Bionic Era

Chapter 162 Tracing

"You have been an executive for so many years, and now you have become the chief of a large district. In your eyes, what is justice?" Lu Wenfan looked at the comments on the Internet and asked casually.

"Let the murderer get the punishment he deserves, that's justice." Wei Bo'an replied.

"How do you define the word murderer?" Lu Wen asked again.

"There is no definition, it is difficult..."

Wei Boan fell silent.

Very special case.

An executive may not be able to encounter such a case once in his life.

The killer has the support of the general public.

Instead, the executive board has become the object of condemnation.

"It is said that the eyes of the masses are discerning, what do you think?"

"In fact, everyone is a crowd."

Wei Boan sighed.

At the same time, relevant information from District 10 came in.

"The network geniuses of our executive bureau have been tossed by me a lot these days, and there are always materials from more than ten years ago, and many of them also involve some secrets from that year." Wei Bo'an said.

"Internet genius? So there really is such a person in the executive bureau?" Lu Wen was surprised.

"No way, you're a second-level executive officer anyway, and you hung out with Xia Chuluo in the beginning, so you don't even know such basic information?"

"I just heard that there are, but I haven't actually seen them."

Lu Wen knew it early on.

Each regional executive bureau has a group of people who are responsible for data processing on the network.

But never seen it.

That group of people is very mysterious, and the General Administration has not set up this department, as if it does not exist.

"Those guys work from home, and there's a plainclothes rotation or two around everyone's house, a genius perk."

"What does it say in the file?"

"Don't worry, I'll share it with you."

A very brief piece of information.

After all, time is short.

"The third deceased did cause a lot of troubles when he was a doctor. One child obviously had a slight cold. He insisted on persuading his parents to drink water, but he had adverse reactions. However, the incident did not cause any serious problems. It was settled with money, and no one was killed."

In addition to this piece of data, there are hundreds of pieces of bad data.

"Using unlicensed drugs, leading to aggravation of the patient's condition..."

"The source of the disposable medical supplies used in the clinic is unknown. After investigation, it was recycled for secondary use. It was very serious, but the executive officer who was in charge of the investigation at that time charged a sum of money and suppressed the matter... Hey, this executive officer is now Still in the executive bureau, what do you mean?"

many things.

If you don't check, you don't know. If you check, everything will be exposed.

Wei Boan was obviously also dumbfounded.

The clinic has been open for a total of ten years.

On average, more than ten medical accidents occur every year, large and small, shocking.

In the end, it was all settled with money!

How rich is it?

More than half of the reasons are that the executive officer in charge of investigating the case collected money and played a mediating role in it, so it was not exposed.

"There are 12 executive officers in question, three of whom have retired, one was killed while carrying out a mission two years ago, and the remaining eight are currently in the branch bureaus in various regions to provide for the elderly." Lu Wen checked his population database and got this conclusion.

"Don't worry, they won't grow old!"

Wei Boan's complexion was not very good-looking.

Just one case involved so many people.

Tenth District for so many years.

There are countless unsolved cases, old cases, and a backlog. It is hard to say how many of them are like the present one.

"What does it feel like now?"


It has to be said that the deceased this time really deserved to die.

Lu Wen has always had great admiration for doctors.

But no matter what industry, there will always be one or two moths.

Discredit the entire industry.

As is the case with the medical industry, so is the executive board.

"I have already informed the trustworthy people at the General Administration to arrest those people, and they will spend the rest of their lives in prison."

Wei Bo'an closed this document and passed another document to Lu Wen.

There is a sign of electricity on the information.

"Around that middle school, twelve years ago, that's all the electrical accidents that occurred. Let's see if any of them meet the requirements."

This time the information is much more than the previous one.

Fortunately, Lu Wen's data processing speed was fast enough, and he got all the information in an instant.

"No, most of them were ordinary electrical accidents. There were a few accidents that killed people, but they were all accidents, and no special incidents were reported."

Lu Wen squatted on the stairs.

The murderer's purpose is clear.

those who are guilty.

And sin leads to death.

Lawyer, homeless, physician.

"By the way, has the investigation of the financial transactions of the second deceased been clear? Do you know how he got the money more than ten years ago?"

"No, the money never went through the bank at all."

Wei Boan squatted beside Lu Wen.

He pulled out a large amount of survey data and showed it to Lu Wen.

"We asked the relevant personnel who helped the second deceased build the house that year, and they said that the deceased paid in cash, including later, all the consumption of the deceased was in cash."

Cash is rare in this day and age.

Most of the residents in the urban area will hand over the right to use the account to the housekeeping-type bionics at home, and the bionics will do all the cooking, cooking and furniture purchases on weekdays.

Occasionally, you need to pay by yourself, or directly scan with your mobile phone, or pay by credit card.

"In rural areas, it's understandable to pay in cash... How is the girl who was rescued?" Lu Wen asked.

"The hospital sent me several messages. Although I was very thin and a little malnourished, most of my vital signs were in normal condition, but..."



At a flowery age, she was sold to that remote mountain village.

Then he was imprisoned in a dark place for ten years.

Lu Wen always remembered those numb eyes.

The girl was actually dead.

Every day she lives in the future may be God's compensation for her, or it may be the greatest cruelty of fate to her.

"When this case is over, show me all the missing persons cases in District 10. I'll see if I can find some people and send them down." Lu Wen's voice was very low.

"It's the same for you..." Wei Boan felt helpless.

"Let's say the prisoner resisted arrest and was accidentally shot during the exchange of fire."

Lu Wen suddenly understood why Wei Boan envied Xia Chuluo.

That girl deserves so much credit.

Even if you do something wrong, you can offset it.

It's okay to be willful once in a while, and kill a few scumbags.

"By the way, how much did the doctor lose?"

"Many, he sold the clinic. After all, he used ECMO for a long time, and later spent money everywhere to settle those hot searches, related media and so on."

"Then where did he get the money to open the supermarket?"

Lu Wen checked the first supermarket opened by Dr. Cha on the map.

The size of that supermarket is not small.

The initial investment in decoration, monitoring, shelves, etc. is a lot of money.

"Check his financial transactions, something is wrong."

If it is in the thirteenth district, Lu Wen has the authority to inquire about the capital transactions of ordinary people.

Executive officers of the second level and above can directly inquire, no application is required.

Of course, except for special personnel.

For example, big entrepreneurs and politicians need to apply for a long time, waiting for approval from various departments, and have to compete with the other party's lawyer team.

"I'll ask the little Internet genius, and it will be found out in about ten minutes."

Wei Boan began to contact the relevant personnel in the tenth district.

It really only took about ten minutes.

The results obtained surprised both of them.

"Someone transferred more than 300,000 yuan to this doctor's account."

But it's a pity.

That man was not an electrician.

But a psychiatrist.

That person is currently doing psychological counseling in the tenth district, and he has a good reputation.

"Go over and ask, and by the way, ask your little genius to find out all the electrical accidents that happened in the past ten years and send them to me. I will check them carefully."

"I think the little genius might scold you behind your back."

"Just scold, I can't hear you anyway."

The two talked to their colleagues in the twelfth district, and then drove away.

on the way.

Lu Wen received a collection of electrical accidents from Xiaotiancai, as well as a big middle finger pattern.

"He still let you see it." Wei Bo'an smiled.

"Well, silence is better than sound."

Lu Wen began to read the information.

There are three main points of concern.

Human life, rain, around that school.

First find out the ones that meet any of these three conditions, and then start to analyze.

Exclude one by one.

"The murderer is one step ahead of us every time, which makes us very passive. He left clues, indicating that as long as we arrive in time, the next target will not die."

Otherwise, the clues left are meaningless.

Unless the murderer wants to exercise Lu Wen's thinking ability, of course this option can be ruled out directly.

"Have you ever thought that the murderer may have been watching us and knowing all our movements." Lu Wen said.

"Of course I thought about it. All the timings are too coincidental." Wei Bo'an replied.

"I still have the same opinion. He may... be one of the members of your tenth district executive bureau, and he is still on the job, and he can get the latest news every day."

"The tenth district has a population of more than 10 million. The executive bureau's general bureau plus the employees of the sub-bureau have data files that can circle the world."

Wei Boan's meaning was very clear.

Too many people.

And there are quite a few that meet Lu Wen's description.

It is impossible to give up eating because of choking, causing suspicion and even splitting within the entire executive board.

"Pay attention to the words and movements of each executive officer in the past few days." Lu Wen said: "He will show a strong interest in this case, discuss it with other colleagues in public, and even express his affection for the murderer Inclination, support or opposition, in order to test the views of other colleagues."

"I'll pay attention... something happened again."

Wei Bo'an frowned tightly, and this middle-aged man's brows have never been relaxed.

"What's wrong?"

"The information about the executive's collection of property just now was posted on the Internet."

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