Bionic Era

Chapter 125 The Power of Science


sandy soil.

Bright sunlight shines through the broken glass windows into the interior of the tall building.

Tiny particles of aerosol float in the light.

Vasily lay beyond the dots of dappled light.

He thought back to the day he went on his first sniper mission.

So is the weather.

That time, he was careful, disguised well, and took great pains to kill the bionic man.

That is, from that time on, he found that it was very easy to kill the bionic man.

Years of arrogance led him to make a fatal mistake today.

It was wrong from the start.

According to his calculations, the possibility of No. 9 leaving with the organization is as high as 79%. This probability already allows him to make the most correct choice.

So he was careless.

Nine didn't leave.

He has been lurking quietly in this dead city, like a ghost in the dark night, waiting for his arrival.

"No. 9, it turns out that you are also a hunter who likes to hide in the dark."

Vasily knew that the possibility of his survival today was very low.

He was tricked by Number Nine.

No. 9 set up a sniper rifle and placed a dummy on this obvious tall building, partly to lure him over.

On the other hand, it is also telling him that his every move is calculated clearly.

But he is not reconciled.

His honor should not come to an end today.

"Cheer up, Vasily, at least you're not dead yet!"

As long as people are not dead, they have to do something.

Vasily leaned against the wall, the cement and sand on the wall fell rustlingly, and he held the sniper rifle in his hand.

He is still prey.

No. 9 didn't choose to kill him, but played tricks on him, in order to create psychological pressure on him.

Vasily was familiar with this pressure.

When the prey is ready to catch, he also likes to tease the prey under the scope to make the other party collapse a little bit.

"Number 9's position... If I don't know the number 9's position, I will only die today."


Vasily looked at the broken glass on the ground and had a plan in mind.

He took out a dagger and cut a rag from himself.

Then I looked for black cement debris on the ground.

He picked up a decently sized pane of glass.

Smudge one side of the glass into black, and apply it over and over until the light transmission of the glass is very weak.

He raised the glass and saw his embarrassed face.

Barely usable as a mirror.

Then, he tied the glass to the sniper rifle with rags, and slowly stretched it to the edge of the window.

It is difficult to observe the whole street through reflection from such a small piece of glass.

quite difficult.

But as a sniper, the most indispensable thing is patience.

"Number 9 must be looking at my position at a certain window right now, calm down, we must find him!"

The howling wind and sand passed between the buildings.

This quiet city stands on the parched earth as always.

The gray and blackened concrete exterior indicates that these tall buildings are dead.

The living people are still playing games in the building.


No man's land in the thirteenth district.

Weeds rolled on the sand.

Lu Wen and Wu Yu drove to this land, the yellow sand slapped on the car window, and they stopped at the entrance of no man's land.

"I'll say it again, I have data backup, even if I die in this place, I can still come back to life."

"Death is no reason to be afraid."

Lu Wen felt that this guy just wanted to come here to get some credit.

But this slightly secondary tone made him feel that it should not be the case.

"What we are going to face is Factory Zero, a monster that combines countless bionic humans and humans. You have to be mentally prepared."

"It's not like I haven't faced it before."

Lu Wen had already notified the Executive Directorate of the Thirteenth District before coming.

A swarm of executive officers is just behind.

It was more than ten minutes behind.

"Wait a little longer, wait until they all come, and then go to the no-man's land to look for them together."

"The weak will only go in groups, and the beasts will only walk alone."

Wu Yu opened his mouth with a sentence of poisonous chicken soup.

This is very necessary to leverage.

"Wolves live in groups." Lu Wen said seriously.


If Lu Wen was the only one, it would be fine for him to go alone.

Anyway, No. 0 couldn't crack Mr. Yin Long's second system, and couldn't control Lu Wen.

At that time, if you really encounter any danger, you can just blow yourself up.

While the two were waiting, Liang Chen called.

"Brother Lu Wen, I heard that you have found No. 0's lair and notified the executive bureau. Where are you rushing to now?"

"How did you know?"

Lu Wen remembered that he didn't tell anyone.

"It has already spread on the Internet, and all kinds of news are flying all over the sky."

I don't know which guy with a loose mouth leaked the news.

Maybe it was one of those guys on the Executive Board.

But their starting point is also for Lu Wen's good, and they want to help Lu Wen clear the suspicion.

But now after washing like this, the more you wash, the darker it becomes.

"It was revealed that Lu Wen had something to do with those monsters, and now he suddenly found No. 0's lair. Don't you think it's too coincidental?"

Network status.

As long as you are splashed with dirty water, no matter what, there will always be people who don't have the brains to believe it.

Of course, this point of view was rejected by many people who supported Lu Wen.

"Is the status of an ordinary member of parliament important, or is it important to be in one's own lair?"

A simple question, let that one self-defeating.

But then someone started to refute.

"What if that so-called lair is empty? There's nothing there, and it seems like a good deal to trade an empty contraption for his own victory."

The two sides quarreled like this.

Lu Wen found that his fans were quite powerful.

He is obviously in a very weak situation now, and various media news reports are very unfavorable to him.

Therefore, most people are on the opposite side of him.

But there is a small group of people who choose to believe him, and they are not weak at all, and the two sides have exchanges on the Internet.

The most harmonious thing is the news about the fourth generation of Xinhong.

"Vassily went deep into no-man's land, risked his life to hunt down No. 9, and brought us tranquility and peace. This is what a real congressman should do."

This guy's approval rating has surpassed that of Lu Wen.

"Vassily will return like a hero with the head of Number Nine."

that's all.

Lu Wen and the fourth generation of Xinhong.

A lair that goes deep into no man's land to find number zero.

Another hunt for Nine deep into no man's land.

Everyone is waiting for the results.

Lu Wen looked at the time, and the large force of the executive bureau should follow up in ten minutes.

"It's really annoying how these media have followed up again."

In the public channel, some colleagues are complaining.

Followed by everyone in the executive bureau is a group of media, adhering to the spirit of fearing no death, no fear of difficulties and obstacles, these media also decided to follow the no-man's land all the way.

"I really want to invite the ancestors of RPG to post to these unscrupulous media."

"We need to apply for the bazooka, and it is too wasteful to use it on those media."

An executive officer was still explaining seriously.

Lu Wen remembered a story.

It is said that the hill outside the camp where a certain army was once stationed is haunted.

The commander directly pulled dozens of artillery pieces over.

That night, the ancestor of the artillery appeared and covered the mountain.

The power of science has made that place never haunted again.

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