Bionic Era

Chapter 160 Physician

"Don't go in the afternoon, it's important to catch the murderer early."

"Of course I know that."

The two had a brief lunch and exchanged news by the way.

"Twelve years ago, a middle school girl caught a cold and died. The area where the middle school is located is very close to the place where the second deceased once wandered."

The second place where the deceased wandered was around the Longdu Community which was under construction at the time.

There happens to be a middle school nearby.

"Cold? Cold can kill people? What's going on?" Lu Wen asked.

"This incident caused a lot of trouble at the time, but for some reason, a lot of relevant information was deleted. After all, it is related to the reputation of local doctors... You should be able to find some reports from that year if you check carefully."

Lu Wen searched in the built-in database and on the Internet.

It is indeed reported.

There are very few phoenixes and horns, and the language is unclear.

"Everything on the Internet is very vague. It only said that a little girl who was in middle school was seriously ill and passed away before she could be diagnosed and treated in time." Lu Wen said.

"No, it's not a serious illness, just a cold."

Wei Bo'an told Lu Wen what he knew.

"The little girl was in the third grade of junior high school. In summer, she caught a cold from the air conditioner, but she was delayed for a while because she was preparing for the senior high school entrance examination. When she went to the clinic near the school, she already had a severe cough."

"What happened next?"

"Originally, the doctor in the clinic could just prescribe some cold medicine, which cost tens of dollars, but guess what?"

"Drop the needle? Or give a lot of useless medicine?"

"The latter, the doctor put some useless vitamins and health products in the drug list, and the little girl spent hundreds of dollars for one medicine."

Just a junior high school girl who lives in school can't afford much money.

Lu Wen probably knew the reason.

"The little girl thought the price of the medicine was too expensive, so she took the medicine once and never went there again, but the medicine didn't make her completely better that time, and she didn't tell her family about it because she was about to take the high school entrance examination." Wei Boan continued Said.

Lu Wen began to draw an image in his heart.

A very independent girl, she doesn't want her family to worry about her, so she takes on many things.

"Then it became more and more serious. The cold became pneumonia. A few days before the senior high school entrance examination, she fainted in the classroom. When she was sent to the hospital, she found that many organs had failed, so she urgently called the local ECMO. ...But in the end, he was not saved, which is a pity."

The past twelve years ago is a very simple description.

The murderer's third goal is already clear.

That doctor.

"How big was the incident?"

"It's so big, you can't imagine it. There was a wave of demonstrations, demanding the regulation of the medical industry. It took more than half a year to calm down. Afterwards, all relevant materials were deleted."

"Where's the doctor?"

"I lost a lot of money and the clinic was closed."

"Where do you live now and what are you doing?"

"After the clinic closed, he went to another large area, bought a relatively large store, and opened a supermarket. Now the business is still very good, and he has opened more than ten chain stores."

The doctor went to the twelfth district.

After losing such a large amount of money, he still has money to open a supermarket. It is hard to imagine how much money he made in those years.

"How has that little girl's family been doing these years?" Lu Wen asked.

"It's not so good. Almost all the money was spent on medical treatment. My father had an accident on the construction site the next year. A few years later, my mother was too sad and passed away. Now there are only a few elderly people left on both sides. "

The world is always difficult.

Wei Bo'an said it very normally.

Perhaps he has been an executive officer for too long and has seen too much suffering in the world, so he is used to it.

"Let's go to the doctor."

After paying the bill, the two left the restaurant.

Lu Wen was still preparing to sit in the co-pilot.

"Go to the driver's seat. I've had some alcohol and can't drive."


The two switched places.

Turn the key and the vehicle starts slowly.

The surrounding scenery began to recede.

From here to the twelfth district, the doctor's home, is just over an hour away.

"Actually, I don't really want to protect that doctor." Lu Wen said.

"You think I do?" Wei Bo'an sighed, "Once the doctor dies and gets exposed, this matter will go to an unimaginable extent."

"The murderer will be labeled as an envoy of justice, and a few more media will lead the way, and public opinion will overthrow the Tenth District Executive Board!"

It is rare for Mowu City to have sunny weather like today, but Lu Wen's mood is very cloudy.

Let the murderer go, or catch the murderer.

It doesn't seem like a good choice.

"Since I have chosen this industry, I have to be worthy of this uniform. When I first entered the industry, I was also very confused. I also wanted to follow Xia Chuluo's example and let those good people go, but this is reality after all. I don't have Xia Chuluo. That's not much credit to be deducted."

Wei Bo'an talked about his past.

"When I was an executive officer for two years, I handled a QJ case. It took a long time to catch the murderer. Later, in court, the murderer was found not guilty by the jury."

"The grounds were that the victim actively seduced the defendant."

"That time I scolded all the jurors in court, was dragged out of the court, and was suspended for half a month. That case, in the end, was... no result."

This middle-aged man in his early forties also had youthful vigor once.

Later, the edges and corners were smoothed by the years, and he served as the chief of this place called the Pension Executive Bureau.

"Was there no public opinion that time?"

"Public opinion has long been controlled by capital. If they think it can be released, let people see it. If they think it can't be released, they will hide it and leave it in a place where no one knows, and let it rot slowly. , until the world smells rancid."

Vehicles drive on noisy streets.

It was very quiet in the car.

Wei Boan drank some wine, so he talked a little bit more before.

In the tenth district, maybe he couldn't find anyone who could confide his true thoughts, so he found Lu Wen with his treasured liquor at the party.

"We're coming soon. I'll ask my colleagues in the twelfth district if any murders have occurred." Wei Bo'an said calmly.

"Probably not yet. The time interval between the murderer's last crime was six days. He only killed the second target last night. He shouldn't have found the third one so quickly."

The twelfth district, where the doctor left behind.

A certain supermarket on the street may be owned by him.

Lu Wen slowed down slightly and drove towards his destination.

"Dead." Wei Boan said suddenly.

"Dead? When did it happen?"

"Just now, someone reported to the police that the doctor had been found and died a miserable death."

"How miserable is it?"


Good night, fellow readers!

Thanks to the book friend, Niao Niao wow www for the reward.

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