Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 267 Entering the Dimension of Hell

Under the night, Noah left the room through the window.

With an almost inaudible sound, Noah fell to the ground.

He was very careful, because he was sure that there must be watchers around him.

Although Mephisto has lost most of his power, as one of the dimensional lords who operate the most on the earth, his cards are endless.

If you want to deal with Mephisto, the first step is naturally to avoid Mephisto's eyeliner.

Feeling the vague hostility around him, Noah came all the way to a secret base outside Umbrella.

When he arrived, there was already a chilling atmosphere in the base.

Not many people knew about this operation, but Frank and the others knew very well what their boss had been preparing.

And now, their preparation process is finally over.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Noah nodded to Frank.

As the world's top tactical master, although his strength may not play a big role in the face of Mephisto, it is naturally impossible to deal with Mephisto without his participation.

"Boss, we have made all the preparations and are ready to go at any time."

At this moment, Frank's expression was as chill as that of a soldier on the battlefield.

Noah smiled.

"Don't be too nervous."

Then Noah came to the Flash Barry Allen.

At this time, Barry Allen had put on his uniform again.

But it was a special uniform co-produced by Umbrella and Tony Stark.

Compared with Barry Allen's original uniform, this new uniform has more applications of the Speed ​​Force.

In principle, it is somewhat similar to the uniform of the villain Savitar in The Flash.

In addition to these, Noah also installed a blasting device very intimately.

"Sorry, I'm also doing it for safety's sake."

Noah never thought that he could hide from Barry Allen by installing an explosive device.

Although Barry Allen looked ugly, he didn't say much.

He's a superhero and he has his own way of doing things.

Just like he will rescue ordinary people, but he will also redeem the wicked.

After staying for a while, Susan came from not far away, her eyes full of worry.

"Otherwise I'd better go with you."

Noah smiled and said:

"Just stay at home, don't worry about us, this time I'm fully prepared.

Although your ability is very strong, there is no place to restrain Mephisto. I hope you can stay here and protect Umbrella better than going to the battlefield.

You should know that after we're all gone, Umbrella will be dangerous too. "

Noah's words are half true, and Umbrella will indeed appear very dangerous after losing him and the hole cards he has prepared for a long time.

But at the same time, he didn't think that anyone on this earth would dare to attack Umbrella before he was sure of his life or death.

Because that's his bottom line.

Susan nodded, she also knew that this was a very important task.

"Everyone, let's go!"

After all the personnel were ready, Noah stood in the base hall and issued his order to the tens of thousands of people in the audience.

Below, there are not only Superman and Flash, two superheroes from different worlds.

There are also people from the motherland who were urgently transformed by Noah.

Just as he imagined, after being transformed by the black light virus, the combat power of the motherland is quite different from before.

Then, Tony Stark stood below with his army of machines.

Bruce Banner stands beside Tony Stark.

"Tony, this is the first time we humans have come into contact with the dimension."

Tony shook his head and said:

"Don't forget, the magic of this world has already been connected with the dimension.

We represent only the first contact between technological humans and dimensions. "

That's what he said, but in fact, Tony's expression didn't have to be calm for Banner.

Near the two of them, Wanda and Kuaiyin stood quietly.

This time, they will also join the battle.

Especially Wanda, after returning from the world of the black-robed pickets, Noah used the Mind Stone to stimulate Wanda's ability.

Now she has reached the peak state of Scarlet Witch ahead of schedule.

Human Torch Johnny and Thing Ben also stood with them.

Johnny would naturally not miss this exciting opportunity.

Afterwards, Black Bolt King led a group of elite Inhuman warriors, his eyes full of fear.

The mage Merlin stood in a corner with a smile.

Thor held the hammer in his hand, looking a little nervous.

Compared to Tony and the others, Mephisto's name is recorded in Asgard.

In the final corner, Captain Marvel Carol Danvers had a conspicuous solemnity on his face.

She doesn't like Noah Allen.

But when Noah Allen told the consequences of his failure, Carol Danvers still had to agree to help.

In addition, the ant tribe of Meruam also mobilized a large number of elites.

The huge number of Zerg makes people feel chills.

It's just that the space in this hall obviously can't allow the Ant Race and Zerg Race to stay here.

Seeing these strong men and troops under him, Noah felt a strong confidence in his heart, and with a wave of his hand, the huge space door opened instantly.

"Set off!"

This time, he will completely strangle Mephisto.

As Noah's voice fell, Superman in a black anti-magic shirt took off without hesitation and flew towards the space gate.

No one knows what's on the other side of the door.

So he took on this responsibility without hesitation.

Then many superheroes also entered one after another.

Noah glanced at Susan affectionately, and said:

"Stay here and wait for me."

After finishing speaking, Noah also flew towards the space gate.

Behind Noah, there are countless torrents, converging towards the hall from all parts of the base.

Its number is more than tens of thousands!

hell dimension,

The originally empty space was broken by Superman Clark.

Originally, Clark was worried that he would face an attack, but after entering, he discovered the silence and depression here.

"Is this hell?"

On guard, Clark murmured to himself.

"Here, it's like hell."

At some point, Barry Allen appeared next to him and said in an interface.

Behind them, a huge torrent is appearing.

All kinds of powerful technological equipment, ferocious and terrifying biochemical monsters.

Suddenly, Superman felt a gaze upon them.

Wherever he looked, a terrifying creature appeared in his eyes.

It was a monster formed from countless tentacles.

Through his super vision, Superman can obviously notice the evil gaze of the other party.

The next moment, the monster wandered towards their location.

"Attention, the enemy is approaching!"

Clark gave a warning.

Then he didn't even want to attack the opponent.

The others also tensed up at Superman's words.

Although not everyone understands the power of Superman, those who can stand here more or less have some understanding of Superman.

Soon, there was a loud explosion sound in the distance.

Facing Clark's attack, although the monster was powerful, it still couldn't resist his strength.

At the same time, Barry Allen and others near the space gate also saw a group of monsters rushing towards them.

There are all kinds of ugly monsters, and even each monster has a strange feeling that is difficult to distinguish.

Distortion and evil are the only adjectives they can describe when they see these monsters.


No need to say anything, everyone who has landed will automatically start attacking.

But these monsters, like waves, seem to be countless.

After Tony Stark flew in, he was really shocked when he saw the overwhelming monster.

"Fuck, what monsters are these.

Jarvis, tell me if you have a similar record in your database. "

"Sorry sir, these monsters do not exist in any records of the Earth, and there is no doubt that this is a brand new species."

Unexpectedly, when he got the answer, Tony complained about the number of these monsters while shooting, which could be compared with Noah Allen's bugs.

Bruce Banner also landed quickly, and after seeing the monster, he said in the same surprise:

"Looks like the fight is coming sooner than we thought."

After finishing speaking, Bruce Banner jumped and rushed towards the group of monsters.

At this moment, he has almost merged with Hulk.

There is no need for any transformation at all.

Then, Noah appeared.

Seeing the battle in front of him, Noah looked around.

"It seems that our arrival has been discovered."

Mephisto found that their speed was somewhat beyond his expectations.

In their original plan, after landing, they would conduct investigations in this dimension, find out where Mephisto was, and launch a surprise attack.

But as soon as they made a move, Mephisto had already launched an attack.

But that's fine too.

Noah thought silently in his heart.

Because this just shows that Mephisto is also very guilty at the moment.


Noah, with cold eyes, rushed towards the group of monsters.

Now that you have encountered an interception, just kill them all.

This time, with so many combat powers gathered, he was already ready to fight against the entire dimension of hell.

Huge firepower poured out non-stop. Although those monsters were huge in number, they couldn't resist bullets after all.

Even if there are a few special monsters that are not afraid of bullets, they can't break through this natural moat-like line of defense at all.

After all, these are just cannon fodder.

The battle lasted less than half an hour, and it was over.

The corpses of monsters were everywhere on the ground. Although there were casualties on several sides, the actual losses were not large.

Noah looked at Merlin.

"Master Merlin, it seems we still have to rely on you."

Merlin nodded, and then took the contract scroll that Noah handed over.

With the influx of magic power, the scroll suddenly emitted a glimmer of light, and Merlin found the direction of Mephisto through the glimmer of light on the scroll.

The moment Merlin poured magic power into the scroll, Mephisto was startled.

"The contract has been activated, no, this is a semi-activated state!"

Then he thought about the consequences of the situation.

In this way, Noah Allen can find his location through the connection between magic power.

"Damn it!"

Mephisto was furious.

Terrifying shouts sounded like thunder.

It's just that no monster could hear it, and there was some imperceptible fear in his anger.

Yes, he was scared.

Even though this is his home court, his injury has not recovered.

He has studied Noah Allen, so he understands that since Noah Allen dares to enter the dimension of hell, he is obviously well prepared.

Although Mephisto didn't know what Noah Allen had prepared, he never underestimated Noah Allen.

Especially after the avatar with most of his power is wiped out.

Following his anger, the dozens of monsters below knelt down one by one, their trembling bodies showing their fear at this moment.

"This is hell, it's my territory, Noah Allen, if you want to come, then come!"

The voice ended, and the entire palace fell into silence.

Immediately afterwards, many monsters came out of the palace and hurriedly separated.

The contract has locked his position, as long as the magic power can't be cut off, he can't hide from the other party's sight.

It can be said that because of that contract, he had already fallen into a disadvantage at the beginning of this war.

At least, he can't take advantage of the home court to leave Noah Allen's sight.

"found it!"

After perceiving for a while, Merlin smiled a little, and then pointed in a direction.

The place Merlin pointed to looked like nothing but emptiness, but Noah also smiled.

Fortunately, he has Merlin here.

Dimension lords are extremely difficult to deal with, not only because of their strength, but also because ordinary people have no ability to find these dimensional lords.

Mephisto gained a lot of benefits through the contract, but it also exposed his biggest weakness.

It is true that ordinary magicians cannot easily calculate an extremely powerful dimensional lord, but unfortunately, Merlin is the exception.

After getting Mephisto's direction, Noah had no hesitation.

"In this case, let's go meet the dimensional lord from hell!"

Along the way, various attacks continued, which caused a lot of trouble for Noah and the others.

The most dangerous time was a huge monster. Even Superman had to wrestle with it for a while.

Captain Marvel also rushed over, and the two worked together to solve the monster.

Looking at the performance of Captain Marvel, Noah also had to admit that the strength of the strongest woman in Marvel seems to be stronger.

Speaking of it, the source of Captain Marvel's ability is the space gem, but Noah has the space gem, but there is no way to use the space gem in this way.

Sure enough, the birth of these superheroes is unreasonable.

Thinking about it again, Noah laughed at himself.

He himself is not a bug.

It can even be said that he is the biggest bug compared to Captain Marvel.

Merlin has always locked on Mephisto's position.

Originally they thought that Mephisto would choose to escape, but they found that Mephisto hadn't moved his position from the beginning to the end, and everyone knew what this meant.

"It looks like we're about to start a big battle."

Tony came over.

"How sure are you? To be honest, I don't want to die young."

Noah rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, I don't want that either.

With our current strength, if we can't defeat a seriously injured hell lord, the earth would have been occupied by these hell lords long ago. "

Superman remained silent.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Superman suddenly looked up into the distance.

Noah also made this action at the same time.



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