Gwen Stacy is Peter Parker's goddess.

Compared with the youthful and beautiful Gwen, who is excellent in both character and learning, and is not bad in sports, he is a pure nerd.

Although the two are classmates, in fact, apart from the few contacts in school, there is no intersection of life at all.

Seeing Gwen in Umbrella at this moment, Peter's secret joy naturally needless to say.

Gwen gestured to him for the folder in his hand, and said generously:

"I'm an intern here."

Just finished speaking, Gwen's eyes brightened slightly, and asked expectantly:

"Are you too?"

Peter Parker was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

Can he say that he came here to learn how to become a superhero?

After a little hesitation, Peter Parker said vaguely:

"Well... almost... I'm also here to study."

Gwen nodded, looking a little excited.

Although Peter Parker is talking about learning not internships.

But the meanings of the two words are, in a sense, the same.

"Umbrella is notoriously difficult to get into. Before this, I thought I was the only one who got an internship at Umbrella."

When Gwen said this, Peter Parker was immediately embarrassed to continue the topic, and instead said:

"How long have you been here?"

"It's just been a month, by the way, it's your first day here.

Where are you going, I will take you there. "

"Mr. Allen asked me to come for an interview." Peter Parker explained.

Gwen's eyes suddenly turned wrong.

For Noah Allen, a legend, she has also longed for a long time.

But after coming for such a long time, she only saw it a few times from a distance, and she didn't have a chance to speak at all.

"You guy, you probably walked through the back door. There are not many opportunities to get in close contact with Mr. Allen."

Peter Parker didn't dare to speak, but followed Gwen silently.

Gwen went on and on:

"But even that's okay.

To be honest, although I signed up, I didn't expect that I would actually be able to enter Umbrella.

I was wondering if my dad had found something to do with it. "

Gwen shrugged.

This unaffected gesture and demeanor directly pulled Peter's heart away.

Gwen led the way, followed by Peter Parker.

It didn't take long for Gwen to take him to the top of the Umbrella Building.

As Umbrella's boss, this floor can be regarded as Noah's dedicated office area.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, Peter Parker was astonished by the shape of the place just like a country boy entering the city for the first time.

All kinds of Umbrella's cutting-edge weapons are placed aside, and many of them are even conceptual weapons that have not been circulated outside.

Arrange the entire top floor the same as the exhibition hall.

Seeing Peter Parker's dazzled expression, Gwen secretly smiled.

"When I first came up, I was just like you.

It can only be said that Umbrella is worthy, as the world's top biotechnology company, it is definitely a paradise for all biology lovers and even mechanical lovers. "

Gwen saw his mood, Peter smiled embarrassedly, his face flushed a little.

"Mr. Peter Parker, please follow me. Mr. Allen is already waiting for you in the office."

The holographic projection of the red queen appears.

Peter Parker's eyes lit up instantly.

"Is this the artificial intelligence red queen created by the world-renowned genius, Tony Stark!"

Gwen didn't answer, because the Red Queen had already given him an answer.

"Yes, my main program, created by Mr. Tony Stark, using his main artificial intelligence, Jarvis, as a model.

Later, some expansion and transformation were carried out in Umbrella, and finally formed today's artificial intelligence "red queen". "

After speaking, the Red Queen looked at Gwen.

"Miss Gwen Stacy, according to your system logs, you are running late."

Gwen reacted immediately and let out a cry.

"Peter, mine's gone, we'll talk again when we have time."

After speaking, Gwen left quickly.

She's just an intern for Umbrella.

If you can't pass Umbrella's complicated test during the internship period, your dream of becoming a regular employee of Umbrella will be shattered.

Looking at the back of Gwen running away, Peter Parker's eyes were full of admiration.

But when he looked at his hands again, he suddenly became weak.

That was Gwen Stacy, and there were countless people pursuing Gwen.

He has no chance at all.

After sorting out his mood, Peter Parker followed the red queen into Noah's office.

He didn't know at all that when the two of them reached the top floor, Noah had already seen everything about them.

Gwen's ability to enter Umbrella is naturally related to Noah.

Otherwise, with Umbrella's current status, he would never recruit interns at the school.

"Mr. Allen."

Peter Parker walked in, although he tried his best to appear calm, but his eyes were still full of unconcealable excitement.

Noah waved his hand and cut directly to the topic.

"You want to be a superhero, first I want to ask you, you know, what is a superhero?"

Peter Parker froze for a moment.

After thinking for a while, he hesitated and said:

"Like you?

Protect the earth, protect everyone, and then everyone will worship you..."

Peter Parker's voice fell lower and lower.

He didn't know much about it himself, he just felt that he should do it.

Noah's face remained unchanged.

Peter Parker, who had not experienced the stimulation of Ben Parker's death, still lacked some awareness.

"In your eyes, is Noah Allen such a superhero?"

Noah asked.

Peter Parker nodded vigorously.

"If it wasn't for you, our family would have died long ago.

It is impossible to live to this day, and there are many families like ours.

There is no doubt that you are a true superhero. "

Noah smiled and jokingly said:

"This is the first time I've heard other people's comments from fans."

With that said, Noah's expression gradually calmed down.

"But, that's not what I want.

I never thought I would be a superhero.

For me, my goal is to protect my family and everything around me.

Other than that, I can't handle that much.

So whether it was the Decepticon invasion, the New York battle, or the star-eating crisis, it was actually my last resort to protect my family. "


Peter Parker was stunned.

How could this be possible, the perfect superhero god in his heart never thought about saving the world, but just wanted to protect his family.

Noah looked at Peter Parker's tangled expression, and asked:

"Don't believe me, because this is the real me.

Do you think I'm a superhero? "

Peter Parker was troubled.

In his heart, superheroes should be active in the front line of saving ordinary people, and regard saving people as a responsibility.

However, what Mr. Noah Allen said obviously did not regard saving lives as a responsibility.

In his eyes, even saving lives is just a matter of incident.


That is a god on earth, Mr. Noah Allen!

No one can deny the contribution made by the name Noah Allen.

If it weren't for him, perhaps the entire earth would have fallen.

Without him, there would be no serum capable of extending human life.

Even if the current price of serum is not close enough to the people, the price is also dropping at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is good news for all.

If it weren't for him, it would be impossible for humans to have so many superheroes.

You know, a large part of the superheroes active on the earth now have been injected with Umbrella's super human serum.

According to social surveys, the overall crime rate in society has dropped by at least 3 percentage points in recent years.

This is huge progress.

Everything is related to Mr. Noah Allen in front of him.

It is him who makes the world a better place.

Noah smiled, looking at the entanglement in Peter Parker's eyes.

It wasn't until Peter Parker thought for a few minutes that Noah continued:

"I have always positioned myself as a businessman, but no one can deny what I have done.

So my original intention doesn't matter.

Because from the results, I really did a lot of things. "

The reason he told Peter Parker these words was simple.

He wants to create a brand new Spider-Man.

The main reason why Peter Parker is remembered by countless people is because of the phrase "with great power comes great responsibility".

He devoted his whole life to carrying out this sentence.

And he did it perfectly.

But since Peter Parker came to him, Noah will let Spider-Man know.

There are many choices in life.

Superhero status can be a responsibility.

But at the same time, he should not be bound by responsibility.

Noah felt that he was not a good person.


Just because he's not a good person doesn't mean he won't show kindness.

He hopes that it can change the future of Spider-Man.

The original miserable future, now that he has intervened.

It doesn't matter if you don't show up!

Listening to Noah's words, Peter Parker gradually came to his senses.

Indeed, although Mr. Allen thinks a little differently from himself.

But Mr. Allen did save the world many times.

This is a feat that no one can deny.

That being the case, Mr. Allen is a well-deserved superhero.

It's just...he was still a little lost.

The superhero seemed a bit different from what he had imagined.

"I tell you this, not to interfere with you, but to tell you that people can have many choices.

It's not a bad thing that you want to be a superhero.

But you should also know that being a superhero is not about dedicating all of yourself.

Even if one day you become a qualified superhero, don't forget that you still have your own life.

In your home, there are family members waiting for you, and I also want to tell you.

Ability, not responsibility.

It is the human heart.

No one can make this world a paradise.

As long as you can make your side a paradise, that's enough. "

Peter Parker was silent.

He didn't expect that the first lesson Mr. Allen taught him was like this.

This class discouraged his enthusiasm for becoming a superhero.

Even what Uncle Ben said is completely two extremes.

But it seems... It also made him understand that superheroes are also ordinary people.

Taking a deep breath, Peter Parker nodded.

"I understand Mr. Allen. I will think about this matter seriously."

Noah nodded.

Peter Parker has the perfect potential to become a superhero under the education of his uncle Ben Parker.

He didn't think these few words of his could change Peter Parker.

But that didn't matter, as long as his words took root in his heart, it was enough.

There are many superheroes in this world.

Maybe the world will always need a superhero, but not necessarily a Spider-Man all the time.

Is the idea selfish?

Very selfish.

But a person can't even protect the family around him well, so what about protecting the world.

Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world.

This is the philosophy pursued by Noah.

Also what he was telling Peter Parker.

"Okay, next, let me see your skills."

Hearing this, Peter Parker immediately understood what Noah meant.

He flicked the schoolbag on his body, and then made preparations for fighting.

Seeing this scene, Noah's face darkened, and said:

"This is my office, do you want to tear it down?"

Peter Parker immediately realized, hehe smiled.

"Let's go down."

With that said, Noah took Peter Parker and took the elevator directly to the bottom floor.

Here is the Umbrella Weapons Testing Ground.

Most non-high-risk weapons will be tested here.

The so-called non-high-risk weapons are biological weapons of the level of fighting wolf or even tyrant.

Even now Umbrella already has many powerful biological weapons.

But when facing ordinary people, the role of biological weapons such as fighting wolf is still more effective and affordable than those weapons of war level.

Open the proving grounds and let Peter Parker in.

Noah's mouth curled up.

"Let's start with the basics."

Peter Parker was still a little unclear, but suddenly, the spider sensor began to sound an alarm.

He looked towards the corner of the proving ground.

There, a door slowly opened.

More than a dozen fighting wolves got out from inside, without stopping, they rushed towards him directly.

As a fan of Noah, he naturally recognized the identities of these dog-shaped creatures at a glance.

Although he knew that fighting a wolf was dangerous, Peter Parker didn't take it seriously.

This kind of biological weapon called fighting wolf is naturally easy to deal with ordinary people.

But he's Peter Parker, Spider-Man with special powers!

The next moment, a dozen fighting wolves rushed towards Peter Parker.

Instead of retreating, Peter Parker rushed forward to face the fighting wolf, and at the same time continuously shot out spider webs to restrict the fighting wolf.

Just like what he thought.

The speed and strength of these fighting wolves are not weak, but his dynamic vision can perfectly see the trajectory of fighting wolves.

But in a blink of an eye, two fighting wolves were entangled by the spider silk.

With the strength of fighting wolf, there is no way to break free.

The moment they were entangled, these two fighting wolves were basically out of the game.

Noah shook his head.

Although Fighting Wolf has undergone many improvements, as long as the core remains unchanged, the upper limit will remain there.

It's still not good enough to pose a threat to Spider-Man.

At least this amount is not enough.

Looking at Peter Parker's confident eyes, Noah chuckled lightly.

The test has just begun!


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