The violently exploding energy body is like a grand firework.

Everyone stared straight at the endless flames in the sky.

It seemed that the whole sky was burning.

What about Noah Allen?

Where did he go, did he come out?

If the world is saved and he dies...

Not only Tony and other close friends, even Carol Danvers and Steve Rogers felt a little heavy.

Is this the end of the hero?

Nobody knows.

But everyone is waiting with anticipation.

next moment.

In the flames, a pair of huge black wings flew out from the flames.

There was ecstasy on everyone's face!

Noah Allen is not dead!

Tony Stark yelled a little out of composure:

"I knew it, even the nuclear bomb didn't kill him, let alone now!"

Everyone also nodded heavily.

As for the nuclear bomb and this time, it doesn't matter which one is more dangerous.

Noah's dragon wings flapped, and when he came to the place where everyone was, he landed suddenly, and then the huge dragon wings disappeared.

His eyes were full of brilliance, and he could not see the slightest sign of decline.

Seeing that Noah was fine, Tony Stark immediately returned to his original character and asked the questions he cared about.

"Where's your big baby?"

Noah shrugged.


It was just an experimental body, and because of the high-intensity battle, the gene collapsed in the end.

In fact, I'm glad the thing didn't crash at the start of the fight. "

Tony Stark froze for a moment, with a slight suspicion on his face.

"you sure?"

Noah glanced at him and said:

"Of course sure.

Moreover, it was a non-replicable body, which adopted a special gene, and now the gene has collapsed, and the original gene has been lost. "

Saying that, Noah shook his head slightly.

Hearing this, Tony sighed, with pity in his eyes.

At the same time, there are some complications.

At least, he doesn't have to ask for help.

But that powerful body really made him very excited.

"It will always be made."

Tony patted Noah's shoulder comfortingly.

Noah nodded, and then said:

"Although the gene is gone, the basic information is still there, and there is indeed hope."

But having said that, in fact, Noah has no hope in his heart.

Maybe one day, the laboratory can reproduce it.

As for using the system for research, he has no idea for the time being.

Although the EVA body is strong enough.

But there are still many unresolved problems.

Perhaps at that time, there may already be other substitutes.

Watching the fireworks overhead.

Noah suddenly smiled.

It was his masterpiece and a proof of the strong.

At the same time, in the solar system, Gu Yi smiled.

The next moment, Tun Xing suddenly turned ugly.

He glanced at the earth in the distance, and then retreated without hesitation.

He needs food, but in his current state, it is difficult to eat the earth.

So, he has to leave.

Gu Yi didn't stop him.

Although the others wanted to stop them, Gu Yi immediately gave Tun Xing a chance by dodging like this.


That skinny and ugly existence spoke hoarsely.

This opening was full of dead air.

As if, he is the representative of death.

His eyes looked at Gu Yi.

It is not easy to get Gu Yi to leave the earth.

Perhaps, this is a rare opportunity.

But when Gu Yi looked over, his eyes had already fixed on him in advance.

With a bit of apprehension, this powerful existence full of death breath disappeared and left in an instant.

"it's over……"

Gu Yi's smile is kind and inexplicably frightening.

Some people may think that Gu Yi's smile is very gentle, but in fact, only when he reaches the same level will he understand how scary her smile is.


Susan had a happy smile on her face.

"Galactus is dead.

There should be no other crises, such as his messenger or something. "

Tony said disdainfully:

"The emissary before is indeed very powerful, but I will find a way to target it.

What's more, even their master is dead, how dare those messengers appear.

Even if we come over, even a powerful guy like Tun Xing has been dealt with by us, so there is nothing to be afraid of! "

Just when Tony was bragging instinctively, Noah came over untimely and sneered:

"Do you think Swallowing Star is dead?"

Noah's words made a few people frown.

Tony was about to speak, but he was listening silently. Sol, who hadn't spoken all this time, suddenly said:

"Speaking of which, the Galactus we saw is indeed different from what was recorded in Asgard."

Sol drank the wine in his glass in one gulp.

"In the records of Asgard, Galactus is one of the most powerful and oldest beings in this world.

And the planet devourer we saw, although very powerful, did not reach the level I imagined. "

Said, Sol looked at Noah with some fear.

His next words will make Noah unhappy.

Seeing that Noah kept smiling, he continued:

"Although Noah Allen is powerful, there is still a gap between him and my father, the Lord of the Nine Realms, and the famous god Odin in the universe.

But the power of swallowing stars, even my father is afraid of it.

Countless planets have been used as food by Galactus, and countless powerful people in the universe have died at the hands of Galactus.

His performance should not be unbearable. "

After Sol finished speaking, Noah said with a smile:

"Although Thor's Thunder God's name is Hibiki, his actual strength is not good, but he still has some knowledge.

God Odin is the overlord even in the entire universe.

And the existence of Galactus is extremely powerful, how could it be solved so easily. "

As soon as Noah spoke, Sol's anger soared.

It's just that just as he was about to greet the hammer, he remembered the memory of being beaten violently. Although it has been a long time, he still has a deep memory.

And everyone was startled.


They all watched Galactus explode.

How could he not be dead!

Facing everyone's unbelievable eyes, Noah continued:

"The Galactus we saw is not the body of Galactus at all, but just a clone made of energy.

The real Galactus is definitely not so unbearable.

But at least, we don't need to worry about the threat of Galactus for a long time.

Restricted by the rules, all actions of Galactus are aimed at eating.

There are many planets in the universe that meet the requirements of being his food.

And the bone of the earth is not easy to chew. "

With that said, Noah sneered.

Even though Tun Xing was driven away by him, he didn't feel at ease.

You know, because of the attack of swallowing stars, he spent an important hole card of his own.

One day, he will take the initiative to come to the door, and then...kill the real Tunxing to death!

When did Noah Allen suffer a loss and never go back.

Tony suddenly said helplessly:

"Well, anyway, at least our crisis is temporarily resolved.

This time, my wedding with Pepper was not completed, and I have to do it again. I hope that next time, there will be no trouble. "

"Good luck."

Noah sincerely blessed.

He also does not want the next crisis to emerge.

The earth is big, and his original intention was to protect his family.

But now, the gap between him and the self he imagined at the beginning is getting bigger and bigger.

There is a saying that makes sense.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Sometimes, you are not looking for responsibility, but in this world, there must be some unavoidable crises that require you to stand up.

Just like the existence of Galactus.


There is only one way to escape from the earth.

After a big battle, everyone was exhausted.

No one was in the mood to hold a so-called celebration dinner.

Even Nick Fury did not make this opinion unwisely.

Noah was a little surprised by this.

Back home, Noah had a good night's rest.

When I woke up the next day, it was already afternoon.

After simply eating something, Noah went to Umbrella's laboratory non-stop and summoned Elvis and Professor Connor.

Then Noah summoned Pudding.

Then Pudding and the terrifying mouth with a very different appearance and painting style opened, and spit out a small block of energy body.

"Boss, what is this?"

Elvis looked curious.

Then he touched the energy body.

It is as smooth as nothing in the hand, but it is visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, there is a constant flow of light on it, making it extremely mysterious at first glance.

Noah smiled lightly:

"This is conceived by Galactus with energy, and it is also the biggest harvest yesterday.

However, what it is exactly needs further research. "

With that said, Noah also touched it.

This is the thin film formed by the special energy bud conceived by Galactus to deal with him.

He got his hands on a small piece of the membrane before it exploded.

Although the specific function is not clear, one can imagine the preciousness of the means that Galactus put so much importance on.

Heard it's the remnants of Galactus.

There was some horror in the eyes of both of them.

Also a little hot.

"This thing may contain the deep mysteries of the universe!"

Elvis caressed the energy film fascinatedly.

Although Professor Connor's performance was not that exaggerated, he was still very excited.

The only problem is...

"Boss, we have too many research tasks at hand.

I'm afraid I won't be able to spare the energy. "

Vilves also had no choice but to nod regretfully.

Noah smiled slightly, and then said:

"I know very well, so I found a good colleague for you."


Noah said:

"Maya Hansen, a talented female Ph.D. in the virus field.

But she seemed to have gone astray before.

In addition, there is also a Ph.D. in the field of nanotechnology who will join Umbrella in the near future to do business with you. "

Noah talked about his future plans.

"In the future Umbrella, I hope that it is not the combination of physics and biology, but the fusion of physics and biology.

Really blend the two together.

Just like 'Alpha'. "

Alpha, it was he who gave the EVA experimental body the code name.

This code name also symbolized the status of the EVA project in his heart.

If you can successfully create a mature EVA airframe force.

Umbrella's strength will be truly invincible.

But it's a pity.

The EVA experimental body has disappeared, and his Alpha project can only be stranded.

Perhaps, all of this is within Gu Yi's plan.

After all, things like time gems are so buggy that he has no solution.

Fortunately, he already has a space gem and a mind gem in his hands.

At least there is no need to worry, Gu Yi used the time gem to attack him directly.

The two were refreshed.

Alpha organisms, although they are only involved in a small part.

But Alpha has become the best masterpiece in their hearts.

There is no need for Noah to speak, the integration of biology and physics is also the direction of their future research.

This process is destined to be very difficult, even a genius like Tony Stark has not been able to do it.

But here is Umbrella.

He has a boss who is not inferior to Tony Stark, and a top scientific research team that has made achievements in various fields.

If there is any place on earth that can truly turn this technology into reality.

Then without a doubt, that place can only be Umbrella!

In the following days, New York once again entered the recovery period of trauma.

It has experienced several huge traumas in just a few years, and it is absolutely irreversible for New York.

If it were not for the funding from the White House, I am afraid that New York would not even be able to maintain its reputation as a world economic metropolis.

Even now, there is mourning all over New York.

Noah took the opportunity to meet his parents.

Although the two were worried, they immediately relaxed when they saw Noah's safe return.

"We've all heard about what happened in New York. What's the situation there now?"

Piddle sat on the sofa and watched the TV, which broadcast the news of the disaster.

There was unresolved worry in his eyes.

Noah shrugged and said:

"It may take a long time to recover.

But at least the crisis is over.

In a short time, there should be no other dangers. "

Noah thought for a moment, then answered.

Although New York is dangerous, with him here, except for those crises at the level of annihilation, other crises are no longer enough to worry him.

Looking at his father's worried eyes, Noah immediately understood what was going on in his heart.

For parents who grew up in New York, it's impossible not to worry about what's going on in New York.

So Noah immediately told the two of the main purpose of his visit this time.

"This time rebuilding New York, Umbrella also has some development plans.

Maybe you can go back and have a look if you want to. "

Time to go back...

Noah was calm.

One of them was worried that his parents would be attacked, so the two of them left the United States and New York.

But this time, he will never let his parents encounter any crisis again.

Anyone who dared to threaten the existence of his parents, he would definitely crush them to ashes!

Here is the earth.

And the earth is his territory!

Even if the ancient one strikes, it won't work!

Marcie's eyes were also somewhat moved.

But she didn't rush to agree, but looked at her husband and said:

"Maybe we can stop by the Vatican once and thank God for his care of our family."

Peter nodded.

A solemn look flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"You're right, we should go and have a look."


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