Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 925: You are a fake Yandi!


Around the altar!

The children of the **** family stayed like wooden chickens!

What I wanted to say at this moment, but it all felt like I was strangled by an invisible hand, and I couldn't say anything at all, except for shock, there was only shock!


A Daojun!

Yan Emperor's personally selected next-generation **** family head!

Slammed by the young man!


The slap was just a random one just now, and it didn't hit Shenxu at all, even Shenxu couldn't hold it!

Is the Xuxu dead?

It seems almost dead!

"you you you!"

The shattered flesh of the shrew, at this moment, there was only one residual soul, and the residual soul stared at Chen Zheng extremely!

"Before, a Daojun from your god's house jumped out to suppress me. I was bumped and scrapped casually. At that scene, you didn't see it. You Daojun jumped out again. Are you stupid? If I were you, To be honest and tolerant, the immortal Emperor Wu of the family, such as the quasi-holy ancestor, shot like this."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly at the remnant soul of God Xu.

"You! Me! I'm going to kill you! God Ancestor! Ask God Ancestor to suppress this son!"

Crazy, the remnant soul shook his head suddenly, and shouted to an old man sitting on the north elder seat of the altar!


The old man sneered and stared at Chen Zheng!


The ancestral realm came under pressure!

"An ancestor!"

Beside Chen Zheng, Cang Sheng's little face was shocked! She followed Chen Zheng these days. Although she has seen the incarnation of the gods like the **** Yi Tianxian and the **** Huntian standing on the saint, but she has not seen the real ancestor, so she is still a bit surprised! After all, the ancestor is already an impossible state for more than ninety-nine creatures. Exhausting the power of his life will not become an ancestor!




Remnant Soul of God Market!

God's children!

Shout in unison at this moment!


Chen Zheng chuckled!

A raised hand!


A giant palm surfaced!

The horror pressure crushed towards the ancestor blasted away!

Just listen to a loud noise!

The entire Yandi Mountain was a shock!


The altar below cracked instantly!

"Impossible! How could you stop the ancestors' coercion!"

The sacred soul screams!


The children of God's family are instantly forced!


My Dao Zun!

This kid could even stop the ancestors' pressure!

Is this kid really just a half step real fairy monk!

"Huh? Sure enough, this half-step my true fairy can't destroy the ancestor by this method, this method is not good."

Although the children of the Shen family were shocked, Chen Zheng shook his head gently and was not satisfied. He knew very well that the palm that he had just exploded dispelled the ancestors' coercion, and he could not hurt the ancestors of the **** family, let alone kill the ancestors.


This kid also wanted to kill his ancestor!

Is this kid so wild!

When the children of the God family heard it, they almost fell collectively!

"Tian Dao Giant Palm! You are the person of Hongmeng Tian Tian Dao Palace!"

However, the look of the ancestors of the Shen family changed for a while, and he stared at Chen Zheng several times and asked in a deep voice!

"Heavenly Palace!"

"He is a man from Hongmeng Tiantian Dao Palace!"

"This... no wonder he is so against the sky! I have heard of the Heavenly Dao Palace, but that is the land that controls the heavens and the heavens, and the Master of the Heavenly Dao Palace is a horrible creature that the saints must fear!"

The children of God's family showed a sudden enlightenment!

When Cang Sheng heard it, a smile appeared on her small face. When she was in Yao Village, she heard Chen Zheng mentioned the origin of the Yingjian sword, and she already knew what Chen Zheng had to do with Tiandao Palace.

At the moment, I secretly said that if I talked about the relationship between Chen Zu and Tian Dao Palace, and the relationship between the current palace owner of Tian Dao Palace, this ancestor of God Family and God Family, I don’t know how surprised it will be!

"Tian Dao Palace..." Shen Xu's residual soul took a deep breath, staring at Chen Zheng several times and lowering his voice: "Even if you are a person in Tian Dao Palace, then what! You are at most Tian Dao Just a disciple of the palace, this is not too heaven, here is the **** family of Yandi Mountain in the Xianwu Great World, the heavenly palace of Taishang can’t control it here! Shenguang ancestor, please come to Lord Yandi! God without tears is the order of Yandi. The abolished person, and this kid trespassing on Yandi Mountain, he came to save God without tears. This kid and God without tears must be a pair of adulterers. They can’t stay! Shenguang ancestor, don’t you let this kid destroy us God’s plan! Patriarch, Shennong Ding can only be repaired by Lord Yan Emperor!"

"Shen Nong Ding..."

The ancestor of the God family heard these three words and frowned immediately!

"No need for the emperor, the emperor is here!"

at this time!

A figure appeared above!

This person appeared!

A vast sacred atmosphere enveloped the altar area!

"Yan Emperor Yan!"

"Meet Yan Di!"

"Welcome Yan Di!"

In an instant!

The children of the gods shouted again!

The ancestor of the **** family is no exception to respectfully worship the figure!

"Ooooo! Lord Yan Emperor! Xu'er's flesh was blown up by this kid! Xu'er had only one residual soul left! Xu'er was afraid that he wouldn't have the opportunity to participate in the battle of the sons of the heavens! Xu'er was sorry for Master Yan's cultivation. !"

The sacred soul left to kneel at once, crying like a lady!

"This... is this really Emperor Yan..."

Cang Sheng looked at the figure that appeared, and only felt that figure seemed to be the incarnation of heaven, and there was a transcendent breath! Perhaps its combat power is not as good as its ancestors, but its destiny ranks above the ancestors, as if it were the same level as the saint!

It seems that this Emperor Yan is not fake!

This kind of destiny bestowed by heaven should not be imitated by secret method!

"Who are you, and dare to come to Yandi Mountain, and why don't you see this emperor kneel, do you not know that this emperor is one of the three emperors? Seeing this emperor as a saint, you are a half step true fairy Don't kneel!"

The figure glanced at Cang Sheng, and then his eyes fell on Chen Zheng. His eyebrows raised a cold drink!

"Boy, if you see the emperor of one of the three emperors, don't kneel down quickly! If you are a big person in Tiandao Palace, you don't need to kneel, but you are at most a disciple of Tiandao Palace. Do you really consider yourself the master of Tiandao Palace! Kneel! Kneel immediately! Otherwise, Lord Yan Emperor will suppress you with the supreme treasure!"

The ruins of the ruins of the gods roar roar!


The figure saw Chen Zheng's face as if it was not a smile. At the moment, there was another cold hum, and a majestic likeness was released, pressing towards Chen Zheng! At this moment, Chen Zheng suddenly moved, raised his hand, and slapped in front of the figure!


a slap!

Extremely crisp!

"You're a fake, aren't you Emperor Yan, you're not forced to count!"

a slap!

That figure is ignorant!

God's ancestors are ignorant!

God's children are ignorant!


This kid!

This kid dared to fight Yan Di!

The kid slapped Yan Di just now!


Does this kid think that he will be invincible by leaning back against Heavenly Palace!

Emperor Yan!

That is Yan Di, one of the three emperors!

Although not a saint!

But the status is equivalent to the saint!

Three emperors!

There is heavenly shelter!

"One of the three emperors, Shennong Yandi!"

The figure recovered, staring at Chen Zheng and drinking again!

"You? Oh!"

Chen Zheng grabbed the **** without tears bound to the altar and unable to move or open his mouth. A **** light flew out of the **** without tears, and the **** light turned into a bamboo flute, The bamboo flute fell into his hand and he wiped it away!


Soaring sky!

In the divine light!

A figure came out!





When seeing this figure clearly, the children of the ancestral home of the **** family are all dumbfounded, because the figure appearing at the moment is exactly the same as the Yan Emperor!


How could there be two Yandi!

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