Bionic Era

Chapter 107 Golden Humor

this day.

The name of No. 9 was recorded by the executive bureaus of all the regions.

The reward was also given out.

The sixth district offered the most rewards, a total of 300,000.

"Where did this damn guy come from? Why have I never heard of such a bionic man before?"

"What did the colleagues in the sixth district say last time? Where's the anchor?"

"It is said that I met on the way, the hired driver."

"There's no need to discuss it, he probably crawled out of a landfill! Those guys in the Sixth District have been suppressing this matter, really think we don't know."

"We just found out, and we didn't have time to inform you. The two first-level executives neglected their duties and treated it as an escape of ordinary bionics. They didn't report it, and they didn't realize how many bionics crawled out of the landfill. Difficult, unprecedented!" The executive officer of the Sixth District responded.

Everyone looked helplessly at the street leading to the museum.


The android organization actually cooperates with the gangs in the slums.

Some people came out from each of them to block the entrance of the long street.

Not only this street, but other streets were also blocked.

Peace came so suddenly that all Executors were caught off guard.

"Can you find out the information before No. 9's awakening?"

"It's very difficult. In the landfill, countless bionics are processed every day. If it is a custom-made bionic, it is possible to find out, but there are too many E27 labor types like No. 9. Who Know when he was thrown in."


The wind and sand from no man's land slapped every executive officer's face hard, making his skin sore.

"Suddenly, I feel that there are very few people in our executive bureau."

The two organizations joined hands to form a crushing advantage in terms of numbers.

"It was rare at first. The original purpose of the establishment of the Executive Bureau was to solve petty thefts such as theft and robbery. When encountering a murder case, we would be happy for a long time. Later, there were more and more awakening incidents of bionic people, and we began to deal with this area full-time. Question." An old executive sighed.

The army cannot be used easily. In non-emergency situations, every time it is used, it needs to be proposed by ordinary members of parliament, and then approved by competent members of parliament.

And the so-called emergency situation has never been encountered in so many years.

Each use may experience an infinite number of votes.

And the biggest function of the mayor is actually to take the blame and be scolded.

The second is ordinary administrative power.

"Because of those bionics, it's becoming more and more difficult to become a regular now. All human executives have to undergo special training before becoming a regular. This year, Wu Yu from the 13th District is the fastest to become a regular, and the fastest bionic person is from the 13th District. Lu Wen, these two guys did a great job in the mall last time and saved a lot of colleagues, so they probably have to upgrade."

"Why are they all in the thirteenth district?"

"There are also a few good seedlings in the ninth district..."

On the other side of the street.

Lu Wen walked in the front, followed by two groups of people.

The androids knew who he was.

On the 9th, the awakened bionics of the executive team were successfully captured twice in a row.

This code name has been circulated among many android organizations.

"No. 9, have you met Boss Xia before?" Someone from the gang asked.

"I heard from the elders that I came to investigate the cause of his death. If you have any clues, you can tell me." Lu Wen tried to get some words out of the mouths of these slum guys.

But he was disappointed.

He had already heard all the information he got from Duan Tiannan.

"Actually, I'm curious. You couldn't wait to start firing before you were sure if there was any treasure in it. Can't you really think about it before doing something?"

This is what Lu Wen couldn't think of the most.

Adou, who really can't be supported by these two forces, doesn't even have a brain.

"No. 9, you also know that our bionics actually have no brains..."

"Okay, you don't need to say anything."

"Sigh, the impact of this treasure on the slums is really too great, No. 9, if you have lived in a place like ours since you were young, you can understand that every child who grew up in the slums would dream of picking up a huge amount of money one day. wealth, and become a slumdog millionaire.”

"Androids don't need to grow up, so I don't understand..."

Lu Wen didn't want to talk anymore.

He came to the gate of this old museum, the iron gate.

It's rusty, and it's a miracle it hasn't fallen down after all these years.


Lu Wen kicked the door.

Time is the strongest external force, and this kick is only auxiliary.

This door has been eroded by time long ago, and the reason why it can still not fall is only because the external force it received has not yet reached the critical value.

"Look, the door is open."

The door fell with a sound, sending smoke and dust everywhere.

Broken into several pieces.

Dark red rust fell all over the place.

Lu Wen was the first to walk into the museum.

The sun shines through the corroded holes, making this dead museum look slightly alive.

Those steel beams that have not yet fallen support the huge inner court.

Empty, silent.

Everyone behind Lu Wen was dumbfounded.

Nothing at all!

Is the treasure fake?

"Why? It's impossible for Mr. Ying Long to lie to us." A little boy from the slums looked disappointed and couldn't accept it for a while.

"Is the map wrong?"

"Here... there is really nothing."

Many androids were also disappointed.

Both humans and awakened bionics know that money is a good thing.

Lu Wen turned around and looked at the disappointment on everyone's faces, and smiled faintly.

"Many times, life will teach you a lesson."

He took a few steps forward slowly.

Along with his movement, a cylindrical mechanical instrument slowly rises from the very center of the field.

"What you thought you got, actually never existed." Lu Wen stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the mechanical table.

"And what you think you can't get...maybe it's just one step away."

The voice just fell.

The sound of countless mechanical rotations began to echo throughout the museum.

What followed was the sound of countless metal collisions.

There are many small pipes at the top of the museum, and those pipes start to slope slowly.


A golden coin hit the head of an awakened android, then bounced and fell to the ground.

The shell of his head is made of metal, so the sound of the collision is very crisp.

"Hey, this is..."

The android picked up the gold coin.

It's very small, about the size of a pinky fingertip, and very thin.

The coin features a blooming rose on the reverse and a smiling emoji on the obverse.

"Golden humor?"

More than eighty years ago, the war had not yet begun.

At that time, the situation was already very tense, and many items began to depreciate, even housing prices began to fall, while the price of gold was skyrocketing.

Several big banks have launched a commemorative gold coin with a smiley symbol on the front.

This commemorative coin was called the golden humor by the people at that time.

Very rare now, as if most were lost in that war.

All the pipes made a sound, like something was rolling down those pipes.

Everyone looked up.

It rained gold coins from the sky.

This is the biggest easter egg left by Yinglong for the whole series.


Good night, fellow readers.

Let me report to everyone that the first order is 270, which exceeded expectations.

Thanks to book friend 20190621193143515, Kindergarten school bus drag racing diary, it’s a bird www, a cute Kaka, book friend 202002190457240, Roger Otarifos, gangster = bandit army, what do you drink? It’s time for the holidays, Crazy Books Eat Books, The King Is Back, Book Friends 20200620011107235, Not Covering the Cold, Book Friends 20190630004724312, Orderer L’s tip.

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