Bionic Era

Chapter 173 Spinning Top

"We were both very young when we met."

Bai Sisi sat in the wheelchair with a peaceful expression, recalling the past.

"Maybe it was because of this disease. My parents left me at the gate of the hospital, hoping that someone else would pick me up. It was a homeless woman who picked me up, but she died a few years later."

It was an era of overwhelmed self-care.

People are busy day after day, indifference and numbness are always the main theme, the little girl is left at the hospital gate, if there is no homeless woman, there will be no more than one dead abandoned baby in the corner of the news .

Bai Sisi looked at the silent pictures one after another.

The flowing paint painted another starry sky in her pink eyes.

Under the stars are two children.

"Later, I met a person who was looking for children of a certain age, and asked us to go out and ask for money, and then give him all the money. That's where I met Jing Le."

There is always a smile on the corner of the memory's mouth.

After all, it is happy.

Even if you are poor, even if you are a vagabond.

"He always can't ask for money, because he is good-looking and not pitiful enough."

The little painter is indeed very good-looking.

With blond hair and light blue eyes, he stood quietly on the street, with an air of an ancient aristocrat. He didn't understand why he was abandoned by his parents in the first place.

Poor enough kids to ask for money.

"So I always leave a little bit of food for him every time."

"After another two or three years, we gradually grew up. The man said that the children who were too old could no longer ask for money, so he came up with other ways and started calling away the children who had reached the age."

"The next day, the boys will basically come back, but they are all mutilated. I don't know where the girl was sent by him..."

Bai Sisi calmly told the story of her childhood.

There are many dark corners in this bustling city, and she accidentally touched one of them.

But the memory of the time is not dark.

Full of sunshine and golden.

"At that time, according to my age, maybe I would be sent away in a short time, but maybe I was lucky. When I was asking for money on the street, I was knocked down by a car."

The lady driving the car got out of the car in horror, and then saw the little angelic girl lying on the ground.

She decided to adopt her.

It's a pity that something happened to her spine in the car accident, and she won't be able to stand up for the rest of her life.

"I lay in the hospital for a long time. After I was discharged from the hospital, I went to the previous place to look for him, but that place has been abandoned, and the children in it don't know where they went."

after that.

after a long time.

many years.

The girl in the wheelchair saw the down-and-out boy on the side of the road under the setting sun.

"I recognized him immediately, and he recognized me."

Both children miraculously lived to the age of adolescence.

The story is simple.

People spend most of their life doing repetitive things, and having a memorable and less repetitive story is worth a lifetime.

Lu Wen pushed Bai Sisi forward in the exhibition.

Some photographers and painters who came and went looked at the girl in the wheelchair with different eyes.

She is a delicate work of art in itself.

Someone wanted to paint her live, and someone handed out a business card, hoping to invite this girl as a special photography model.

But those people were all turned back by Xia Chuluo's cold eyes.

Jing Le's painting is in a very inconspicuous position.

A very ordinary painting.

People who come and go in a hurry will not stay in front of this ordinary painting, because it has no appreciation value at all.

"He told me it was the first painting he ever painted."

When I was very young.

The little painter had a dream. In the dream, he picked up a box of watercolor pens and used simple lines to draw two people.

【Red and White】

Lu Wen saw the name in the corner of the screen.

The screen is divided into two parts.

Blood red and blue and white.

The little boy stands against the red background, looking at the blue and white sky with light blue eyes.

The little girl stretched out white wings from her back, and her pink eyes looked at the blood-red earth.

Not abstract enough, not realistic enough.

Just being able to see clearly.

"Do you know which city he went to?" Bai Sisi asked.

"I don't know, every city has a different scenery, maybe one day, you can see his name in a bigger art exhibition."


Compared to Bai Sisi's tranquility, Xia Chuluo's personality is not suitable for this kind of painting exhibition.

When others are holding a magnifying glass and carefully appreciating those not for sale.

Xia Chuluo passed by and said something coldly.


or it could be.


So that those who are originally in an elegant mood are a little embarrassed.

Some people were not convinced and questioned Xia Chuluo on the spot.

That guy was indeed angry. He was chatting with a supermodel. He analyzed it in terms of age, overall feeling, painting skills, details, and aesthetics. He talked eloquently, humorously, and showed his cultivation and knowledge.

The atmosphere was suddenly broken by Xia Chuluo's 'fake'.

"Miss, why do you say this painting is fake? Can you give me a reason?"

The middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes looked at Xia Chuluo, and the word anger was almost written on his face.

He is preparing to start with the original author's style.

Have a serious debate with Xia Chuluo.

"I belong to the executive bureau. I solved a case of money laundering of ancient paintings last year. The authentic painting is one of the cases. It is still in the warehouse of the executive bureau. The most authoritative expert in Mowu City Personal identification, do you want to meet?"

Xia Chuluo's words left the man speechless.

So the scene was even more embarrassing.

Lu Wen saw that the security guard at the art exhibition seemed to have a tendency to chase people away. He hurriedly pulled the security aside, showed his ID, and said that they were secretly tracking someone, and suspected that the person had escaped into the art exhibition. Please cooperate as much as possible.

The young security guard stared wide-eyed, with a strong sense of justice in his chest. He didn't realize that he had the opportunity to participate in this legendary plainclothes operation. He immediately patted his chest and promised that he would be on guard all the way.

After visiting the entire art exhibition, it was already past six o'clock in the evening.

In fact, most of the time is spent watching flowers on horseback.

A small part of the art exhibition is not for sale, and most of them are the drawings of some individual painters.

Lu Wen felt that he lacked artistic skills.

Why is a random bowl of ink poured on the wall a work of art?

Is splashing posture important?

After Xia Chuluo's appraisal, 90% of the items that were not for sale, so-called masterpieces, old or something... were fakes.

The remaining 10% may be because the imitators are too skilled to be fully sure.

"You still have research on painting?" This was the first sentence Lu Wen said after leaving the art exhibition.

"I understand a little."

Xia Chu Luo Weiyang's small face is completely out of proportion to her modest words.

There is a black car on the street.

The car window fell, and it was a well-maintained middle-aged woman.

The two sent Bai Sisi to the car.

The folded wheelchair is placed in the back of the car.

Watch her go away.

The black car gradually disappeared in the afterglow of the setting sun.

"Jing Le thought he was dreaming all the time. In fact, everything he experienced was real. No. 0 taught him painting many nights, so he always felt tired and lack of energy during the day." Lu Wen said.

The little painter is a little thin, just like the first time I saw him.

At that time, Lu Wen thought it was malnutrition.

Now that I think about it, maybe I didn't get enough sleep.

"Why did you say Zero accepted him as an apprentice?" Xia Chuluo looked at Lu Wen.

"Maybe Zero feels that he is not smart enough, so he wants to raise some controllable smart kids in the nine major cities?" Lu Wen responded.

"That's a good idea."

"Actually...Jing Le probably knew it wasn't a dream, but he didn't want to wake up. He was a born painter, but he lacked a teacher, so that in the end, he got deeper and deeper."

The boy with blue eyes was walking between half asleep and half awake.

He hovers on the brink of hell.

One side is the human world, and the other side is the scarlet purgatory. A certain belief supports him and prevents him from completely degrading.

Every time I wake up, I enter a new dream.

"Have you seen Inception?" Lu Wen asked.

"Look, you want to talk about the spinning top?"

"Yes, I think Bai Sisi is the spinning top in Jingle's world. When he sees Bai Sisi, he knows that he is in the real world, not in a dream."

So if Number Zero wants to completely control Jing Le, there is only one way.

Let Bai Sisi disappear in the real world forever.

"Perhaps this is the reason why Jing Le left Mowu City."

left the place.

He would never see the white-haired girl.

He wouldn't wake up without seeing her.

The girl is safe too.

"In the next few days, I will catch all the fugitives from the 13th District. They are the elites of the 13th District. They can't hang around with the scumbags from the 10th District."

A certain executive director who was processing the data sneezed.

"When are you expected to leave for Central City?" Lu Wen asked.

"Six days later." Xia Chuluo said.

"So accurate?"

"There will be a wedding five days later. People have told us several times that we should go there. We must not miss the appointment."

"Oh, by the way, and Yun Yang's wedding."

Lu Wen thought of the jacaranda flowers that fell that day.

Blue is always melancholy.

But the blue sky can make people feel refreshed. There are two sides to things, just like every ordinary person.



Baker City.

Red lights reflected on the broken rust.

In the evening, the city is still a bit noisy.

People come and go, just to get home before the darkness sets in.

The darkness of the city is full of dangers of all kinds.

Some people wear black robes and become messengers of justice in the night, while others wear masks and sit on the towers of the night.

They climbed the dark red pipes.

In the dark night eradicate those forces under the shadows.

"Using darkness to fight against darkness, this city is quite distinctive."

Lu Wen was walking in the East District of Baker City.

Two days passed.

In five days, you can use that elf ball to summon the red-haired girl.

His body is very leisurely, wandering around every day, admiring the simple folk customs.

From time to time, I would look at the tracking chip in my brain to see where the girl had been these two days.

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