Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 994: The traitor cannot be tolerated!

Black armor!

Black pupil!

Black cloak!

This is the person who looked at Chen Zheng in amazement in Xu Tianxian Hall!

He is shaking!

The body trembles like it is out of control!

A step in his leg!

He seems to want to escape!

Only then took that step!

The terrifying hostility sealed the entire Xiantian Immortal Hall!

The anger is from Chen Zheng's body!

"Chen Zu"

Here, Long Jingyao has more than ten steps away from Chen Zheng. Suddenly it stopped. At the moment, looking at Chen Zheng's back, Chen Zheng is already inhuman in her eyes. At this moment, Chen Zheng is already a terrifying humanoid. Thing!

"The murderer ancestor reappears!"

Under the princess of the first moon, the Longhuang Battle Banner exclaimed!

Chen Zheng at the moment!

It is more familiar!

Because it was in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands!

Chen Zu, who changed his name to the ancestor of the murderer, is such a gesture!

Open your breath!

Who you are!

All die!

How much hate the guy inside!

When Chen Zu saw that guy, he turned into a murderer ancestor!


Princess Zhengyue blinked wildly, at this moment the real blood of the Vanguard Dragon in her body was moving, the real blood of Vanguard Dragon was boiling, and the real blood of Vanguard Dragon wanted to challenge Chen Zu! However, the little girl forcibly pressed down the real blood of the eternal dragon, because she knew very well that even 10,000 herself could not beat this man!

This man!

Own master!

In the words of Miss Sister Hua!

It is a piece of stone that is harder than anything in the world. Stone!

"Are you. The extraterrestrial demon mentioned in Li Sheng's decree? Hmm? It was also the Chen Zu mentioned by the Lord of the Forbidden City. You created the legendary Nine Tribulation? My sister took you into the virtual heaven holy land, you are Want to kill the Lord of Heavenly Condemned City? If this is the case, then you and I have to have a battle between you and me. After all, I am the one who keeps my promise! The Lord of Heavenly Condemned City gives me the secrets of refining, and I will keep him safe for the rest of my life!"


Another figure in Xu Tianxian who had a great atmosphere on his body opened his eyes!

This figure is the master of the Dragon Han Dynasty!


This opening!

Vast body turned into a golden palace phantom!

This golden palace is illusory!

A tyrannical breath far beyond the ancestral realm burst out!

"The power of the Holy Court!" Xu Jingxian outside Long Jingyao felt that breath, and subconsciously exclaimed, but suddenly thought of something, suddenly changed color, and shouted into the palace of Xu Tianxian: "Brother, Chen The ancestor rescued Jing Yao, and Chen Zu entered the void heaven holy court just to kill the traitor


She just shouted half!


Inside the Xiantianxian Temple!

The fierce atmosphere collided with the golden saint phantom!


A face-to-face!

The golden saint phantom is broken!


Lord Long Han was shocked!

"Beg Brother Chen Zu Rao Jingyao!"

At this moment Long Jingyao was shocked again, kneeling at Chen Zheng!


The tears of tears that shattered the golden shadow of the Holy Court turned into an extremely fierce beast, and the Lord of Long Han was blasted to the man in black armor and black cloak!

"The power of the troll!"


The man in black armor and black cape shouted!


A phantom of a murderous creature appeared behind the man!



Another face-to-face!

The murderous creature was directly slapped by the murderous beast!

The man in black armor and black cloak shuddered!


The man in black armor and black cloak was transformed into a fierce beast by anger, and he slapped it to the ground. The man in black armor and black cloak struggled frantically, but he couldn't break away! At this moment, the fierce beasts transformed by the anger were invaded insanely, and they were dragged down and dragged towards the gate of the Xiantian Immortal Hall!

Passed by!

The blood is dazzling!

That is the blood of the ancestor!

Contains extremely powerful fairy power!

But no one dared to move!

The Lord Long Han, who was just smashed into the corner of the Immortal Hall just now, stared at the black man in black armor and black cloak. He wanted to condense the golden sanctuary again, but in the deepest part of his heart, A voice is madly warning him!


Dare to move again!

Will definitely die!

The Golden Holy Court cannot save him!

"You can provoke the saints, you can provoke the true pilgrimage master, but don't provoke the man! I know who the man is, the man is older than you think! The peerless His Royal Highness had once received a part of his heritage, although it was only a part of the heritage, but the His Royal Highness only walked from a mortal to the ninth level of the polar realm by the incomplete heritage. A creature above level 9 also has a chance to impact above level 9!"

In the depths of the Lord God of Longhan, a voice really sounded at this moment, a voice that Lord Lord Han never heard!

Lord Lord Long trembles!


And this is the time!

At the gate of the Void Heaven Immortal Hall!

A crisp slap sounded!


The man in black armor and black cloak has been raised by the murderous beast, and it stands in front of Chen Zheng. The man in black armor and black cloak just wanted to speak, and Chen Zheng raised his hand to slap out!




Slap after slap!

Just a few interest!

The man in black armor and black cloak has become a blood man!


Long Jingyao kneeling on the ground saw this scene and Yuanshen shivered!

Chen Zu!

Is this the real side of Chen Zu!




"The little master closes his eyes quickly. Chen Zu in the state of the murderer's ancestor is the most terrible tycoon between heaven and earth!"

Longhuang Battle Banner secretly reminded Princess Zhengyue that Princess Zhengyue would not close her eyes, but Princess Zhengyue didn't listen, but instead her eyes widened.

"Indifferent and ruthless, this is the most terrifying aspect of his heart. Like the original character, he was actually born for the destruction of the world! , This nature is very doubtful that the source of the power of the Buddhism robber is Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng’s first life!"

At the moment, there was also a voice in the mind of Princess Zhengyue, that was the voice of a little baby!

"Chen Chenzu. Me. I am right."

In front of the gate of the Immortal Temple!

The blood man with his head drooping raised his head now!

Shaking what I want to say!


Chen Zheng raised his hand and grabbed the blood man's pair of black pupils in astonishment to the extreme. It seemed that Chen Zheng would shoot so decisively and directly cut off his vitality!

"I can't hold a traitor in my eyes. You are not only a traitor, but also killed a few old eight and nine, so old seven, you have no future life."

Chen Zheng suddenly smiled!


This laugh!

The people I saw at the scene, whether they were people or not, all instinctively shook!

This laugh!

What a **** horrible!

This laugh!

It's just to eat people!


The spirit disappeared from the black eyes of the blood man!

His Yuanshen is completely destroyed!


A body fell to the ground!

Falling in front of Chen Zheng!

But Chen Zheng was too lazy to look at it again!

At this moment, he stood in front of the gate of the Void Heaven Immortal Hall!

Only indifference!

Whether present or not!

Don't dare to move!

Dare not say anything!

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