Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 177 The Most Expensive Firework


Tony was taken aback.

Lots of nuclear weapons?


Tony had just received a reminder from Jarvis, and immediately had a communication connection.

"For the ultimate victory of mankind, with the authorization of the White House, targeted strategic nuclear strikes have been launched.

After receiving the notice, please immediately..."

Before the person in the communication could finish speaking, Tony immediately cursed.

"Fack, the leader of the invaders is dead, we are preparing to counterattack, now immediately take back those damn nuclear weapons."


Hearing Tony's words, the people on the other side also panicked.

Things were a little out of their expectation.

But soon, the other end of the communicator gave a reply.

The sound is heavy, but clear.

"Sorry, all nuclear weapons have left the warehouse, and the second batch of nuclear weapons has been urgently stopped.


You need to evacuate immediately. "

Tony's face darkened instantly.

Then quickly tell the surrounding people about the situation.

Hearing Tony's words, everyone's faces were also extremely ugly.

Nuclear cleansing?

"Is the White House crazy? They are massacring!"

Except for Barton and Natasha who were silent, everyone else was cursing.

Even Captain America, who just woke up, is the same.

This kind of massacre, in his eyes, is unimaginable.

"what to do?"

Johnny asked.

They can leave, but in the face of the baptism of nuclear bombs, countless people will definitely die.

Tony's ashen complexion did not ease in the slightest.

Among the people present, no one knew what this meant better than him, a weapon expert.

"We, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do..."

Tony said with difficulty.

If it is one or two nuclear bombs, he and Noah can still try to intercept them.

But according to the data calculated by Jarvis, there are as many as seven nuclear weapons leaving the warehouse!

Now, even if it is a suicide interception, only Johnny and Thor, plus the two of them, can undertake this task.

And he has no right to ask others to do this!

At this moment, Noah spoke.

"You guys, did you forget me?"

Noah's voice is not loud, but the calm feeling makes people feel at ease.

Noah looked at the sky, and the faint sense of crisis was still coming.

But there was no worry in his eyes.

Isn't it just a few nuclear weapons?

If nuclear weapons are about to land, he really has nothing to do.

However, these nuclear weapons have just been out of storage, and it is not difficult for him at all.

Without saying a word, Noah jumped up.

The dragon wings waved, and Noah stood in the air, looking at the direction from which the sense of crisis came.

The sense of crisis is constantly increasing.

Apparently, it's because those nukes are approaching.

The people below held their breath, looking at Noah's figure standing in the air.

The ant king, Meruem, looked at everyone with disdain.


In its eyes, it is just a toy.

No matter how powerful these nuclear weapons are, as long as he doesn't want to, he can't hit them!

As for the life and death of those humans?

Of course he doesn't care.

Not long after, in Noah's sight, seven nuclear bombs coming through the air were approaching at high speed.

in space.

A satellite is aimed at his figure.

This is a news satellite.

Most of the previous live broadcasts were also captured by this satellite.

At this moment, countless people watched Noah.

Don't know what he wants to do.

After all, there was no notification of the existence of nuclear bombs.

So until now, no one knew that the nuclear bomb was about to arrive.

Even the people in the disaster-stricken area stared at the live broadcast on their mobile phones.

Doubts appeared in everyone's mind.

But soon, as the seven streamers approached, everyone seemed to understand Noah's purpose.


The satellite shot is very clear, and everyone can see those missile-shaped things.

Looking at Noah's position, it is obvious that he is coming for the missile.

So, what does he do to intercept missiles?

Aren't those missiles designed to destroy the invaders?

However, there are still a small number of people whose pupils shrank suddenly when they saw the missile.

That's not a conventional missile, that's a damn nuclear weapon!

It is enough to destroy human civilization.

The White House actually launched nuclear weapons on the city of New York.

Moreover, there are so many of them.

what are they trying to do!

However, no matter how well these people know the true face of these missiles, it does not help the current situation of the matter at all.

The launch of nuclear weapons has become a reality.

New York is going to be destroyed!

when they are desperate.

Suddenly someone noticed Noah and thought of his location.

At this moment, they understood why Noah Allen appeared there.

Because, he wants to save New York.

Under seven nuclear warheads, save New York that is about to be destroyed by nuclear weapons!

this quality...

Contrast that with the inhuman order of the White House.

At this moment, countless people are thinking about it.

It would be great if it was Umbrella who controlled this land.

When they think so.

Noah's complexion became more serious.

If the seven nuclear weapons exploded at the same time, even he might not be able to withstand it.

As time goes by, Noah's dragon wings.

Suddenly rushed towards one of them.

After approaching, Noah didn't even think about it, and the muscle charge exploded instantly.

At the same time, the demon mode and the black dragon form are fully activated.

Strong body, ferocious appearance.

Coupled with the dark body.

This style is enough to scare anyone watching the live broadcast.

But the next moment, Noah grabbed the nuclear weapon suddenly, and roared angrily.

The muscles in both arms instantly knotted.


Noah's veins bulged, and he exerted himself suddenly.

This nuclear warhead was thrown high into the sky by him!

After solving one, he didn't even think about it, and flew directly towards the second one.

Then use the same method to throw the second nuclear weapon from the other side.

Then came the third, the fourth...

In the blink of an eye.

All the nuclear weapons that exceeded the speed of sound had been thrown away by him, and they were thrown directly into the clouds.

After doing all this, Noah looked around.

The entire sky exploded in an instant!

The cloud layer was directly washed away.

Countless people only felt that their eyes turned white for a while, and then they couldn't see anything.


A series of explosions sounded one after another.

The nuclear bomb exploded!

The intruders who were at high altitude were directly blown to pieces by these nuclear bombs.

Then a mushroom cloud rose.

It looks extremely gorgeous.

until this moment.

Only then did everyone understand what had just happened.

Nuke, the government launched a nuclear weapon.

And Noah Allen, saved it all.

While countless people scolded the government for disregarding the lives of civilians, they also noticed what Noah had done.

The White House introduced the so-called Final Agreement Act to limit Umbrella.

Nukes were also launched, wanting to win the 'easy' way.

And what did Noah Allen do?

He stood up to the persecution of the bill and chose to save the people of New York.

He risked his life so that countless people survived.

At this moment, the crowd is furious!


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