Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 968: Holy Emperor Heritage! The blood sinking Saint Emperor now!

"Haha! The strongest inheritance is finally here, and the strongest inheritance is mine!"


A shattered Wu Po Army shouted, and the first one rushed up to the stone platform, grabbed the jade monument of the Scarlet God, and inside the jade monument of Blood Scarred, all the blood rushed out, all poured into Wu Po Inside the army!


Wu Pojun roared to heaven!

A majestic force of blood exploded!

Around thirteen huge stone pillars!

Almost all monks were blasted by this blood power!


In front of the thirteen huge stone pillars, apart from Wu Pojun, whose breath is soaring wildly on the stone platform, the only person who remained motionless was Chen Zheng alone! The rest, whether it was Daojun or Xianwu Emperor, were all blasted, and even the three daughters of Cangsheng who were in the pale blue mysterious body were forced to withdraw from dozens of steps!

"What power is this!"

"The strongest inheritance, the blood is so terrible, it feels more terrible than the ancestors! The strongest inheritance, this is really the strongest inheritance, but it seems to be succeeded by Wu Pojun! Wu Pojun has ten fierce warfare, Could it be that the strongest inheritance is the fate of his ten fierce combatants!"

"Look! The young man didn't move a bit, we were all blasted away, he didn't move at all!"


Zhong Xiu noticed Chen Zheng, and the color of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he soon stared at the Wu Pojun who had been suspended on the stone platform! At this moment, Wu Pojun, surrounded by blood and blood, seems to be filled with majestic blood gas in the jade monument of the blood god, and his breath has reached the peak of Xianwu Emperor!

prior to!

Wu Pojun was only in the early days!

Only a few blinks of time is already a peak fairy Emperor Wu!



Wu Pojun roared again!


The blood of terror broke out again!

The Cultivator was once again flying out!

At this moment, within 13 miles of the 13 huge stone pillars and Shitai, apart from the Wu Pojun on the stone platform, only Chen Zheng was left!

Chen Zheng!

Still immobile!

"Haha! Sure enough, it is the strongest inheritance! What a terrible secret method, what a terrible combat skill! Slaughter the world, destroy all the lives, the inheritance of the Holy Emperor, immortal!" The blood dragons of the Tao entity stared at Chen Zheng with a sudden glance, and immediately they were grinning tremendously. "You know, what a terrible inheritance this son received! The inheritance of the Holy Emperor, this son received a supreme emperor's Legacy! Haha! Hahaha!"



Wu Pojun laughed wildly!

There was already a haze over this area. At this moment, the sky dome suddenly turned to blood, revealing an unspeakable horror in the strangeness! Indistinctly, as if on the **** sky dome to be pressed down, a **** giant face appeared!

"Holy King!"

"What do you mean!"

"The strongest inheritance of the Holy Mountain of Wuji is the inheritance of the Holy Emperor? But from ancient times to now, is it not only the ancient God that is recognized as the Holy Emperor! Is the inheritance obtained by Wu Pojun the inheritance of the Great God of Pangu!"

Shouts and sounds!

The practitioners are a little ignorant!

Holy Emperor Heritage!

The inheritance that Wu Pojun said was the inheritance of the Holy Emperor!

Wouldn't it be the inheritance of Pangu Great God!

"The Holy Emperor inheritance is damn! Why did he get the Saint Emperor's inheritance from Wu Pojun, and the ten fierce war bodies are not eligible for the Saint Emperor's inheritance!"

The white greedy wolf stood in the air, and its expression was somber at the moment. In addition to Bai's parents and other children, Lin Mengyao, who was fifth in Fenghua List, was shocked at Wu Mojun above Shitai.

Lin Mengyao's eyes flicked, and he quickly glanced at Chen Zheng in front of the 13 giant stone pillars. His thoughts flashed quickly, and finally he sighed. Secretly mobilized the secret treasure within the Yuanshen, and began to try to communicate with the jade stele of the Scarlet God held by Wu Pojun with one hand.

This is her secret, no one knows her secret!

"Wu Pojun won the inheritance!"

"He will be No. 1 in the Real Dragon List!"

"I'm afraid I can surpass Baizu in the future!"

"He is now a quasi-holy, the first thing to kill is the young man in the real fairyland!"

"This kid is weird, kill it!"

The real dragons are listed on Tianjiao, Yanyang Temple, Chi Jiuxian, Yangquan, Thunder Dao Palace, Lei Dingtian, Longhan Immortal Dynasty, and the three princes, all of them with their faces open. Among them, the great prince and the three princes of the Longhan Immortal Dynasty flashed a killing intention in their eyes when they stared at Chen Zhengshi.


At this time!

Wu Pojun suddenly moved and appeared in front of Chen Zheng instantly. Raising a big hand at Chen Zheng was a slap in the face!

"Quasi holy blow!"

"What should the kid be!"


The Cultivators thought Wu Pojun wanted to avenge his previous revenge, but Wu Pojun's slap hadn't hit Chen Zheng yet. Chen Zheng only smiled and kicked in a flash!



Wu Pojun flew!


And in the backflight, a terrible crack appeared on Wu Pojun's flesh! One of the fissures came down from the eyebrows and separated from the middle of a face, terrible!


Crowds were dumbfounded!

This Nima!

A true fairy!

Kicked the Wu Pojun who already had a quasi-holy atmosphere!

Wu Pojun not only flew out of the flesh but also cracked!

How terrifying this foot is!

This prestige is comparable to the ancestor!

"This kid!"

The white greedy wolf face is more gloomy!

"Well? Have you underestimated him!"

Yan Jiu Temple's Chi Jiuxian raised his eyebrows.

"He is afraid of being a true immortal, old ancestor!"

Yang Quan frowned.

"This kid actually defeated Wu Pojun who had the strongest inheritance, and only used one foot!"

The big prince and the second prince of Longhan Xian Dynasty glanced at each other, and their expressions were even more gloomy.

I don't know what happened. From the moment I saw the kid, I wanted to kill the kid. The idea of ​​killing the kid came out like instinct! But now, it seems that he can't kill the kid by himself!

"Wu Pojun's ten fierce war bodies have not yet appeared. In addition to the ten fierce war bodies, there is also the jade stele of the Scarlet God. There must be some backers hidden in the jade stele of the Scarlet God!" Just swear "Wu Pojun", don't hesitate, sacrifice your ten fierce war bodies, and release the power of the monument. You can't cut this son today, this son will surely become a devil in your heart! Even if you get the most Strong inheritance will not reach Bai Zubai's invincible situation!"


When Wu Pojun was shocked, some of his stunned faces were once again cruel, blood on his body, and the cracked flesh healed instantly. After staring at Chen Zheng with fierce eyes, he lifted the jade monument of the **** **** in the air, and then shouted!

"Please let my teacher blood sink the Holy Emperor!"


The world is changing!

At this moment, not only is the Wuji Holy Mountain regionalized to **** whole sky of the Xianwu Great World is turned to **** color!


Wuji Holy Mountain was shocked!

An extra figure appeared on the stone platform of the 13 giant stone pillars!

A **** figure!

"Blood God Jade empowerment gives you a quasi-sanctuary, plus you have ten fierce warfare bodies, but failed to kill your opponent. Wu Potian, you let me down."

The **** figure spoke lightly.


Monk present!

Almost all of them spurted blood!

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