Bionic Era

Chapter 128 Second Personality

"I have a demon living inside me, and that demon wants to live a peaceful life."

The little painter smiled, his eyes always on his drawing board.

"He hopes to be like a normal person, fall in love, get married, have a small family, become an ordinary painter, and support his family on a meager drawing fee every day."

"He wants to leave this place completely and never come back. He wants to abandon his beliefs about art. You say, what is he not a devil?"

Those blue eyes focused on following the brush as it moved across the drawing board.

The entire underground palace is his masterpiece.

Lu Wen and Wu Yu walked further inside step by step.

Walk slowly.

Failure to understand the opponent's intentions is the most fatal.

Lu Wen guessed in his mind the relationship between the little painter and number zero.

friend? loved ones? Or... Little Painter replaced the code name Zero?

"What's your relationship with Number Zero?"

Wu Yu had the most doubts in his heart, and the information he knew was not as comprehensive as Lu Wen's.

So he was the first to ask.

"He is my teacher, a person who knows all the knowledge in this world."

It turned out to be master and apprentice.

Before Wu Yu could speak again.

The little painter suddenly stopped the paintbrush in his hand, looked up at the two of them, with long golden hair hanging down his forehead.

He turned the drawing board in front of him and presented it to the two of them.

The picture is very monotonous.

white background.

Portraits of several people.

It seems that before he had time to describe it carefully, he was interrupted by the arrival of Lu Wen and Wu Yu.

"Me, you, Xia Chuluo, Jiang Xiaonian, himself, and a 0, a total of six portraits."

The light was dim, so Lu Wen introduced Wu Yu one by one.

"There is a deviation in the calculation. According to the teacher's earlier calculation, the probability of the four of you coming together is as high as 74%." The little painter shook his head lightly, "But there are only two visitors today. The probability is really unbelievable."

He picked up a paintbrush and dabbed a little red paint.

Then he pointed to Lu Wen's portrait.


The brush daubed lightly on Lu Wen's portrait, and it soon turned into a patch of red.

Very bright red, and somewhat viscous.

Immediately, the brush moved to Xia Chuluo's portrait.


Xia Chuluo's portrait was also painted into a mass of red.

Can't tell what the original looks like.

The little artist pointed to Wu Yu's portrait, looked at him carefully, and smiled lightly.


Lu Wen turned his head to look at Wu Yu, and found that Wu Yu was frowning.

"Why do you say you are a liar? Have you met before?"

"No, I have nothing to do with him."

Judging by the tone of voice, the statement is likely to be true.

But Wu Yu must be hiding something.

Everyone has his own secret, there is no need to delve into it, one day he will tell it by himself.

The brush moved to Jiang Xiaonian's picture.

"" The little painter thought for a while, "it's just a clown."

The brush moves to his own portrait.


He said these words with satisfaction.

Then paint your own portrait into a mass of red.

The brush comes over the 0 symbol.

The little painter thought for a long time, but he frowned and didn't speak.

The brush stays on that panel for a long time.

at last.

Slowly draw a red question mark.

"You don't know the identity of Number Zero?" Wu Yu asked.

"Teacher is everywhere, he can be anyone, identity is not important to him."

The 0 is also smeared out by the little painter.

On the white drawing board, six scarlet graffiti looked very dazzling.

"Lu Wen, you started to doubt me a long time ago, no, you suspected that demon, let me think about it... That time I sent a text message to lie to you that there was a sound from the ground, or that time when I met you by the South Lake. Give you news about the teacher?"

Lu Wen had indeed suspected him a long time ago, but there was no evidence.

Zero seemed to want to expose this little guy on purpose, so he asked him to pass messages to Lu Wen several times.

"The teacher said that you are not very smart, but your learning ability is very strong, surpassing most of the bionics he has seen, so you will become stronger and stronger, but Xia Chuluo limits your development space, she can All that will teach you is experience."

"But she doesn't rely on experience, but her clever mind, so you can't learn much from her."

"Why, you want me to join you?" Lu Wen smiled, really thinking it was funny.

"The teacher's original intention was just to dismantle you, to do a research that he has been doing all the time, and later felt that you were worth using, so he planned to promote you to the position of a member of parliament before dismantling."

The little painter's speaking style was exactly the same as Number Zero.

Tell me what you plan to do.

Not hiding it at all.

"I'm here just to represent myself, or the devil inside me, and I invite you to join." The little painter gently put down his brush, "That devil thinks you are a very good person. He has been wandering for more than ten years and rarely sees you." You are such a good person, so I don't want to watch you die."

"You know androids are hard to die, right?"

"Yes, but I believe the teacher has the ability to find all your data backups, so you... can't escape death."

Can't agree.

The little painter and Lu Wen couldn't agree.

Lu Wen couldn't agree with him either.

"Actually, I'm more curious about your current state, the second personality?"

Many old executives, as well as some doctors, do not recognize the existence of multiple personalities.

Lu Wen would occasionally watch the lecture videos recorded by the old executive officers for the interns. Many experienced executives told the interns with certainty that there was no such thing as multiple personalities, and the so-called multiple personalities were just rumors and movies. Novels and other literary and artistic works are myths.

The multiple personalities that the old executive had seen were all pretended by criminals to avoid trial.

The executive board sometimes has medical scientists to teach.

They also said that most of the multiple personalities they have come into contact with are pretending, some are drugged, and very few are mentally unstable. They have never seen a real multiple personality.

"Excessive interpretation and psychological suggestion."

This is what an old professor told an intern during a lecture.

Of course there are people who believe in it, but very few.

“Multiple personality endorsers are mostly teenagers, and they have a strong, even pathological, obsession with the disorder, which they seem to think is… cool, as they say.”

The old professor's words remained in Lu Wen's memory chip.

But he was not a man who believed in authority.

He is skeptical about many things, especially after knowing that Yin Long is the real time traveler.

Time travel is possible, and it seems that multiple personalities are not impossible.

"I am me, the only personality in this body. As for the demon who wants to live an ordinary life... Occasionally appear in my dreams."

Can't tell the difference between dream and dream?

Or is Number Zero deliberately guiding the little artist?

Since he was very young, he began to give psychological hints to the little painter, artificially separating the little painter into the second state?

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