Bionic Era

Chapter 118 Compassion

How did Eden get recognized by the two northern cities?

This statement varies.

Some said that the two northern cities were very tolerant and could accept the existence of Eden, and some said that bionics in Eden had infiltrated the councils of those two cities.

The Supreme Council of the floating city never recognized Eden.

There are often orders to the two cities in the north to encircle and suppress Eden.

But the nine major cities have a high degree of autonomy, and the councils of those two cities didn't want to deal with the floating city at all. They shirked it with various reasons, such as soldiers being in a bad mood, rainy days are not suitable for fighting, and sunny days are suitable for basking in the sun...

"Human sympathy does not guarantee the existence of a city of androids!"

Lu Wen stood up directly.

He doesn't like talking in such crowded places.

But with so many bionic people present, Ma Bo couldn't lead them all astray.

"Force, we need the guarantee of force! Without the guarantee of force, sympathy is a kind of charity." Lu Wen was very blunt, and adjusted his voice louder.

"However, too many weapons will make human beings feel that we have the will to do something, and it will be difficult for peace to come." Ma Bo expressed his opinion.

"Do you understand humans?" Lu Wen asked.

"No. 9, I have a body that has lived in the urban area of ​​Mowu City for a long time, and has not been discovered by humans until the last time I voluntarily exposed my identity to announce the wedding, so I think I should know enough about humans."

Lu Wen was not surprised that Ma Bo could call out his name.

Bionic people don't need to memorize many things as hard as humans. They have memory chips, and they can record all the names and faces in one look.

"It turns out that the body you left in the city was used to send you to death?"

Lu Wen suddenly remembered some of the content that had been chatting in the executive board channel for the past few days.

about that wedding.

It stands to reason that if the bionic organization is going to have a big one, there will definitely be a lot of action during this period.

But no.

very quiet.

The executive bureaus of the major regions cheered up during this period of time, monitoring the entrances and exits of the urban areas of each region, and judging whether there were awakened bionics coming in, but in the end they found nothing.

This makes everyone very puzzled.

Such a grand wedding announcement.

The battle between humans and bionics will definitely be unavoidable that day, the more intense the better, so as to create a sensation and increase the reputation of this bionic organization for their next move.

But nothing was found, as if the announcement had never existed.

Lu Wen finally knew now.

All executive boards have been busy for nothing these days.

"You want to hold a wedding in front of the parliament building to show your humanity, and then be shot and killed by people from the Executive Bureau in full view, so as to arouse the sympathy of the rest of mankind?"

Using a wedding to express humanity?

"Yes, as expected of No. 9, he can figure out everything so quickly."

Ma Bo expressed his praise to Lu Wen without hesitation.

It seems that he has the willingness to cooperate with Lu Wen, but Lu Wen is now contrary to his opinion.

"This will not arouse the sympathy of the majority of people at all. You must be clear, when the time comes, the blood flowing on the white wedding dress will be blue, not red!"

People have a heart of compassion.

The appearance of the five generations of bionics is no different from that of human beings.

The moment the shot was fired, some people would definitely feel unbearable emotions in their hearts.

But when they saw the blue blood, they would react.

That's not their kind.

That's just a machine!

"On the 9th, before today's meeting, I have discussed with the leaders of many organizations, and I think this method is feasible. If you think it is not possible, we can continue to discuss it."

After all, the bionics still lacked the fighting consciousness of human beings.

When encountering problems, they are more willing to sit down and negotiate, rather than taunting, forming gangs, and inciting passers-by like humans...

This has the advantage that the bionics are more united.

There is also a downside, once you make a wrong decision, you will be huddled together to die.

"There is no need to discuss, and most likely we will not be able to agree."

Listening to Ma Bo's tone, Lu Wen understood that their plan had already been made.

Tomorrow is the date for that wedding.

It's useless to say anything now.

"No. 9, I actually think there is nothing wrong with their method. It's okay to try it." A bionic man next to Lu Wen tugged at his sleeve and whispered.

Lu Wen felt that these words sounded a little harsh.

He felt that many androids were scared by humans. Small organizations were often besieged by squads from the Executive Bureau, and large organizations were also threatened by the army.

They hide in no man's land every day, so they use the so-called sympathy to seek peace.

The gym was quiet, and the stares made him uncomfortable.

Most of the eyes are puzzled and puzzled.

So Lu Wen sat down.

Sit quietly.

The bionics don't know enough about human beings, and all the records in their chips are instilled in them by humans.

Lu Wen is different. His false memory has a lot of real information. He has his own bottom line, and that bottom line is called force.

Ma Bo began to explain his follow-up plan.

"This wedding is just the beginning. My lover and I will lose two bodies, which will arouse the sympathy of some people. Several human identities in my organization belong to the news media. At that time, they will start to publicize and create topics."

"Then spend money to buy hot searches on some social software, and let humans realize the advantages of bionics through some created accidental events..."

" expression of will for peace..."

"Number Nine is a very important link. He has released human executives twice, without harming anyone. This can also be used for publicity..."

"Mowu City is electing bionic councilors. The fourth generation of Xinhong is absolutely hostile to bionics. A12 is very friendly to bionics. But now Lu Wen has the highest support rate, far surpassing A12. We don't know how he is against bionics. How is the attitude of people..."

Mapo and the others will try their best to push A12 to the position of MP.

But Lu Wen's support rate is too high, and it has only been started for less than three weeks, so there is no black spot.

So they thought of many ways.

"Create a bad topic for Lu Wen, even if it is fake, but as long as it spreads widely enough, many people will believe it."

"How to make it?"

"Let's just say... the monsters that appeared some time ago are all related to Lu Wen, and everything was directed and acted by him..."

This method was okay, and Lu Wen barely gave him a passing score.

On planting.

How can I frame it perfectly?

First pour dirty water on one person to arouse discussion, and then give some details and hints, and the people who eat melons will slowly start to stand in line.

The most important thing is that the source of this basin of dirty water must not be found.

The person who was splashed could not provide evidence.

Can only be forced to catch.

Even if the source is found many years later, people will just sigh casually: "Oh, he was wrongly blamed at the time."

The rally lasted an hour and a half.

Maybe he wanted to explain something to Lu Wen.

So after it was over, he was asked to go alone to another meeting, a little rally.

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