Bionic Era

Chapter 116: A Dream of Huang Liang

It didn't rain over there in no man's land.

The moonlight is soft, and the night wind blows a layer of tulle on the low hills.

Huang Liang is sitting on the roof of an abandoned building.

Lu Wen is not here, he is the leader of the entire organization.

It is very simple to manage those androids, most of them are very obedient, they will do what they are told to do.

"Did something happen to No. 9? He said he would be back before sunset. It has been two or three hours since sunset."

Xiong Zhuang was worried.

Although he is in charge of the organization's combat power, he has a good brain, and he can obviously feel that many bionic people in the organization have a sense of dependence on number nine.

"Wait a little longer."

In fact, Huang Liang was more anxious.

But he kept admonishing himself that he was born human anyway, so he must restrain his emotions and not pass on his anxiety to those bionics.

If he can't even do this basic restraint, what's the difference between him and those bionics?

The white moonlight made the whole no-man's land look less dim.

The two sat on the tall building, staring at the direction where Lu Wen left.

After a long time, it was almost twelve midnight.

Some small black dots slowly appeared on the horizon.

"There is a car!" Huang Liang was the first to notice.

"The leader is the No. 9 car." Xiong Zhuang also found out.

Hundreds of cars appeared on the horizon.

Densely packed, the momentum is extraordinary.

Dust billows from behind the car.

It was far away, but the roar of the engine could be faintly heard.

"Number 9 brought so many people back?"

The two stood on the tall building and could see clearly.

It was a spectacular scene.

Hundreds of vehicles galloped through the deserted no-man's land.

The more than fifty bionics in the organization all woke up from their deep sleep, walked out of the building where they were hiding, and saw the vehicles approaching from far and near.

In fact, if there is only Lu Wen alone.

He could indeed be back before sunset at dusk.

But there are four or five hundred bionics behind him, more than a hundred cars.

Some cars do not perform very well, and they break down when driving. Fortunately, there are service-oriented bionics who know how to repair the cars.

Repair and stop along the way.

"No. 9, you are finally back!"

Huang Liang and Xiong Zhuang came downstairs.

The other androids followed behind them.

Some turned on the night vision mode and stood at a high place, and their eyes were regarded as street lights.

Lu Wen looked at the ruins in front of him, broken bricks and tiles, without even a light.

I have mixed feelings in my heart.

In the past, he always felt that he was a human after all, and it was not good to help the bionics all the time.

But now, as he glanced over the tattered bionics, he felt something else in his heart.

"Take a break tonight, count the number of people, and leave tomorrow morning." Lu Wen said to everyone.

"No. 9, where are we going?" Huang Liang asked.

"This place has long been on the map of the executive bureau, so we can't stay there for long. It is estimated that a large number of executive officers will rush over at noon tomorrow. By then, we may face a bombardment."

Lu Wen knew that this time he had offended all the executive bureaus of all the regions.

The executive board is not limited to such a small number of people. The general bureaus in each region plus the branch bureaus have a considerable number of people.

But now most of them are transferred to various scenic spots, wedding venues, churches and other places.

For that upcoming wedding.

"No. 9, shall we keep running away?"

"No, just go deep into the no-man's land and let them find it. Build the fortifications, get some basic life scenes, and then..."

Lu Wen paused, and walked onto a relatively tall concrete block.

He looked around.

Whether it is an existing bionic person, or just joined today.

"Then we're going to build the city, build our own city, no matter how long it takes."

This fluffy sentence seems to have no weight.

But all the androids held their breath.

As if afraid that what they heard was wrong, as if afraid to break the silence of this moment.

Pairs of eyes lit up in the darkness.

The night wind blows over the bodies of every bionic person, and the undulating wind and sand are like gentle waves. Under the shroud of moonlight, everything looks so hazy.

Those shining eyes are like a lighthouse in the waves of the night, guiding the direction of hope.

"Actually, I've been meaning to say... it looks funny to have eyes glowing."

All the light dimmed in an instant.

Lu Wen was still a little uncomfortable with the sudden darkness.

He briefly said a few words to everyone, and then asked Huang Liang to help count the number of people.

"No. 9, there is an invitation letter."

Very simple invitation.

He simply mentioned the location, the person invited was No. 9, and the names of the other invitees were written on the back of the invitation letter.

"I fear it will be a trap."

"No, it's not a trap."

Lu Wen saw a familiar name among the many names on the back of the invitation letter, Charlene.

The leader of Brother Cockroach, a second-generation bionic.

If she is also invited, then the rest of the people on this invitation letter should be the leaders of the major bionic organizations.

The time is five o'clock in the morning.

"It seems that we have to leave overnight again." Lu Wen looked at the black sky in the distance and sighed.

"But No. 9, aren't you going to take the whole organization to the depths of no man's land tomorrow morning?" Huang Liang asked.

"You guys go first, I'll just meet you when the time comes, there is no internet here, so there is no way to locate at any time, do you have a downloaded map in your mind?"


"Follow the map and calculate the distance. Fortunately, they are all bionics, so they won't be able to walk half a day back to the origin with their eyes closed."

"Then I'll let Xiong Zhuang look at the map."

Huang Liang smiled.

"Although I have been reborn as a bionic human now, I am worried that I will still be affected by human intuition."


Lu Wen thought for a long time on the way back, hesitating.

He has been thinking about whether to tell Huang Liang about it.

Judging from the time and place, Huang Liang must be the No. 8 chip that the old man put in Baker City a year ago.

Lu Wen was worried that Huang Liang might collapse if he was not prepared.

"Number nine, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, pay attention to safety on the road, let the domestic-type bionics be inside, try to arrange the military-type bionics on the outermost side, and pay attention to personnel allocation."

"OK, no problem!"

Lu Wen set off again under Huang Liang's gaze.

Drive to the meeting place on the invitation.

Huang Liang still has a lot to do.

He needs to count how many bionics there are in total, the proportion of each type, whether there are enough blue bloods, and whether the various parts are enough.

Lu Wen gave him a goal.

Built the city.

The illusory goal should be regarded as a spiritual sustenance.

Being busy can dilute his yearning for that blue planet.

"I don't know how the other seven chips are doing now."

Lu Wen was a little worried.

Will there be more extreme personalities among the seven people?

Even if not, if you know that you are just a pure bionic person, it will be difficult to accept for a while, and it is not impossible for your temperament to change drastically.

As for Huang Liang, give him some hints slowly in the future.

There are many things that are better left unsaid now.

"Huang indeed a good name."

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