Bionic Era

Chapter 169 The Tower

"Actually, there is no road on the road, but once the bombardment passes by, there is a road!"

Going out of the gate is hopeless.

Lu Wen hugged Jiang Xiaonian, who was wrapped in a quilt, and came outside the corridor.

The scorching air wave is very close.

The howling hot wind hovered between the sky and the earth, swallowing countless buildings.

The fire dragon that crosses the sky and the earth illuminates the world, and the night surrenders before it.


A cannonball with metallic luster rose from behind.

There are some weird sounds, maybe the lubricating fluid between those parts and gears has been dried.

Lu Wen stood still.

This thing is powerful, but the recoil is not much, it can only be said that it is expensive.

With Lu Wen's hope, the cannonball drew an elegant arc in the night sky, and the white airflow at the tail looked refreshing.

The truth of materialism blooms in the night with a violent roar.


The explosions that happened in the sea of ​​fire before seemed so insignificant, like a baby crying.

The heavy walls fell down.

Several layers of walls.

"This place is much better than the place where Jiang Xiaonian was imprisoned for the first time. It has been so many years, and the walls are still so strong."

When Jiang Xiaonian escaped for the first time, he was suppressed by the collapsed wall.

The walls of a prison are ready to fall.

After escaping twice, everyone in District 13 also realized how dangerous this guy was, and imprisoned him in this tightly guarded place, apparently the highest-level prison.

Lu Wen quickly ran towards the collapsed wall.

Where the shells were bombarded, the fire was much smaller.

"The explosion will consume a lot of oxygen in an instant, and the shock wave generated by the explosion can also extinguish the fire, and the blasted earth and rock can cover the combustibles."

Lu Wen remembered some videos of using bombs to put out fires.

It seems to have been mentioned in the training of the Executive Board.

But he is a bionic person and does not need training, all the data is directly input into the storage area of ​​the chip.

In the memory Yin Long gave him.

There was once a country that used nuclear bombs to extinguish oil well fires...

The violent roar also attracted many executive officers to check.

"This person is in a coma due to high temperature, and he hasn't died yet. If he is rescued, he might be able to come back to life."

Lu Wen handed Jiang Xiaonian to the ambulance personnel at the scene, and told him that he was a very important criminal inside, and he would try his best to save him if he could.

"There are burns on the face and need to be treated first."

"Huh? Burns?"

Lu Wen remembered that he was well protected, wrapped in two layers of quilts.

but the face...

Worried that Jiang Xiaonian would suffocate, Lu Wen exposed his head.

Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, half of the face was gone, and only half of the face was intact.

"Shave your hair first, this prisoner is really special, he doesn't need to shave his hair."

Many medical staff took Jiang Xiaonian to the ambulance.

It looks like he will have to stay in the hospital for a long time.

"Is this Mr. Lu Wen? Can I have a brief interview with you?"

Far, far away, a media shouted loudly.

Since Lu Wen is still covered in metal, those people can only judge based on their height and status.

"It's not convenient to talk now, I have something else to do."

he yelled at the men.

Leaving the high temperature range, the temperature of Lu Wen's body surface dropped quickly.

He went back to Weber and sat on the hood of a car.

"Scare me, you are so shiny with silver, can't you change back to your human form?" Wei Bo'an looked at him and said.

"The bionic material is burnt out. I have to go to the Bilan branch tonight. I think many parts in it will have to be replaced. It may take a whole night." Lu Wen is also not used to the current state.

"It's okay, I'll go with you."

"Have you finished comparing those prisoners? Is there any one that matches the image of the real murderer twelve years ago?"


Wei Bo'an put a criminal file in front of Lu Wen.

Lu Wen picked it up and looked at it.

"One night twelve years ago, I drank in a bar near the crime scene, left in the early morning, had a violent tendency, was imprisoned several times for fighting, and had an unstable job..."

All the characteristics are consistent with Lu Wen's speculation.

"Eight years ago, also in the early hours of the morning, he drank too much in a bar and bragged to someone that he had killed someone, but the person didn't believe him, so he killed that person... Later, he was judged to be extremely dangerous and transferred to this prison Come."

The people in the tenth district were transferred to the prison in the thirteenth district.

Everything fits right.

"There is a high probability that this criminal is the one the murderer is looking for, the real murderer twelve years ago." Lu Wen said.

"It's not that there's a high probability, but it's definitely." Wei Bo'an sighed.

"Why do you say that?"

"Let me show you a video."

The video issued by Wei Bo'an is from tonight.

Prison fire, time was twenty-five minutes ago.

At that time, it wasn't long before Lu Wen entered.

"There is a very old tower in this prison, which used to be a landmark building. It was not demolished when the prison was built, but it remained."

Lu Wen still has an impression of the tower in the video.

When he entered, the tower was still standing in the sea of ​​fire and had not been burned.

"Not long after you entered, the window at the top of the tower was suddenly opened, and a person rolled into the air."

The video is more detailed than the description.

The man was clearly alive.

His whole body was bound with chains.

Below is the undulating sea of ​​fire.

A tragic wailing could be vaguely heard, and it was very painful. The man seemed to be asking for help from the people watching outside the prison.

"Being tied to the chains and grilled... Did you not take any measures at that time?"

"Yes, the water gun can barely reach that place, but..."

Wei Bo'an didn't continue.

The video has already given the answer.

After the water gun hit, the man screamed even more horribly.

The skin all over his body began to redden and peel off.

In fact, it doesn't make any difference whether to save or not, it's just delaying the time of that person's death.

"He struggled for a long time and died a painful death."

The murderer's method of revenge is chilling.

The real culprit back then was roasted to death.

Not long after, the tower collapsed.

The time was exactly when Lu Wen heard the first violent explosion in the prison.

"The five people have all received the punishment they deserved, and the real murderer is dead. What will the murderer do next?" Lu Wen returned to the car.

"Reversing the case...that's the last thing the murderer has left."

Wei Boan sat back on the co-pilot.

The murderer's goal has been achieved, and the last thing he needs to do is to post the truth of the case back then on the Internet and make it known to the world.

It was a very successful revenge.

Lu Wen slowly started the vehicle.

Those clues entwined in his mind, like little snakes, swimming towards unknown directions.

"No, there are still a few doubts."


Good night, fellow readers!

Thanks to the book friends Luo Ye Passionate, It's Niao Niao Wow www, Ba Kai Clothes, TERRY Lingyi for their rewards.

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