Bionic Era

Chapter 140 I heard it was a long time ago

"Eating fried peanuts and spitting out the skin, are you androids so particular about it?"

"Harmful Substance."

"According to what you said, as long as it is eaten, it is harmful."

Wei Boan has been looking for opportunities to fight back.

But the opportunity is not obvious.

"What do you think of the wedding that took place in front of the Parliament building during the day?" he asked.

"Show humanity and garner sympathy, but with little effect."

"Just as I thought."

that wedding.

Lu Wen didn't go.

When the wedding started, they had just finished dealing with Luo Ruyan's affairs and were accompanying Xia Chuluo to the hospital.

The process was pretty much the same as he expected.

Two bionic people interlocking their fingers.

Black suit and white wedding dress.

Then he was shot to death.

It's beautiful when it's down.

Some media on the Internet also made a big fuss, saying that bionic people also have the right to marry, and made the appearance of those two fell down a little more poignant.

"To be honest, I really didn't expect that those bionics would use this method to fight." Wei Bo'an said.

"I didn't expect it either. At first I thought it was a violent struggle, and the bigger the mess, the better." Lu Wen responded.

"Yes, I didn't sleep well this whole week!"

The age difference between the two is forty years.

A middle-aged man, and a bionic man just over three weeks old.

But there is no generation gap when talking.

"Come to the Tenth District Executive Bureau tomorrow, and I will take you to the crime scene."

"You trust me that much?"

"Anyway, it was brought out by Xia Chuluo. I don't believe that you haven't learned anything. I can't invite her, so I can only invite you."

Wei Boan passed some information to Lu Wen.

The location of the incident.

live pictures.

The identity of the deceased...

"On a?"

"Otherwise, how much more do you want?"

"I heard your tone before, and thought that the murderer had killed many people in succession, and he came to me because he had no choice." Lu Wen looked at the photos of the scene, "It's just one victim, so it can't be sure that it was a random murder."

"Yes, it felt very similar at first. After all, the deceased did not have any enemies. Later, after we investigated some things, we found that...the murderer may have some kind of purpose."


"Come to the scene tomorrow and tell you clearly."

Lu Wen thought about it.

I have nothing else to do recently.

The matter of the councilor election is settled, and he will have another identity in a short time, and then, No. 0 will start to attack him.

He was safe until then.

Xia Chuluo doesn't need his help either, she is still looking for a way to get a secret body for Lu Wen, and go to Central City together.

"After you become a councilor, you will have a lot of power to speak. At that time, every word you say in public or on social platforms must be carefully considered. Your attitude may affect the bionic people in Mowu City for a long time to come. destiny."

"It's okay, I heard that a long time ago, even if a certain person became the president, he still had dozens of updates every day, and he kept his mouth open."

"Have it?"

"Yes... There are several histories before the war, which are recorded in my materials."

After talking about that case, the following topics are all small talk.

Wei Bo'an is a fairly ordinary person with a slight sense of humor.

No intrigue.

Chat very speculatively.

"It's getting late, it's time to go."

"Remember to come tomorrow, by the way, don't forget to say hello at the Thirteenth District Executive Bureau, otherwise I'm afraid they will think I'm here to rob someone."

"Okay, don't worry."


Over there in no man's land.

late at night.

With the arrival of this batch of supplies, the whole organization became much more relaxed.

In the list of supplies listed by Lu Wen, there are some sheets, quilts and lighting equipment, as well as a low-noise diesel generator and countless solar panels.

"It's enough to go deeper for a day or two. When the time comes, choose a better building and hang up these lamps. Remember to use solar panels to store electricity during the day." Lu Wen patted the battery panels on the car.

Construct the feeling of becoming a monk for these androids who have been living in no man's land.

It's a bit crude, but better than nothing.

"No. 9, are you leaving again tonight?"

"Time waits for no one. I'm being targeted by a powerful guy now. He will attack me in a short time. Someone in Baker City can cure him. I'll pay a visit."

Baker City, Dr. Jiang.

Ever since Duan Tiannan said it, Lu Wen wanted to go.

I've been too busy this time, and now I finally get some free time.

"Baker City is far away."

Huang Liang was a little worried.

"I know that it will take about four days to drive here and cross the no-man's land. That is to say, the road conditions in the no-man's land are too bad. If there is a highway, two days will be enough."

"Number Nine, do you have a data backup?"

"Yes, don't worry, I can't die."

Starry night.

Lu Wen set off with enough gasoline, car parts that might be used, spare tires, and the mechanical spider.

The mechanical spider belonged to the organization of the two guys, one tall and one short.

But those two guys didn't discover the real purpose of this spider, they kept it as a pet all the time.

Just over an hour after setting off, Lu Wen encountered extreme weather.

"Salon roll? You can still meet this thing at night."

It was dark at the end of the world.

The vicious yellow sand slapped on the car window.

The whole car was shaking, as if it was going to fall apart.

Sitting in the car and looking out, the raging tornado not far away seems to tear the entire sky apart, like a raging prehistoric giant roaring and cruising on the dry and cracked land.

Fortunately, Lu Wen was not on the inevitable path of that salon roll.

It can only be regarded as rubbing an edge.

For the next few hours.

Lu Wen was driving the vehicle and encountered heavy rain, strong wind, and even hail.

Big hail.

The car body was smashed and riddled with holes.

Fortunately, this car is the only bulletproof vehicle in the entire organization.

After passing through the hail area, there was a long calm.

Then came the thunderstorm area.

"It's pretty scary."

Lu Wen parked the car outside the thunderstorm area.

A thundercloud that can't be seen at the end.

The clouds are so thick that they seem to be pressing down on the ground in one piece.

Ghastly silver snakes walk under the dark sky.

The lightning bolts are like the anger thrown by the gods to the world.

The huge and thick cloud layer is slowly rotating, and the center is almost attached to the ground. At a glance, it gives people a feeling of suffocation.

It's like a scene of the end of the world.

"Super thunderstorm."

Lu Wen got this conclusion from the database.

The expected four-day journey, one of which is the budget for extreme weather on the road, after all, the bionic man does not need to rest when driving.

This kind of rare extreme weather is hardly seen in the area of ​​​​the nine major cities.

But no man's land often exists.

This is why there is no way to live in no man's land for a long time,

This is an era of chasing capital.

The nine major cities are unwilling to invest a lot of money to improve the no-man's land, and the gains outweigh the losses.

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