Bind National Games: Play as a Blind Swordsman at the Beginning!

Chapter 76: Cat-Eared Girl Tia! Beast Of The Lake! The Rosary Church Really Lingers!

"Are you still so vigilant?" Bai Yi could clearly feel a very vigilant gaze, staring at him all the time.

But this look that looks very vigilant, I don't know when...

I couldn't help but move on the barbecue next to the campfire.

Bai Yi could even hear clearly, this little girl from the cat-human tribe...

The sound of swallowing saliva because of drooling.



Immediately afterwards, a strange cry could be heard from the other party's belly.


She is hungry.

Now it seems that she passed out because of being too hungry.

After waking up now, the only thought in the mind of this cat-human girl...

Just want to eat!

Want to eat and drink!


Although the barbecue in front of him seemed close at hand, there was a Bai Yi in front of him blocking it.

And next to Bai Yi there is a desert night fox lying on the ground.

The little girl of the cat-human tribe had obviously seen Bai Yi and the desert night fox make a move.

So whether it is facing Bai Yi, or facing the desert night fox.

She always has a little bit of fear.

And also very vigilant.

Just like this time, Bai Yi's voice continued to ring out: "If I wanted to harm you, you would not be alive now, and you don't need to be so vigilant. If you want to eat, just wait a while, Now the fish is not cooked yet.

"However... I still have a piece of dry bread left here. If you are really hungry, you can make do with it and fill your stomach a little, so you don't faint from hunger again."

Bai Yi took out the last piece of dry bread from the backpack next to him.

This is brought out from the church of the Rose Church.

He handed this piece of dry bread to the little cat-human girl in front of him.

The unique faint fragrance of bread.

Let the cat-human little girl swallow her saliva secretly.


Can't help it!

The little girl from the cat-human tribe directly took the dry bread that Bai Yi handed over, and then gobbled it up.

But I don't know if it was because I was eating too fast, or because the dry bread was too dry.

She suddenly opened her eyes wide, and a feeling of suffocation came from her throat.

And Bai also handed her a bottle of water at a time.

The voice sounded more gentle and casual: "It's the first time you've been hungry for so long, don't eat too fast. And it's best not to eat too full, otherwise it will not only have no benefit, but will be harmful to your body harmful"

The little girl of the cat-human tribe quickly took a bottle of water, and then hurriedly poured it into her mouth.

Finally, he swallowed the dry bread stuck in his throat.

A small piece of dry bread was quickly disposed of by her.

She licked the crumbs of dry bread on her lips unsatisfied.

And it also seems that the reason why Bai Yi gave her something to eat...

This time, when I look into Bai Yi's eyes again

It seems that the vigilance at the beginning is no longer there. Although there is still a little distance, it is no longer vigilant like fear.

And the faint fear in her eyes.

It finally dissipated a little bit.

The little girl of the cat-human clan, with a slightly embarrassed expression on her face, handed Bai Yi a bottle of water that had already been drunk.

Now there is only one empty bottle left. 16

But with a slightly curious look, she looked at this strange empty bottle.

She lived for fourteen years...

Never seen such a bottle.

Obviously looks very thin.

It also looks very soft.

It can even be crushed easily.


I don't know what the reason is, but it looks unexpectedly strong.


In the forbidden area outside the territory.

Such things as plastic bottles.

does not exist.

But at this moment, the pupils of this cat-human girl shrank suddenly, and she looked at Bai Yi in disbelief, taking out a small sign out of nowhere in her hand.

I saw Bai Yi holding a signboard of the Rose Church in his hand.

Then Bai Yi opened his mouth and said: "This small sign fell from your body, the pattern engraved on it should be the pattern of the Rose Church? But you don't look like a member of the Rose Church, why do you wear this thing?"

"What is the relationship between the two people who chased you and the Church of the Rose? I am not a member of the Church of the Rose. On the contrary, I have destroyed a church of the Church of the Rose."

Bai Yi narrowed his eyes suddenly, he opened a pair of eyes where only the white of his eyes could be seen.

Just like that with a look without any brilliance.

Quietly watching the little cat-human girl in front of her.

"Although you may be born unable to speak, I think you should be able to understand what I am talking about. I will ask you some questions, and you can choose to nod or shake your head to answer me."

Bai Yi paused, and continued: "Did you offend Rose Church for some reason, and were hired by Rose Church to hunt down and kill you?"

The little girl of the cat-human clan stared blankly for a moment.

She bit her lower lip.

She didn't know whether to trust a stranger.


The stranger had apparently saved himself.

That is to say...

I owe this man my life.

The other party is his own savior.

The little girl of the cat-human tribe finally made up her mind without knowing why.

She gritted her teeth and nodded.

This is also considered......

Responded to Bai Yi's question.

Bai Yi couldn't see her nodding, but he could feel it with his knowledgeable domineering.

It seems that this little girl has indeed offended the Rose Church.

That little sign should be the little girl who brought it out from the Rose Church at some point.


Just when Bai Yi wanted to ask something.


The little girl of the cat-human race in front of her seemed to be engaged in some tangled psychological struggle.

Then there was a trace of determination on his face.

She suddenly moved closer to Bai Yi.


With her somewhat dirty forehead, suddenly, it pressed against Bai Ye's forehead.


Bai Yi heard a very light voice.

"I... I can't speak with my mouth, but I can communicate with you in this way. This is... This is a unique secret technique of our Sunerman family, which can be used with you communication between people's minds."

This light voice was very stuttering, and it could be heard that the other party was very nervous.

Obviously, the little girl of the cat-human clan didn't move her mouth.

May be

Bai Yi can clearly hear

The opponent's voice!

The little girl who hasn't bathed for many days doesn't smell very good.

But obviously, Bai Yi doesn't care about these details.

Bai Yi's expression at this time was very surprised.

Spiritual communication?

Sunlman family secrets?

From the simple sentence of the other party, Bai Yi can analyze a lot of things.

This little girl of the cat-human race may come from a family named Sunerman.

Needless to say, this family must be all cat people.

Moreover, the mysterious power mastered by this family, among which spiritual communication is one of them.

Those two corpses that had turned into charred corpses before.


It is this so-called Sunerman family member, who may be a role of each other.

And the little girl from the cat-human tribe in front of her thought that Yuanran knew such secret techniques.

That can only show that the other party is in the Sunerman family.

It should also be a core character, right?


To have the shelter of such a family....


Still be hunted down?

Still so embarrassed?

"Has your family been killed?" Bai Yi suddenly raised such a guess: "Because some shady secrets of the Rose Church were discovered, and then the whole family was harmed by the Rose Church? The so-called God of the Rose Church, the so-called great existence, is actually just a beast of the plant type?"

When Bai Yi asked this sentence, the eyes of the little cat-human girl suddenly widened.

The two sides are now foreheads that are close to each other.

With her big watery eyes, she looked at Bai Yi in disbelief, those eyes without any radiance.

It's like being very shocked.

That voice from the soul resounded in Bai Yi's mind again: " are...who are you? How do you know?!"

This voice was already exclaiming.


Bai Yi guessed right.

The Sunerman family, where the cat-human girl belongs, obviously discovered one of the most taboo secrets of the Rose Church.

And the Rose Church also knew, they had discovered the secret of the Rose Church.


The Sunerman family where the little girl of the cat-human race belongs.

suffered a catastrophe.


The Rose Church was originally a Xie religious organization.

If their secrets are revealed, they will definitely become the target of public criticism.


The Rosary Church adopted the momentum of thunder.

Destroy this Sunerman family in one fell swoop!


The Sunerman family is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and they may not be the opponents of the Rose Church.


They tried their best, but the cat-human girl escaped.

And the Rose Church also knows that there are still fish that have slipped through the net.


Just hire some bounty hunters or something.

Chase and kill this cat-human girl!


The two sides have been communicating with each other with their hearts, and Bai Yi has gradually learned many things.


The name of the little girl of the cat-human race is Sunman Tiya, which sounds like a very westernized name.

But it is the last name in front.

The name is on the back.

The Sunerman family she belongs to is not a Common family.

But the ruler of a city!

And Sunerman Tia is the youngest daughter of the patriarch of this family.

In other words, her father, the patriarch of the Sunerman family, is a city lord!


She was not the only one who slipped through the net in the entire Sunerman family.

Tia said she also has a sister, but her sister is very rebellious.

He left the family many years ago.

Become a ranger.

Haven't been back to the family yet.


Her elder sister who left the family several years ago must not know the secret of the Rose Church.

That is to say...

The entire Sunerman family knew the secrets of the Rose Church.


Only this little girl is left!

That is to say...

The blood of the Sunlman family...

only left

And a sister who doesn't know whether she is alive or dead.

at the same time.

The Sunerman family discovered the secret of the Rose Church, which is indeed what Bai Yi said just now.

The city managed by the Sunerman family.

Named [Black Water City]!

As for why it was called this name, Bai Yi didn't know, and of course he didn't have the interest to know.

And in Heishui City.

It has a population of more than 100,000.


This population is much larger than the previous Sunset Town.

The Rose Church entered Heishui City about three years ago.

At the beginning, the Rose Church behaved very normally.

Just like a normal church.

In addition, the Rose Church, for some reason, is very rich.

Very active in funding Heishui City.

As a result, the relationship between Heishui City and Rose Church has been maintained very well in the past three years.


As time goes on...


Something seems wrong!

In particular, the Sungerman family, who controlled Blackwater City, found that there seemed to be strange things happening among the residents near the Rose Church's residence.

The Sunerman family began to secretly investigate the Rose Church.

It doesn't matter if you don't investigate...

A survey...

Put the entire Sunerman family in a dangerous situation.


In the process of secret investigation.

They discovered some of the church's secrets!


their undercover investigation.

Also exposed!

How could the Sunerman family be the opponents of the Rose Church? If it was just a battle between people. Then the Rose Church is definitely not the opponent of the Xunerman family, after all, the Xunerman family also controls a city.


The Rose Church doesn't talk about martial arts at all.

Now that it's been discovered...

Then tear your skin off!

A heir of a so-called great existence of the Rose Church, almost slaughtered the Sun Erman family with his own power!

Almost all of Tia's relatives are dead!

The only remaining relative...

It was the elder sister who disappeared because of her rebellion back then, even now.

Also known as......

Her now.

Already lonely!


The reason why Tiya followed Bai Yi and the desert night fox was because she felt that it was very safe to follow one person and one fox.


Another reason is that she smelled, Bai Yi smelled of food.

Then he became a follower.

And her ability to hide is not some secret technique in her family.

It is a real ability that belongs to oneself.

This seems to be...  

An innate talent like that.

As long as this concealment ability is used, all the smells on her body will disappear without a trace.

And even when walking, it will not make any sound.

And their own sense of existence will be greatly reduced.

That is to say, even if you hide like a child playing peek-a-boo.

Even squatting directly at the feet of others.

It is difficult for others to find out.

This ability to reduce one's own sense of existence is indeed somewhat special.

This is not a blood talent unique to ferocious beasts.

What exactly...

Not even Tia herself knew.


I don't know what kind of principle it is, when Tia communicated with Bai Yi using secret techniques.

what they exchanged.

The audience in the live broadcast room in the forbidden area of ​​Longguo can all hear it.

And heard very clearly.

"MMP! Vomit! This xie religious organization called the Rose Church is too big, isn't it? It actually slaughtered the family of this cat-ear girl

Wori! Sure enough, this Xie religious organization is all lunatics, all extreme lunatics!"

"Woooooo! This little girl looks very pitiful, and it breaks my heart! Especially when I'm crying and telling my family's experience in my heart, alas, it's heart-wrenching!"

"Damn it! For such a cult organization, it's best to send them a Dongfeng Express directly! Give them all away!"

"There is still a secret technique that can communicate with the soul? There are too many mysterious things in the forbidden area!"

"Speaking of these mysterious secret techniques in the forbidden area, can we Blue Stars learn them?"

"Huh? This touches my blind spot of knowledge a bit."

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Husband, let me come!"

"Hiss! Are you jealous of a 14-year-old girl? It's a bit exaggerated, right?"

"Wooooow, and what I envy is Baishen! I also want a cat-eared girl!"

"I want to fart! It is recommended to dream when you are dreaming."

"Woooo! White God, my White God!"

Bai Yi didn't know what the barrage painting style in Longguo's forbidden live broadcast room would look like.

At this time, he was communicating with Tia.

It can be regarded as establishing a very preliminary trust between the two parties.

At this time, the grilled fish was almost cooked, Bai Yi picked up a skewer of grilled fish, and handed it to Tiya in front of her, with a gentle smile on her face: "The past has passed, and now you are gone." No one is chasing and killing, let's eat something first!"

Tia wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, obviously speaking about her experiences.

She couldn't bear the grievance in her heart and cried a lot.


It looks much better now.

Tia took the grilled fish, but because it was too hot, she could only chew it carefully.

I have been hungry for so many days and have been hunted down for so long.

Now he finally got rid of the pursuit of the Rose Church.

And finally there is food to eat.

His own life was also saved.

when thinking of these

Tia almost burst into tears, her job is really not easy.


Even the two guards protecting him.

It's all about protecting myself...


On the other hand, the desert night fox stared at Tia in front of him with a strange face.

It found that this cat-human girl looked thin and weak.

Be cautious when eating.


The speed of eating is not slow.

He obviously ate a piece of dry bread just now, but now he can still get rid of a grilled fish.

And 100 and this grilled fish has to weigh several catties.

How is the stomach of this cat people made?

This meal......


Compete with the Desert Night Fox!


The desert night fox began to feast on it.


Another rice bucket!

However, at this time, I don't know if it is because of the smell of grilled fish, which is too fragrant.




On the lake in the distance, suddenly, it seemed as if a billowing stormy sea had risen.

A large number of bubbles emerged from the bottom of the lake.

And there seems to be some huge monster churning in the lake.

There were waves all over the lake.

It looks incomparably appalling.

The huge waves have even stirred up to a height of more than ten meters, or even tens of meters.

Tia, who saw the grilled fish she was eating, was dumbfounded.

All of a sudden.....

When does the grilled fish in your hand fall to the ground.

It's all like unknown!

Tia realizes



Great danger!

Just when she was about to hastily remind Bai Yi next to her, she found that Bai Yi seemed to be okay, slowly gnawing on the grilled fish, his expression seemed unhurried, without any trace of chaos.

It was as if they didn't know what was happening on the lake.

Tia knew that her savior was Bai Yi.

She also knew that Bai Yi was blind.


If the eyes can't see, the ears can't hear the sound, right?

Such a big movement.....

Can't you hear me?

Tia quickly looked at the desert night fox next to her, and she suddenly found that the desert night fox was getting nervous, but when the desert night fox noticed Bai Yi's expression, she found that her master was not panicked at all.

Seeing this scene, the tension on the desert night fox's face also dissipated.

Then move on to the grilled fish.

Seeing this scene......



Why don't they both look worried at all?

With such a big movement in the lake, there must be fierce beasts, and they must be big and powerful beasts.

Because it was just such a huge commotion.

It shows that the other party is not simple.

at this time.………

The surface of the lake not far away seemed to explode suddenly.

Under Tia's horrified eyes, a huge head protruded from the lake.

It looks like the head of a snake.


Not as if!

That is a snake!


It's a python!


The python's head was already as big as a small house.


Incredibly appalling!


This giant beast in the lake has locked a pair of vertical pupils on Bai Yi, the desert night fox, and Tiya at this moment.

Feeling a malicious aura coming towards him.

Feel that violent breath.

And the breath of bloodthirsty.

Bai Yi sighed softly: "Why are all python-like beasts so violent? I don't seem to have broken into its territory, right? Could it be that this lake is its territory?"

at the same time.......

Mysterious beep.

Mysterious subtitles.


[Ding! Dragon Kingdom contestant Bai Yi found forbidden creatures and is analyzing the creature types. The analysis is complete!]

【Name: Frost Lake Python (C+)】

[Characteristics: C+ level forbidden beasts, carnivorous creatures, solitary creatures, huge in size, can grow up to thousands of meters long! Irritable temperament, can keenly sense the enemy's invasion

, I hate my own territory very much, and invade outsiders. The ferocious beast with activated blood talent has the ability to control ice!]

PS: The update at noon is here! Adjust your mentality! Continue to work hard to update! Today’s update will not be less than 18,000! Tomorrow, we will resume an update of 20,000 words! Cough cough!

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