Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 976: Someone has sealed a universe!

  Stone eggs are made of primitive material.

When the stone egg was originally obtained in the deepest part of Wuji Holy Mountain, the will in the stone egg was not obvious, and after the egg swallowed the blood of the God Lord’s blood evil will, the stone egg suddenly communicated with Chen Zheng actively, and shouted. The first word is dad.

   Therefore, Chen Zheng had just entered the inside of Xingcha before, shouted out the little baby doll, and watched the stone eggs together.

   "Susu? Is your daughter Chen Lingsu running from time to time in the future?"

  The little doll made a sudden thought, and frowned at Chen Zheng.

   "Not that girl."

  Chen Zheng shook his head.

"Report to the owner, what was born in the stone egg should be the Tai Su in the innate five gods! I wasn't a real Tai Su, my name was just casually given by the former owner, and I suddenly remembered something, as if the former owner put too much Su grabbed and wiped Tai Su's will and resealed it into an egg! It seems... as if the former owner also said that he was going to cook Tai Su into a tea egg!"

   At this time, the puppet of the organ in Chen Zheng's pocket popped up and took the initiative to speak.

   "Tea eggs?"


   When Chen Zheng heard the little doll, one smiled and the other raised a brow.

   "I'm so scared! Daddy! People are so scared!"

  The sound of milk in the milk of the egg sounds again, and the sound of milk gas sounds again.

"There are things about the congenital five gods in the original memory, but there are only four detailed information about Taichu, Taishi, Taisu, and Taiji. As long as these four guys appear in human form, they can be recognized at a glance. Only that is too easy. There is only one concept in the original memory. Apart from that concept, there is no other information! Chen Zheng, the life conceived in the stone egg should be the prime of the innate five gods, she directly Recognize you as a dad, in addition to being the Lord of God, this guy is likely to be too easy!"

  The light flashed in the eyes of the little doll, and lowered his voice.

"Too easy! Master is too easy! Impossible! I remember that the former master mentioned something about too easy. Although Tai Yi is old and powerful, it can't reach the level of the former master, but the owner's flesh and spirit My former master is one level, obviously stronger than too easy! So it can be inferred from this alone that the master is not too easy!"

   The government puppet was surprised when he heard it, but he quickly shook his head.

"Fuck!" When the little doll made an announcement, he slammed on the spot and stared at Chen Zhengdao: "If you continue to speculate, Laozi's brains will hurt again. Regarding your identity, I don't want to speculate anymore! Chen Zheng cantilevers your universe. Take it out and scan the stone egg to see what's in it!"

   "Cosmic Cantilever? What is that?"

  The puppet flew out of Chen Zheng's pocket and changed back to normal size. A pair of scarlet eyes looked at Chen Zheng.


   In Chen Zhengmei's heart, the seven-color divine light flashed, the crystalline cube flew out, and the seven-color divine light swept across the stone egg instantly!


   Inside the stone egg!

   suddenly screamed!


   almost at the same time!

  The organ puppet also screamed!

   Next time, the stone egg and the government puppet shrank at the same time, and at the same time, Huaguang wanted to escape, but after being caught by Chen Zheng, he was included in Yuanshen!


   The cube projected a light curtain. Within the light curtain, there was a chaotic area, and in the deepest of the chaotic area, there was something like a glass bead, and in that glass bead, it seemed that one world after another was hidden!

  Big Thousand Worlds!

  Zhongqian World!

  Little Thousand World!


   It seems that hundreds of millions of creatures can be seen vaguely!


   Extremely small!

   At this moment, whether it is Chen Zheng or an artificial little doll, looking at the scene projected in the light curtain, there is only one feeling, as if watching the world being struggling in the red dust! Under the control of destiny, those hundreds of millions of souls have interpreted countless sorrows, joys and hatreds!

   "This is the internal structure of the stone egg?"

  The little baby doll stared at the things in the light curtain, her future robbery master, at this moment her face also showed surprise.

   "It seems to be a universe, or a great reincarnation."

  The smile on Chen Zheng's face converged, and now he became quite serious.

"Someone encloses a universe in primitive matter? Do you think it is possible? The puppet master of the institution should be the zero number. Can the zero number seal a universe and a reincarnation in the primitive matter? Is she so strong? I don't believe it! "

  The little doll made several questions and shook his head!

   Her voice has changed!

   The little doll sound became a cold adult female voice!



  Cracked lotus seeds!

   She stretched out a hand from the lotus seed!

   The moment I stretched out!


   The world of Xianwu tremors trembles!

  A heavenly sky was instantly shrouded in haze!

   I saw hundreds of millions of Dao Shenlei appear at this moment!

   This is Tiandao warning the little doll!


   is not a warning!

   This is the heaven trembling!

   This is Heaven's way to resist!

   The heaven of Daqian World does not want to let the little doll out of the artificial lotus seed!

"what happened!"

   "Hundreds of millions of **** thunder!"

   "This is too terrible, right? In the world of Xianwu, are there any horrible creatures that will appear in the world, will it lead to such a horrible thunder robbery!"

   A world of creatures are in shock!


   Inside Xingcha, a little doll with a hand extended, grabbed the light curtain image, and this scratch was worn directly! She scolded again, and suddenly remembered that this light curtain image was an illusory thing, not a real substance at all!

   "Thirteen, you're Zhengpo smiled deeply.

"Humph!" The hand made by the little doll of the chemical industry took back, the lotus seeds of the chemical industry recovered as before, the baby's expression was extremely cold, staring at Chen Zheng several times with a warning tone: "I don't believe that zero can seal a universe, If she has this kind of strength, do she need to jump into the great reincarnation of Hongmeng universe? Chen Zheng I remembered something, our universe is called Hongmeng universe, there are thirteen masters, and the era is only twelve, thirteen. Ji doesn't exist at all, because Hongmeng's age is the end! I'm about to wake up completely, and wait for me to wake up completely, maybe I will be your biggest enemy in your life!"


   Chaos lotus submerged into Chen Zhengmei's heart!

   "It's the first time I see you as a futurist in the future, but I can understand it."

  Chen Zheng smiled.

   He can feel that the little doll of chemistry has completely cut off from his perception. The little doll of chemistry is like autism at this moment, maybe she is introspecting. But no matter what, Chen Zheng knew a little bit today. The reason why Xiaowawa, the future robbery master, is because she sees something that is completely beyond her control.

   Stone egg.

   is exactly what was sealed in the stone egg.

   That is a universe!

   Someone sealed a universe in the stone egg!

at this point!

  Chen Zheng thought he couldn't do it!

   And as a future robbery, the little doll can't do it!

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