Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 262 Successful Persuasion

Considering Noah Allen's possible preparations, Superman's face became much uglier.

He knew that he was thinking too much.

But he still hopes that Sisko and the others can do it, otherwise, this matter will become very troublesome.

Seriously, he doesn't want any further contact with Noah Allen.

This man is too dangerous.

Unfortunately, reality is always cruel.

At this time, in the Umbrella Hive Base.

Sisko and the others are still standing in the hall, surrounded by more and more people.

This also makes their idea of ​​saving lives disappear further.

Caitlin asked anxiously, "Why did it take so long?"

"Don't worry, that's Clark, his strength is the strongest." Sisko comforted her.

That's what he said, but he also knew that Superman hadn't come here for so long, obviously things were different from what they imagined.

Throughout the day, they could hear the faint sounds of fighting.

But now the sound has disappeared, indicating that the battle is over.

Results will be out soon.

Just as he was thinking about this, Noah had communicated with Superman again.

What he has to do is cooperate with Superman.

The previous battle was just a prerequisite for cooperation.

And he believes that fighting a demon god is not unacceptable to Superman, especially because his reasons are completely justified.

This is indeed the case. After Noah talked about the situation and requirements he faced, Superman pondered for a while.

After this not too long contact, he thinks he already has some understanding of Noah Allen.

His super vision allows him to see through a person's micro-expressions, and his super hearing can easily hear Noah Allen's heartbeat.

In other words, he is a humanoid lie detector.

No one can lie in front of him.

Apparently, what Noah Allen said was true.

He also heard Noah Allen tell the whole story.

Understand the whole process of Barry Allen and his conflict.

In essence, he also thinks that Barry Allen did nothing wrong.

But in his view, Barry Allen did not consider that the conflict between the two parties is difficult to reconcile.

So in this matter, Barry Allen was not wronged when he was arrested.

"A dimension lord from a different dimension, his power should be some kind of magic.

but me……

There isn't a great way to do magic. "

Superman said a little guilty.

He doesn't think he can make much of a difference.

Even if he is willing to help Noah Allen, it doesn't make sense.

Noah smiled.

Obviously, Superman has loosened up, and as for the question of magic, it doesn't seem like a big deal to him.

Since he regarded Superman as a helper, he naturally took this situation into consideration.

Not to mention Superman, himself, and others who have helped, actually don't know much about magic.

But he can use technology to solve this problem.

"Please rest assured, this is not a problem. I have already made plans to deal with magic."

"I need some time to think about it," said Superman.

He couldn’t be sure what Noah said, so he needed time to investigate it himself.

"no problem!"

Noah nodded. In his opinion, the moment Superman said this, the problem had been solved.

Because he never said a single lie from beginning to end.

Glancing at Noah Allen and the grotesque creatures, Superman looked skyward.


The sonic boom occurs almost instantly.

In the blink of an eye, Superman had disappeared from Noah's eyes.

Watching Superman leave, Noah said to Meluem:

"Thanks for your hard work."

Meruem showed a haughty face.

"It's nothing."

Noah smiled.

How could it be nothing.

Although the main force is him and Meruem, but we have to wait until we know that the opponent is Superman.

Those who can appear in this kind of battle are undoubtedly the elite among chimeric ants.

Even if the chimeric ant colony develops rapidly, such a large loss of elites is enough to sustain the injury.

Not to mention anything else, most of the twelve generals brought by Meluem were dead, and the rest were basically scarred.

This is also the reason why Noah didn't call Meluem in the previous battle.

The chimeric ant clan is his last hole card.

As long as there are chimeric ants. Even if the earth fails, he will still have the strength to rise again.

But it's all worth it.

No amount of chimeric ant elites can compare with the power of Superman.

With Superman in hand, his raid on Mephisto is ready to begin.

time is limited.

He remembered that day firmly.

At the same time, in the world of the black-robed pickets, the sky has plunged into darkness.

Frank and others are hiding in a residential house, and the owner of the house has been tied up by them.

There is no way, if you don't do this, the people of the motherland will get the news soon.

Bruce Banner rubbed his arm.

The whole left arm feels very sore.

"Thank you, Dr. Banner, for your help," Susan said.

During the day, they confronted the natives.

Facing the attack of the motherland, they were quickly defeated.

Just when the people of the motherland were about to take them back, the Hulk suddenly appeared and stopped the people of the motherland.

Hulk's infinite anger made him extremely powerful, and even the people of the motherland couldn't get rid of it easily.

With Hulk's help, they could retreat calmly.

"It's nothing, Noah asked me to come here, he guessed that you might be in trouble." Bruce Banner replied.

After everyone sat for a while, Susan said:

"I'll go outside to scout the situation."

Saying that, Susan activated her ability and entered a stealth state.

"Don't go out until I come back."

After explaining, Susan opened the door and left.

Walking to this strange city, Susan observed everything around her.

Soon the world will have a rudimentary understanding.

Their biggest question now is whether to leave or stay.

After all, they haven't gotten any news about Peter Parker, and Deadpool is also trapped here, and he still doesn't know if he is alive or dead.

Although logically speaking, if the head is gone, he must be dead.

But who told that it was Deadpool.

His recovery ability is so strong that it is abnormal!

While Susan was investigating, Wade had already found Peter Parker's location.

Seeing no one around, Wade entered Peter's room and called out his name.

"Peter Parker."

Hearing the voice of an acquaintance, Peter was very surprised.

Seeing the other party's strange-looking Deadpool uniform, his expression was a little weird.

"Mr. Deadpool, why are you here?"

Although the two were not familiar with each other, he had met Deadpool several times.

Deadpool looked at his surroundings and tugged at his collar. The 'uniform' made of local materials just now made him uncomfortable.

After confirming that there is no monitoring, he opened his mouth and said:

"You fell into this world, and the boss sent us to find you.

But it looks like you're doing fine? "

Peter breathed a sigh of relief, and then explained:

"Except for not being able to go back, everything else is pretty good. The superhero Homelander here helped me, and he promised me that he would find a way to reopen the way back.

By the way, what happened to my aunt? "

When mentioning aunt, Peter's eyes suddenly showed a look of worry.

"Don't worry, the boss didn't tell you about your disappearance, he just said that you will stay in Umbrella to study."

"That's good."

Peter nodded.

"By the way, do you know the superhero of the motherland you speak of? As far as I know, he is not a superhero." Deadpool said curiously.

Peter froze for a moment.

"That guy is a lunatic, a complete lunatic!"

Deadpool's eyes were full of resentment, and then he told Peter Parker the information he had learned about the people of the motherland.

After listening to it, although Peter had an unbelievable feeling, compared with the people from the motherland he just met, he still believed in Deadpool.

"So, what do we do next?"

Deadpool immediately said:

"The purpose of our visit this time, besides learning about the world, is to take you away.

We've seen this world, so now it's time to take you back. "

"Okay, but it's not easy to leave."

As the headquarters of superheroes, the Walter Group is well-defended. "Peter was a little worried.

"This can't stop me." Wade smiled confidently.

His job is to be a mercenary.

Although he seldom does such things as sneaking because he can't die, but in terms of mercenary ability, he is also the top!

"Okay, it's time for us to leave, follow me."

With that said, Wade glanced at the ventilation duct, opened the cover and climbed up.

Walking outside with Peter Parker?

He's not crazy...

Peter looked at Deadpool with a calm voice, but still accepted this obviously unreliable suggestion.

You know, this is a tall building with dozens of floors.

There are no stairs for ventilation ducts.

Still, he agreed to the suggestion.

Along the way, the two were extremely silent.

Even Peter, who had little contact with Deadpool, was a little puzzled.

"Mr. Deadpool, should we say something?

To be honest, I'm a little curious, you know, why you are like this. "

Just after Peter finished speaking, Deadpool suddenly turned around and said:

"Parker, shut your mouth. Do you know what a dangerous place we are in!"

Peter: "..."

For the first time, he knew that there were times when Mr. Deadpool was silent.

But in the face of Deadpool's good words of persuasion, he nodded.

Soon the two reached the end of the ventilation duct.

Wade glanced down, the bottom was extremely smooth, and it didn't look like it could be climbed at all.

"Mr. Deadpool, what's the matter?"

Asked Peter behind him, his voice was low, obviously influenced by Deadpool.

He didn't know that the reason why Deadpool did this was because he had seen the horror of the people of the motherland.

Deadpool is also afraid of death, there is no doubt about it.

If it weren't for Vanessa, maybe he wouldn't have fear.

But he has Vanessa now, so he doesn't want to die, and they have a baby on the way.

Wade, who had seen the horror of the people in his motherland, wanted to say something, but tried his best to keep himself silent.

Because he knew that if they were noticed by the people of the motherland, they would die!

"We're here, below is the exit of the ventilation duct." Deadpool replied.

Peter Parker immediately said:

"Mr. Wade, maybe we should change places, I'll go down first."

He can shoot spider webs.

Although building a spider silk ladder is a test for one's own spider silk production, at least it is a reliable method.

At this moment, Deadpool suddenly said:

"You can get down on your own, right?"

"Of course." Peter replied without hesitation.

If he was alone, it would only take a few spider threads to fall down.

Although the ventilation duct is smooth, his spider silk can still find places that are not smooth, slowing himself down.

"That's good. In fact, I have a way to go down, and it must be faster than you." Deadpool said proudly.

"How is it possible." Peter Parker didn't believe it.

Wade didn't explain, but climbed directly towards the ventilation duct.

When most of his body appeared in the air, the whole person fell down.

Peter was startled suddenly, and his pupils shrank instantly.

I hurriedly looked over, and saw that Deadpool was falling freely.

a few seconds later...

Bang, there was a muffled but not too loud sound.

Peter suddenly understood the way Mr. Deadpool said he could go down, and it turned out to be a direct fall.

"Well, this is really an unexpected way."

After talking to himself, Peter quickly started to jump down.

Since Deadpool landed in this way, someone will notice it soon, and he has to hurry up.

Soon, the two gathered at the bottom of the building.

"Obviously, I won."

Wade smiled proudly at Peter.

Peter suddenly smiled bitterly.

"Well, you're right. But now we should go."

Wade nodded, and then the two walked out in the dark.

They don't know what's going on with other people.

But now, there is absolutely no problem approaching the direction of the wormhole.

On the other side, Susan returned to their hiding place after searching around.

"No trace of Peter was found, but someone in a similar attire has been seen appearing.

Then it seems to go to the Water Group. "

"Water Group? Is that the Walt Group that puts the logo everywhere?" Frank confirmed.

"That's right, that's it." Susan nodded.

Hearing this, everyone was helpless.

Although they don't know much, they already know that the native who forced them to hide is a member of the superhero team belonging to the Voight Group.

"It seems that we should leave first. The next time I face people from the motherland, I'm not sure that I can stop it.

Perhaps only Noah can fight him. "

Frank also nodded and said:

"Since this is the case, let's change the plan. We don't know enough about this world, and we are not prepared enough. We will bring enough power next time to rescue Peter Parker.

Change the mission to retreat, we have to go home. "

As soon as Frank finished speaking, Deadpool's voice sounded from outside.

"Hey, you can't leave us behind."

Hearing the sound, everyone looked towards the door.

"Deadpool, Peter?"

Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that Deadpool was not only alive, but also saved Peter Parker.

"Of course it's us, everyone, should we go home?"


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