Bionic Era

Chapter 114 Fire

Get out of town.

The roads in the suburbs are relatively flat.

It's hard to say any further.

There are many potholes on the roads. In the early years, wherever it was broken, it was repaired. Later, I don’t know if there was no funding or what happened, no one came to repair it.

So the roads in those towns are very bad.

Jiang Xiaonian sat in the long-distance bus back to town.

The drizzle hit the glass window, blurring the familiar scenery outside.

He wiped the back of his neck, and now that there is no bleeding, it was not easy to take out the tracking chip.

Sitting next to him was an old man with dark skin and cracked hands.

There is a pocket under the seat that is constantly moving.

"Master, your chicken is going to suffocate, open the bag."

"It's okay, I'll kill it when I get there."

The uncle smiled, revealing a row of blackened yellow teeth.

"Where is the young man from? Are you married?"

The old coach was driving on a bumpy road.

The body trembled a few times from time to time, making a teeth-stinging sound, which made people suspect that this old bone would fall apart at any time.

I don't know how long it took before the car finally came to that dilapidated small town.

When a place is forgotten by time, the biggest advantage is that no matter how long you go back, it will look like that, as if it has been standing in the depths of the years waiting for you.

Jiang Xiaonian got off the coach.

He took a deep breath of dust and car exhaust, feeling that everything was still so familiar.

The barbecue stand on the street is still there, but the owner has changed.

The breakfast shop at the end of the street is still open and now serves lunch and dinner.

He came to the passenger station of the town and called a motorcycle.

"where to?"

"Minshui Village."

"It's a bit far, and the road there is not easy to walk."

"I'll give you more money."

"Okay, come up."

There is still a long way from the small town to the village.

On weekdays, only when going to the market, there will be old vans driving from the town to various small villages to pick up people.

When I was a child, Jiang Xiaonian once told the old man.

One day when he has money, he will definitely build a big school for the village.

He never got rich enough.

But he kept his promise and built a small school.

And left a sum of money to hire teachers, even though there are fewer and fewer school-age children in that small village.

The motorcycle arrived at the entrance of the village.

Jiang Xiaonian did not see the small school.

All he saw was a pile of broken bricks and rubble, and the grass was luxuriant.

"Young year?"

Someone stood at the entrance of the village and recognized Jiang Xiaonian.

That person is the current village chief, Jiang Yong, the child who replaced Jiang Xiaonian to study in the town.

"What's going on, where is the school?" Jiang Xiaonian asked, pointing to the pile of ruins buried deep in the weeds.

" wind and rain were relatively heavy some time ago..." Jiang Yong faltered.

"Don't talk nonsense with me. I personally selected all the materials. Unless this land collapses, that school will not collapse!" Jiang Xiaonian felt his heart suffocate, and guessed something.

"Xiao Nian, calm down." Jiang Yong pulled Jiang Xiaonian's sleeve, and said in a low voice: "Our village was reported once, identified as poor, and got money every year. Your looks too It's in the way, it's not old enough, you know... there's nothing we can do about it."

"It doesn't look shabby enough?"

Jiang Xiaonian took a deep breath, he must have heard correctly.

He always thought he was smart enough.

He can understand all the truths in this world at a glance.

But this makes sense.

He doesn't understand, and doesn't want to understand!

"Why? Why can't you take a longer view?" Jiang Xiaonian gritted his teeth and grabbed Jiang Yong's skirt, every word seemed to pop out from between his teeth.

"Xiao Nian, there are not many people in our village who study now. What's the use of reading that book? Not everyone is as smart as you. It's enough to know a few words. Anyway, they will all go out to work in the end." Jiang Yong persuaded in a low voice.

"What's the use of reading? You...why do you ask such a question?"

Jiang Xiaonian looked angry, and veins appeared on his forehead.

He let go of Jiang Yong's skirt, took a few steps back, and turned to look at the familiar small village.

It hasn't changed.

Nothing has changed!

"Where's the money?!" He turned his head and stared into Jiang Yong's eyes, "Isn't there money every year? Why hasn't everything changed? Tell me, why?"

"Money..." Jiang Yong lowered his head slightly, avoiding Jiang Xiaonian's gaze, "Just... every year for Chinese New Year, buy some rice noodles, oil, etc... and send it to everyone's home."

Jiang Xiaonian rushed forward, grabbing Jiang Yong's lapel again.

"How much money should have been? How much was left in the town? And how much was left in your own pocket?" He was furious. He looked like a very educated young man on weekdays, but now he looked like a furious lion.

"Xiao Nian, calm down... Everyone in the village agreed to demolish that school."

"Xiao Nian, where are you going?"

"Don't be impulsive..."

Jiang Xiaonian loosened his skirt.

The expression on his face was one of anger and disappointment.

He stumbled back a few steps and turned his head to look at the elementary school that had turned into a wasteland.

Every brick and every tile there was earned by staying up late to do projects for others when he was studying.

But he always felt that money was not enough.

He got twisted for that little money.

For that little money, he can calculate Li Jian who raised himself.

Because he thinks everything is worth it.

As long as he gets enough resources, he can change the world.

For this reason, it is acceptable to make some sacrifices, even if it is his closest relatives.

"I'm going to see Mr.

Jiang Xiaonian's voice trembled a little, but he suppressed it with all his strength, trying to appear calm. .

He ignored Jiang Yong's voice behind him and turned to leave.

The old man's tomb is on the mountainside not far away.

Withered and yellow vegetation covered the grave mound.

No one came to clean it.

Jiang Xiaonian stood on the grass, the sky was dark, and his hair was wet from the drizzle.

This gentleman is one of the people who treat him well in this world, his father is one, and Li Jian is one.

The first two are dead.

"Sir, I thought I could change the world, but I...can't even change a village."

He stood for a long time before the tomb.

From the beginning to the end, he never stepped into that village again.

It was getting late.

Night and rain swallowed the figure of the young man who turned away.

Much of the town hasn't changed.

Also changed a bit.

For example, in recent years, a seven-story building has sprung up.

The first, second and top floors are the same hotel, and the rest of the floors are accommodation.

It is said that the mayor tried his best to invite investors from other places to drive the development of the whole town.

That night, thick smoke billowed from the private room of the hotel on the top floor.

The flames burst into the sky.

The fine rain did not help.

Jiang Xiaonian sat on the top of the building, expressionless, with wet hair sticking to his face.

The height of a seven-story building, with both feet dangling in the air, a normal person would have shrunk back in fright.

But he didn't.

He listened to those fat things with big ears downstairs calling for help in despair, and he didn't feel any joy in his heart.

very calm.

Calm as if, dead.

So he jumped.

The imagined sense of weightlessness did not come.

A hand grabbed him, Lu Wen's hand.

"Death is not the best way to wash away sins."

"I'm not guilty!"


Good night, fellow readers.

Thanks to book friends 20190621193143515, lovelorn sweet potatoes, and book friends 140730164052757 for their rewards.

I'm a bit busy today, so I couldn't write the chapters with more updates, but I should be able to tomorrow.

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