Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 984: Bai Zubai is invincible!

  The city has lived for billions of years. Chapter 984: Bai Zubai is invincible! Blood rain!

   See blood rain again!

   There is another unspeakable sadness!

   It seems that the whole world of Xianwu is sad!


  Blood rain is getting bigger and bigger!


  Bai Chu's ancestor shook his body and split a Shennian across the land of tens of thousands of miles. When Shennian, who was separated, saw Lisheng Daochang and the mountain, his body was shaking again!


   gone from the mountain!

   Li Sheng Daochang from the mountain At this moment, there is only one scary pit left!

   Li Sheng!

  Where is Li Sheng?

   "Lishan Dojo is gone!"

   "Lisa is gone!"

   "So this blood rain is... Is the sign of Lisheng falling!"

In the world of Xianwu, the remaining forces, Xianwu Emperor and Xianwu Emperor, are at this moment also splitting their minds to spy on Lishan! The scene they saw in Shennian was exactly the same as the scene that Bai Chu Patriarch saw!

  Lishan disappears out of thin air!

  Lishan Dojo became a giant pit!

   seems to be blown out of something!

   "Holy Meteor!"

   "A saint fell again!"

"My Dao Zun, only a few days have passed. How come the saints have fallen! In just one month, it seems that three saints have fallen! How could this happen, in just one month, three saints fell. This is heaven and earth. Signs of a big change!"

   In the world of Xianwu, a startled sound lay in amazement!

   And at the moment, the Emperor Shenguang in the Emperor Yandi Mountain of Shijia was also trembling. Divided Divine Thoughts were taken back, and his eyes swept across the Shenjia Cultivation, lowering his voice and saying: "It has been confirmed, Li Sheng has fallen!"


   The priests of the priests were trembling!


   Immediately after the eyes of the **** family, they looked at the peerless figure in a red suit, that figure is the **** family **** without tears!

   "If Li Sheng doesn't pass on the decree, he won't provoke Chen Zu, Li Sheng will not fall, and Li Sheng falls, and deserves it."

   God whispered without tears.


  The family of the gods is shaking again!

  Chen Zu!

   is Chen Zu!

  Li Shengsheng passed down the law and declared the spirits of the whole world, saying that Chen Zu was an extraterrestrial demon. Less than half an hour later, Li Sheng fell!

   lying trough!

   Chen Zu is too strong!

  In addition to his own children such as God family, the rest of the family denominations in Xianwu Great World should not know that Li Sheng's fall is related to Chen Zu!

  If anyone dares to provoke Chen Zu!

  Wouldn't that be the case for death!

   "Chen Zu went to Dongli Bai's house?"

   Shenguang Patriarch asked God without tears.

   "Wouldn't the Bai family be finished!"

   "Bai family has Bai Zu Bai invincible, Bai invincible is recognized as the strongest in Xianwu big world, saints don't dare to take Bai invincible's proud sword!"

   "Can it be that Chen Zu is going to fight Bai invincible next!"

   The eyes of the family of the gods were all fixed, and they all looked towards Dongliyu!

"Bai Zu Bai invincible should be defeated by Chen Zu thousands of years ago... As for Bai Nishang, the number one in Zhenfeng Ranking, maybe he has seen Chen Zu already, perhaps with Chen Zu. Has an extraordinary relationship."

  God also looked towards Dongliyu without tears, and said something softly with emotion.

at the same time.

   Aohan Mountain Baijia Zudi.

   A gray light fell down.

"Master, I blasted the mountain away, and the saint was also bombed! The saint seems to be related to immortal Taoism, and the immortal Taoism may be sent to investigate! I have run out of energy and have to sleep for a while , If the people who don’t destroy the Taoist tracing come, the master will destroy those guys!"

   The gray light turned into an agency puppet. The agency puppet is intact, but the scarlet eyes are not as spirited as before, and at the moment blinking like it will suddenly break.

  The organ puppet shouted at Chen Zheng, shrunk into Chen Zheng's pocket.


  Cangsheng sips a bit, can't say anything if you want to say anything!

  Organization puppet!

   really blow up Lishanlisheng!

   This is exaggerated!

   "You didn't lie to me, your puppet is pretty good."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


  In an instant!

  The monks who appeared in the Bai family, except Bai Chu, the head of the Bai family and the white greedy wolf, the legs of all the others were soft, and they knelt on the spot!

   can't stand it!

   can't stand this kind of stimulation!

   This kind of stimulation is terrifying!

   Extraterrestrial demon!

   This extraterrestrial demon casually took an organ puppet out!

   This agency puppet went to the mountain!

   Lishan exploded!

   Li Sheng also exploded!

   really exploded!

   "You... Extraterrestrial demon... Is your puppet of the institution a holy weapon refined by extraterritorial demon, is it specifically used to kill the saints in the world of thousands!"

   The head of the Bai family trembles and asks!

   "You... really a **** extraterrestrial demon! But... my Bai family also has an invincible ancestor!"

   The white greedy wolf was shaking, and his eyes were full of panic, but at this moment he still gritted his teeth!

He fears!

   He is really scared!

   He never thought that the kid in front of him could take an organ puppet and kill the saint!

   This is too hard to believe!

   But this is true!

   This is the fact that only happened!


   But Bai Family and Bai Zu!

  White Zubai is invincible!

   That is the real ancestor!

   That is the only invincible ancestor who has climbed the unnamed sacred mountain in the Xianwu Great World in nearly ten thousand years!

   This kid has used the terrible killer just now!

  White invincible ancestor can cut this kid with just a knife!

   "White ancestor! White invincible! Come on! Come on!"


  White greedy wolf looking at the sky!



  Amidst the blood and rain on a sunny day!

   There was a snow-colored knife flashing through!

   "Congratulations to Baizu!"

   Bai Chu's ancestor saw the snow-colored sword, and his face suddenly showed a happy look, and it was a worship in the sky!

   Although he is an ancestor!

   is usually regarded as the ancestor of the Bai family!

   Actually, the title of Baizu in Xianwu Great World has never represented one person!


   A snow-colored knife fell from the sky!

   turned into a gray-haired middle-aged man!

  The white-haired middle-aged man stands in the blood rain!


   A snow-colored long knife stuck in the ground!

   is also rain-free!


  White invincible!

   is back now!



   "Invincible Ancestor!"

  Baijia up and down all pay their respects to the white-haired middle-aged!

"Baizu! This child is a **** outside the Please beg the ancestor to kill this child! This child just used the big weapon made by the **** outside the world to blow up the mountain and kill the Holy Saint! Not only In this way, the previous changes of the Chu people, Xianwu Temple, Wuji Holy Mountain, etc. are all related to this son! This child is a spy sent by the extraterrestrial devil to send the Xianwu world, and the extraterritorial demon wants to plan the Xianwu world!"

   After the white greedy wolf worshipped, he suddenly raised his head and shouted at the white-haired middle-aged man!

   "Bai Zu Bai invincible..."

  Cang Sheng's eyes widened, looking at the white-haired middle-aged man at the moment, and felt a little magical in an instant!

  White invincible!

   Xianwu Great World recognized first person!

Is    already in sight now?

   "Please Bai Zu beheaded this extraterrestrial demon!"

   Bai Chu Pao also raised his head, stared at Chen Zheng, and shouted at the white-haired middle-aged man!


   The snow-colored long knife stuck on the ground suddenly made a knife cry!

   seems to tremble!


   The Bai family showed up and down the doubt!

   Ao Shi knife!

   Are you afraid?

Do not!


   How could Ao Shi be scared!

   "Even after so many years, even if your cultivation is so degraded, my proud world is still afraid of you."

next moment!

  The white-haired middle-aged man spoke!

   He looked at Chen Zheng and sighed!


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