Chapter 110 Kiti S-Class Luxury Mount [Third More]!!

If the audience knew what Shen Xuan was thinking at this moment, it was estimated that they would all collapse, but this was an S-level fierce beast, saying that surrendering would surrender, and did not want face?

And as the mammoth giant elephant approached, those wind spirit dogs that were only D-class were already about to be scared to pee.

They could no longer hide their fears and fled.

Ma Maosheng in the studio frowned and frowned, and his expression seemed to be a little dark.

“Logically, these wind hyenas are not slow, and they are extremely agile, and it should not be difficult to avoid this mammoth giant elephant.”

“But they showed such fear, without the slightest hesitation, to run for their lives, which probably shows that this mammoth giant elephant is far more powerful than imagined!”

“This is not only the advantage of rank or size, its strength is probably also extremely terrifying!”

The wind hyena group ran away, and as an A-class black canine bear, he had already faced this S-class mammoth giant elephant.

As powerful as it is, at this moment, I can’t help but shrink back a little, obviously feeling extreme oppression and threats.

Seeing the situation, the guys who had blown the big black bear before immediately turned against each other, thinking that this mammoth giant elephant was probably the most powerful beast!

“This mammoth is invincible!” Sweeping across the other world is definitely not a problem! ”

“If I had such a mammoth elephant, even if I took it to the construction site to move bricks, I would be able to make money on this day!”

“Brother, what makes you so careful about even dreaming?” If you really had such a mammoth elephant, why would you need to move bricks? ”

“Nima, why do I feel that the fighting power of this mammoth giant elephant is at least worth ten big black bears?”

“Mammoth: See my thirty-meter-long tusks?” Lao Tzu let you run twenty-nine meters first! ”

“Be bold and let you run 999 meters first!”

A group of sand sculpture spectators immediately turned into elephant blowing.

It’s because this mammoth is so terrifying.

If the two are compared, the deterrent power of the big black bear is really incomparable with it.

There are also many viewers who are worried, most of them foreign audiences.

After all, Shen Xuan hadn’t made any moves so far, and no one could figure out what he was thinking.

But just when they thought that running away was the best choice, Shen Xuan suddenly moved.

In a stunned state, Shen Xuan actually shouted ‘elephant’ with joy while bravely running towards the mammoth giant elephant!

This move made the audience all dumbfounded.

Especially those who have just announced the joining of the Dragon Kingdom, the audience screamed.

Many of them had not seen Shen Xuan’s live broadcast before.

As far as Shen Xuan’s small arms and legs were concerned, he actually dared to take the initiative to approach the mammoth giant elephant.

At this moment, their hearts were as if they had been swept by countless mammoth elephants.

“God, what is Shen Xuan trying to do?”

“Wook, have your players always been so brave?” That’s a beast of the first rank! ”

“This can no longer be described as brave, it is simply heroic!”

“This… Isn’t this death? Can anyone tell me how he lived to this day? ”

“I feel that this mammoth giant elephant can stomp hundreds of children to death with one kick, and rushing up so hastily is it really not sending them to death?”

“Excessive, huh? I bet this mammoth would kill at most ninety-nine with one foot! ”

These foreign audiences were all not calm, they really couldn’t understand Shen Xuan’s move at this moment.

If you don’t run away, you actually take the initiative to provoke?

Couldn’t he tell which of the S-Class or A-Class was more powerful?

The few fierce beasts he had subdued were now the big black bears, and they could barely keep their vigilance.

The others, on the other hand, had already been so frightened that they lay motionless on the ground.

The steel-toothed marmots, in particular, had dug a pit and buried their heads in it, leaving their huge butts there.

This disregard for the stomach of the face, let people see that they can not cry and laugh.

But the audience of the Dragon Kingdom was calm at the moment.

Are there fewer miracles happening to Shen Xuan’s body?

Which time didn’t make their hearts hang in their throats, but in the end?

Countless times it turns out that they are just white worries.

“Calm down, isn’t it just an elephant, this kind of small scene is worth such a fuss?”

“In fact, take a closer look, this mammoth giant elephant looks quite cute, no wonder Shen Xuan likes it, if there is a doll of the same model or handmade, I should buy it.”

“Notify the factory immediately and go all out to make the mammoth giant elephant of the same doll, speed speed speed!”

“This elephant has been walking slowly, where there is a sense of attack.” Maybe it just came to play with Shen Xuan, Anla! ”

“I also think that this elephant still looks quite sensible, maybe it is to see new friends from the grassland, and specially come to say hello.”

“Why do I feel that Xuan Xuan will soon be promoted to a luxurious mount?” Is it my delusion? ”

“Probably not, because I also feel this way, after all, Shen Xuan seems to have a hobby of collecting powerful beasts.”

“Hey… I had already imagined this mammoth giant elephant working for Shen Xuan, and the golden giant scorpion was probably a companion. ”

“Xuan Xuan, come on, tame another level fierce beast, and you will be one step closer to becoming the master of the alien space!”

“Well, I declare that this grassland can be left to Xuan Xuan in the future, even if he encounters the Blazing Lion again, it is estimated that the guy will only have to escape!”

When the foreign audience saw the speech of the Dragon Kingdom audience, they all straightened their eyes.

What exactly made them have such an almost blind trust in Shen Xuan?

Shen Xuan’s performance of daring to face the level fierce beast alone was indeed very brave, but how could they be sure that this mammoth giant elephant would definitely not hurt Shen Xuan?

In fact, the Dragon Kingdom audience could not answer this question, they just instinctively thought so.

It was the same instinct as drinking water when they were thirsty, and eating when they were hungry, perhaps because of Shen Xuan’s performance all along, so that their original fragile hearts became incomparably stronger and finally produced such an instinct.

Shen Xuan was already very close to the Mammoth Giant Elephant.

And this behemoth, seeing a small thing rushing towards itself, actually obediently stopped.

Shen Xuan ran all the way to the huge head of the mammoth giant elephant, looked up at it, and held out his hand at the same time.

This scene made foreign audiences nervous again, but the next second of the picture made them fall through their glasses.

The mammoth giant elephant actually raised its long nose to touch Shen Xuan’s outstretched little hand.

And that’s not all.

It seemed to have a good feeling for Shen Xuan’s smell, and lifted Shen Xuan up with its nose and put it on top of its head, and the audience in the live broadcast room exploded in an instant!

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