Bionic Era

Chapter 142 Orchid

"The victim was a lawyer. He was thirty-five years old. According to the forensic doctor's judgment, the time of death was around one o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday. The body has been handed over to the family."

"cause of death?"

"Thirteen stab wounds were found, but the forensic doctor gave the result that he bled profusely to death."

"Is the murder weapon left at the scene?"


"During the time of the incident, did anyone nearby hear the victim's cry for help?"


Nothing at all.

Except for the bloodstains that have not been cleaned up, there are only some small objects that have been knocked down that can barely be regarded as evidence.

"Send me all the photos of the corpse." Lu Wen said.

"I know what you mean. There are some tearing marks on the mouth of the corpse. The victim's mouth was sealed with tape." Wei Bo'an sent some photos to Lu Wen.

As he said.

Although the tape and other tools are gone, it can still be seen.


Can explain why there is no voice for help.

"There were strangle marks on the wrists and neck. The victim was tied up and unable to resist, so there was no trace of large-scale chaos at the scene... Thirteen stab wounds, but none of them were fatal. The murderer hoped that the victim would suffer severe pain before death." , this may be a vendetta."

"It's not that simple. This lawyer has no apparent enemies."

Leaning on the balcony outside, Wei Boan spoke slowly.

They have done a visit and investigation in the past two days.

"The victim seemed to be an honest and responsible lawyer, but after our investigation, we found that he had other transactions secretly."


"Let me tell you a few charges, the crime of accepting bribes, obstructing testimony, providing false proof, helping to destroy, and forging evidence... Got it?"


It turned out to be a money collector.

Lu Wen then looked around in the two bedrooms.


He went back to the living room.

Wei Boan was still admiring a pot of orchids on the balcony outside the living room.

"Have you detected any fingerprints, footprints, body fluids, stains, hair, etc., even a little dander." Lu Wen didn't hold out much hope.

There is a very special case in the records of the Thirteenth District.

The murderer's ability to deal with traces is quite strong, and he will also fake the scene.

At first, the executive officers were helpless, but in the end, a little dander became the key to solving the case.

But since Wei Bo'an asked him to come here, the case is not that simple.

"No, nothing about the murderer was found."

Sure enough, nothing.

"If I'm not mistaken, on the day of the incident, the surveillance cameras around here were also broken?"

"No, to be precise, the surveillance around here has been broken for several years."

"Never fixed it?"

"This is an old-fashioned community. If the street lights are broken, you have to wait a month or two to be replaced. The property management depends on self-consciousness, let alone monitoring."

The camera is damaged and the property does nothing.

According to regulations, community residents can complain to the relevant departments.

But maybe it has been relatively stable in recent years, and no one has used the camera, so I ignored it.

"The valuables are all at home, there is no trace of rummaging through boxes and cabinets, and the murderer didn't do it for money."

This kind of scene can leave inexperienced executives bewildered in the short term.

Only to continue to in-depth investigation.

"After he dies, who should all his property belong to?"

"His parents."

"There's nothing wrong with it, it can't be his parents..."

Usually, it's either vendetta, love, or interest, and it's easiest to start from these points.

At least there must be a motive for committing the crime!

Even if these are not.

With the current technology, as long as the murderer can leave any traces, he will be able to pull out the cocoons and close the big net for arrest step by step.


There are many cases that cannot be solved.

"Since he is a lawyer and has done secret transactions, let's start with the cases he has handled before, especially those cases where he has turned black and white. This can be regarded as a breakthrough."

"I have thought of this a long time ago. The relevant personnel in those cases all have alibi."

"Are you sure you're really not there?"


No motivation.

The person most likely to do it on the surface has an alibi.

No clues were left.

Visits and investigations have yielded nothing.

"No wonder you thought it was a murder without motive."

Lu Wen also came to the balcony and leaned aside.

Homicide without motive is recognized as the most difficult type of case to crack.

such cases.

There was no direct connection between the killer and the victim.

In the case of a serial case, there is no potential connection between all the victims.

"Yes, but the murderer left us a clue."


"This pot of orchids." Wei Bo'an pointed to the plate of orchids on the window sill, "The people living next door said that the victim had never raised orchids before. This plate of orchids suddenly appeared the day before yesterday, and it was not there in the morning."

"Is this pot of orchid left by the murderer?" Lu Wen walked a little closer and observed it carefully, "Have you found out its source?"

"No, we have investigated all the flower and bird markets around here. Everyone has been exhausted for the past two days, but the stall owners said that they are not theirs."

"Maybe online shopping."

"Online shopping is not too far away. We have looked for flower and bird markets in these large areas. Some stall owners said that this pot of orchids has no ornamental value, and the appearance has not been repaired."

"Wild orchid?"

Mowu City is too big.

A city of hundreds of millions of people.

Suburban villages and towns and the like stretch far away.

Wild orchids can be found anywhere.

"What does a pot of orchid mean?"

Lu Wen thought about the tragedy of the victim's death.

Thirteen knives.

The number thirteen has a special meaning in some places.

"Is it because of religion?"

There is no record of this information in Lu Wen's mind.

"In the history of Mowu, were there any churches with orchids as their totems or symbols?"

"Orchids are regarded by many Buddhists as Zen flowers."

"I mean... the more extreme kind."


Lu Wen glanced at the orchid again, and firmly remembered the appearance of this potted flower.

The murderer left this pot of orchids to point them to clues.

The man had no fear of being found.

And there is a high possibility that he will continue to do it next.




A vague image of the murderer slowly appeared in front of Lu Wen's eyes.

He looked through all the rooms again.

There is nothing special about two bedrooms.

Still nothing.

at last.

He still stayed in the study.

Most of the bookshelves are books related to the law.

Lu Wen's eyes swept over every book.

many books.

Thick, thin, old, brand new.

In the end, his eyes settled on a collection of poems.

"Pushkin's Poems."

"A collection of poems, interspersed with countless volumes of legal knowledge, instead of a pile of miscellaneous books on the other side... The victim is obsessive-compulsive, and he will not allow this to happen."

For patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

If a red bean is suddenly found in a pile of green beans, they will remove the red bean without hesitation.

"Is this collection of poems left behind by the murderer?"


Good night, fellow readers!

The fifth update added for the Glory Lord;

Thanks to the book friends for the cute Kaka and Hey Li Ma Da Da Hei Yo for their rewards.

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