of northern China, the misty sky of Siberia!


"Who are you!"

In the Pangu ancestral ancestor land, the big witch festival tassel and witch festival spirit dragon also opened their eyes suddenly! Because there was a figure silently breaking into the ancestral land of the Pangu Saint Clan, the Holy Emperor's Great Array did not fluctuate!

Since Tianjian left the spirit world and flew into the earth, as the great witch sacrifice tassel practiced the "Holy Emperor's Undead Trick" state, the Holy Emperor's Great Formation has also strengthened a lot, and the ordinary quasi-saint current cannot easily break through the formation!

But at this moment this figure entered the ancient ancestral land of the Pangu saints quietly!

"Who...who are you!"

Linglong frowned, staring at the figure standing in the air. The figure didn't respond to her, only indifferently swept the entire Pangu ancestral ancestral lands, and stayed in the center of the ancestral lands for nine moments. The brow furrowed slightly and disappeared silently.

This scene!

Whether it is the two sisters of the Lingsu Linglong, or the rest of the Pangu saints, they are all stunned!

Who is that intruder?

He can ignore that most of the Holy Emperor's formation is an ancestor in the world!

If you really want to capture anything!

The Pangu sage could not stop him!


The man took nothing!

"Sister... why do I feel like he is walking dead..."

Linglong thought about a whisper.

"It should be a saint."

Tassel frowned and responded.



"Who is it! Which saint!"

Linglong and other tribes are shocked!

"His clothing looks very much like that of the heavenly master of Hongmen Taishang."

The tassel groaned again and said again.

"Master Tongtian... Walking Dead... Before, there was a vision of a blood-falling rain on the earth. That was the sign of the holy meteor. Is it the saint who fell... but if it were him When it fell, how could it suddenly appear in our Pangu saint ancestral land, is he here to find anything!"

There was another startling look on Linglong's face.

"Maybe our ancestors of the Pangu saints really will resurrect in this era."

The tassel whispered thoughtfully.

"Ah? Ancestor! Is this...possible!"

Linglong's eyes widened!


Xianwu Great World.

Xuan Minghai Our Lady Spirit Palace.

"To Chen Zu!"

Headed by Our Lady of Golden Spirit, a group of disciples of Our Lady of Spirit Palace paid their respects to Xingcha!

"Maybe you can hear some rumors about your Master within half a month."

On Xingcha, Chen Zheng nodded slightly to Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, and the thought was moved, and Xingcha turned into a streamer.

"Within half a month..."

Our Lady of Golden Spirit whispered.

"Can the fallen saint really come back to life..."

Xie Sanxiao remained silent for a moment and couldn't help but ask, but no one from the Holy Spirit monk could answer this question. Cang Sheng also asked Chen Zu the same question as he was about to swept out of Xing Ming Sea.

"Resurrection? An epoch, a universe, the heavenly creation controls everything, it controls the life and death of all living beings, and it can resurrect the dead saints with one thought. There is a living creature that is a little weaker than the living creature, and that living creature is called As an era supremacy, I think those guys also have some secrets to make powerful creatures die and resurrect. Although the saints claim to be immortal, but in fact only half of their feet have stepped into immortality, so it is not difficult to resurrect. Cangsheng, you have swallowed the sword body, and I hope that in the future you will stand above the saint."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Standing above the saint... feels so difficult..."

Cang Sheng opened his mouth and lowered his head involuntarily. To be honest, she feels that her ancestral realm is extremely far away, and she didn't dare to think about it before the saint.

"There must always be a goal, and it's not something you want to accomplish overnight. Take your time."

Chen Zheng said softly.


Cang Sheng responded softly.


Xingcha accelerates and crosses five thousand miles in an instant. After a short effort, Xingcha stopped. The mountain in front of the mountain was covered with clouds and the fire was hidden. It was the Yandi Mountain of the God Family.

Chen Zheng received Xingcha and took Cangsheng to the foot of Yandi Mountain.

"God's house is forbidden, no outsiders can enter!"

"The family of the gods is holding an important ceremony, if you do not have an invitation, please leave quickly!"

"Please come back!"

There are at least fifty steps away from the mountain gate. The guard of the house of gods in colorful and fancy clothes is at the gate, staring at it with indifferent eyes, and rushing to the mouth!

"God has no tears."

Chen Zheng asked lightly.

"Miss No Tears?"

"You... looking for Miss Tearsless?"

"Let’s go, Miss Tears is presiding over the ritual ceremony. She has no time to see you, nor can she come to see you! We have seen many people like you, and come to Yandi Mountain under the banner of Miss Tears. Stealing fairy grass into Yandi Mountain! Hum! When you make excuses, you should first look at your own cultivation practices. Will Miss Tianhui, the proud girl of heaven, know you a half-step true fairy?"

The guard raised his eyebrows, carefully looked at Chen Zheng several times, and then shook his head again and again.

"God has no tears!"


Chen Zheng ignored these guards and opened his mouth to Yandi Mountain!

This drink!

It sounded ten miles away!

Several guards dumbfounded for an instant!


This kid!

Don't be too daring!

How dare you call it Shanmen!

Not to mention the fact that a half-step true fairy, even those Jinxian Daojun and even Heavenly Emperor, did not dare to call it Shanmen in this way. At least one ancestor must dare to come to God's house to call Shanmen!


Several guards haven’t recovered A fairy light flashed out of Yandi Mountain and turned into a young man in a grass-patterned gown. The young man glanced at Chen Zheng and Cang Sheng. A sleeveless!


A word!

A great force came toward Chen Zheng!

"God without tears seems to be in trouble."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly and lifted his right hand to the young man. The majestic power burst instantly, and the young man's complexion also changed instantly. His body flew to Chen Zheng in an uncontrolled way!


A great strength!

The youth knelt before Chen Zheng!

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