Chapter 147 Foreign Players Are Worse Than The Conference, Xuan Shen This Wave in the Atmosphere! 【The third more】!!

【Notice! Congratulations to Shen Xuan, the representative of the Dragon Kingdom, for successfully killing the grade fierce beast Jungle Green Snake! 】

【Kill Reward: Poison Resistance -30!】 】

The flat-headed brother hammered the big snake to death, this guy is a complete carnivorous beast.

Hammering the big snake is not counted, now sitting there, two paws holding the big snake, eating like a spicy strip.

Although it is nothing to show off about a B-level beast hammering a C-level beast, it uses a way that surprises the audience.

Anyone who has seen the animal world knows how ferocious the picture of the beast killing is, but this flat-headed brother is really too talented.

Slap the big snake to death?

When I think of the fierce beasts fighting in the future, all of them are pulling their hair and slapping them, this picture is too beautiful, I really dare not imagine…

The big snake died of suffocation, I am afraid that among the fierce beasts that have died so far, the one with the most unique method of death, the key to death, even if it is dead, it is also eaten by the flat-headed brother as a spicy strip!

The audience watched the flat-headed brother eat happily, and they all laughed and cried: “666! This spicy strip is so fragrant! ”

“Hiss! Such delicious spicy strips can not be 5 cents a pack? ”

“5 cents is enough?” I want to see such a large spicy strip sold for at least two pieces! ”

“That’s not all, in the old man’s opinion, this spicy strip is a big supplement, at least it has to sell for 5 pieces!”

【Notice! Congratulations to dragon country on behalf of the contestants for successfully obtaining resources! 】

【Resource Type: Puyu Honeydew Melon!】 】

【Resource Level: D Level! 】 】

【Resource characteristics: thin skin, thick flesh, sufficient moisture, sweet but not greasy.] 】

[Honeydew melon will be visualized in three seconds with a hundredfold increase to the Dragon Kingdom!] 】

As soon as the big snake died, all the cantaloupes on the ground belonged to Shen Xuan.

Seeing that Shen Xuan liked to eat so much, the licking dogs seemed to see the opportunity, and they couldn’t care less about eating it themselves, so one or two of them all rushed into the melon field and held the cantaloupe on the back of the golden giant scorpion.

Such a simple observation of color they will still be, this performance opportunity, naturally can not be missed.

After all, Wolong Phoenix Chicks are two people, and the speed is definitely faster than the intern licking dog.

This can make the two of them feel good and proud.

But the trainee lick dog is definitely a mind dog! This guy actually found a huge cantaloupe, and when he picked it up, his whole body was trembling.

Moreover, he deliberately walked past Shen Xuan, causing Shen Xuan to stare at the cantaloupe in his hand for several times.

Wolong Fengchi was gritted his teeth in anger, this guy, sure enough, is a fierce enemy, not so easy to deal with!

After some delay here, Shen Xuan looked at the sky and decided to continue to the next resource point.

And just when Shen Xuan was scavenging for resources and hunting those fierce beasts that did not have long eyes, the players from other countries were not as leisurely as he was.

Shen Xuan’s food was too much to eat, and more players could only rely on the food they brought.

But these foods were limited after all, and they were soon eaten.

This left their audience in a hurry, eager to mail some more food to these contestants.

But the express delivery industry has not yet reached the bridging of two worlds.

Therefore, these viewers can only run to the Dragon Kingdom live broadcast room from time to time to see where Shen Xuan is now, and whether there is a chance to let their players hold their thighs.

Even if you are an intern licking dog, at least you will not die, you will not be hungry, and there will be a chance to turn right in the future, is this not enough?

“Cool, our representative player is a grandmother, she can survive the attack of the beast is a miracle now, but now that the food she brought is finished, I feel like I am going to starve to death, 5555…”

“Be content, our contestants ate all the food on the first day, if it weren’t for the bark of the tree these two days, they would have died a long time ago!”

“It’s so miserable, we players brought a bottle of water, and now we are dying of thirst…”

“Sure it’s worse than miserable?” Not only did our contestants not bring food, they didn’t even bring water! If it hadn’t rained before, he would have been the first to be starved to death and thirsty! ”

“… I don’t feel bad when our contestants die, this guy didn’t bring any survival supplies, and a backpack was all useless things! ”

“Don’t say it, our brain-dead player walked and fell, and actually broke his own bones, this must be the end of the calf!”

These viewers only feel that the future of their country is bleak, and there is not a glimmer of light.

But even if they are crazy to complain, in fact, they have not given up hope, after all, the representative players of the Dragon Kingdom have a flying machine to explore, and this is their last hope.

If they can find their players when expanding the search scope, then their players will be as safe as the intern licking dog, what dignity, what bottom line, what face, all are floating clouds.

As long as you hold Xuan Shen’s thigh, the future is definitely bright!

And the major AI companies have not stopped researching and developing maps…

Now the Dragon Kingdom live broadcast room was the place where they were stationed the largest number of people, and through the perspective of Shen Xuan’s flying machine, they collected data images that all other live broadcast rooms could not be compared to together.

Through these data images, AI maps are also constantly improving.

Now the map completion of the entire rainforest has infinitely approached 2066.

As they continue to develop, the odds of the remaining players surviving will also be greatly improved.

The number of simultaneous online users in the Dragon Country live broadcast room has repeatedly reached a new high.

In addition to the Dragon Kingdom’s own audience, those who joined the Dragon Kingdom also gathered here, who let their players have died.

Even the national spectators who were still alive often came in to see what Shen Xuan was doing.

After all, so far, only the atmosphere in the live broadcast room of the Dragon Kingdom has not been suppressed in the slightest, but it is full of joy at any time and place.

After collecting the cantaloupe, Shen Xuan continued to follow the predetermined route.

In succession, they obtained E-grade yellow apricot forest, F-grade long-stemmed celery and E-grade giant eggplant.

Although most of the resources obtained this time were D-level or E-level resources, don’t forget that Shen Xuan only took two or three hours!

When I watched it, I didn’t think that after knowing that someone had taken stock on the bullet screen, the topic was immediately detonated.

“Sleeper, can you still play like this?” Nine resources in a row! That’s god-sucking, isn’t it? ”

“I thought our players were on the first floor, Xuan Shen was at most on the eighth or ninth floor, and now it seems that it is 0.8, I am short-sighted, this is particularly clearly in the atmosphere!”

“When did the resources of the alien space become so worthless?” I feel like my three views are going to burst! ”

“Open and hang! This is definitely open and hanging! It’s not fair! ”

“I know that the alien space is a place where the fittest live, but is this also too suitable for Xuan Shen?”

“I’m numb, so many fruits and vegetables, should the Dragon Kingdom transform into a big exporter of fresh vegetables?”

“Small… Small scenes… Go to the special, this is a small scene, Lao Tzu’s frightened hair is erect! Nine resources in a row! ”

“I really can’t say that this is the basic operation, Xuan Xuan really gave me another surprise!”

“Hahahahaha hiccup! I suddenly felt that life was so good, and my depression was cured! So many fruits and vegetables, I can’t finish eating it! “

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