Bionic Era

Chapter 177 Encounter on a Narrow Road

Baker City has no shortage of metal-inspired bars.

Dark tones and modern metal parts can bring visual impact to people.

Roughness meets refinement.

Broken metal gears dangled from the ceiling.

People turned on the faucet, and the fragrant spirits flowed out of the bronze pipes.

"You are such a beautiful girl, drinking alone, no one strikes up a conversation?"

Lu Wen sat down at the corner of the bar.

The girl opposite was teasing the bubbles in the wine glass boredly, her long dark red hair was hanging down on the dark table.

"I knew you left a tracking device on me. Fortunately, I didn't go back to find the doctor these two days." The girl looked up into Lu Wen's eyes, and pushed the wine glass in front of her.

"It's a mistake to drink."

"A big man, dare not even drink such a little wine?"

"This provocative method is very superficial."

Lu Wen pushed the wine glass back.

"Then I'll drink it myself."

The girl picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and frowned.

His expression was as sad as the scene of a car accident.

It turned out to be a drinker.

It seems that not every girl is called Xia Chuluo.

"In just two days, you've got two decorative scars on your face, and you've changed your appearance to a rougher one. It seems that you've fully grasped the true meaning of living in Baker City."

"I'm a foreigner, did you spread the news?"

"Yes, to add a little pressure to you, how are you going to thank me?"


It's not speculative, half a sentence is too much.

This sentence can fully describe the current state of the two.

"I just want to test to see if you have a tracking device on me. You see, since you have found it now, it means you did it, dirty foreigner."

"You also released news about me."

"Then we're even again!" The girl raised her eyebrows, "Young man, tell me where the tracking device is, and I can put you on the plane leaving Baker City for free."

"Do you really think those underground organizations can pose a threat to me?"

"Then how about this, you go and wipe out one of the nineteen organizations, and I'll take you to see the doctor, how about it? Doesn't it feel like a good deal?"


Each organization is thousands of members.

Like a big tree, it took root in Baker City and flourished.

If you really want to pull it out, it will definitely hurt your muscles and bones.

Baker City would be in utter chaos.

"If I'm not wrong, you are Dr. Jiang's assistant, or at least one of them." Lu Wen leaned back in his chair and looked at the red-haired girl quietly.

"Dr. Jiang disappeared in Baker City. There must be a reason. Let me think about it... His existence is a threat to many forces in Baker City, because he is so strong that those forces have to Unite against him, as long as he dies, this city will completely become the home ground of the underground organization."

"You are worrying, trying to get rid of those underground organizations, but you feel that you don't have enough manpower, so you often trick others to cut off the branches and leaves of those organizations...Girl, this method is not very honorable."

Maybe Dr. Jiang is used to living in the dark.

After so many years, my xinxing is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

But this girl is different.

Young, want to do something.

The dark life made her feel aggrieved, so she wanted to do something big, but the reality always backfired.

"Despicable outsiders... They say that you people in Mowu City are very treacherous, and now it seems that it is true. You must have played all these tricks."

"Just tell me, there's no need to bring the whole Mowu City with you."

Lu Wen shrugged.

He picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip, which was not very strong.

"Aha, I've learned this! You picked up my wine glass and drank with a nonchalant expression, in order to cause me psychological pressure!"

"I'm simply..."

"Needless to say, foreigner, since you have seen through, let's cooperate. If you behave well enough, I will take you to see Dr. Jiang!"


The neural circuit of the girl in front of me.

It seems a little... strange.

"Are you sure it's cooperation? Instead of just throwing me out?" Lu Wen looked into the girl's eyes, eyes can't lie.

"Am I like the kind of person who doesn't believe what he says?" The girl's eyes wandered to other places.

"so similar……"

In this way, the two reached a cooperation reluctantly.

Each has a different idea.

In order to express her joy at the smooth alliance between the two, the girl also found a private room in a restaurant and ordered a lot of dishes to celebrate.

"Because of what happened last night, you know I have a lot of money, and I must be paying for this meal, so you don't hesitate and order everything you want." Lu Wen looked at the table expressionlessly. A mountain of meals piled up.

"Outsider, can you stop guessing others with your narrow mind." The girl gave him a blank look.

"Take off your shoes."

"You...what do you want to do?" The girl put down the chopsticks in her hand, her mouth was full of greasy, and looked at him cautiously, "Outsider, you don' don't have any special hobbies, do you?"

"The tracking device is on the sole of your shoe. It takes me, a spider, to remove it. If you take it by force, your shoe will be destroyed."

A round metal ball rolled in from the window, quickly stretched out its eight legs, and watched the surroundings with two small red eyes.

The spider had already followed Lu Wen.

as eyes behind him.

"Ha, tell me sooner! Which foot is it?"

"Right foot."

The girl took off her shoes generously and threw them to Lu Wen without any hesitation.

The mechanical spider propped its eight legs on the ground, exerted a little force, jumped up, and cut off the shoe in mid-air.

"Beautiful! How do you sell this spider?"

"Not for sale."

"Tch, don't think I don't know. This is a special model of Xinhong Company. It's a private order. If I don't think it's rare, I won't bother to ask. If I don't sell it, I won't sell it. I will ask the doctor to buy one for me when I have time." Only."

The mechanical spider took off the device and returned it to the girl.

The entire private room fell into relative silence again, only the sound of the girl eating food.

After a while, she was full.

Call the waiter and say two words lightly.


The waiters are all stupid.

From the beginning to the end of the dishes on this table, Lu Wen only moved a few chopsticks occasionally, and girls were eating at other times.

Many dishes were left untouched.

"Pack it up and distribute it to the poor on the street. Isn't this girl very kind?"

"It's my money..."

"By the way, I haven't asked your name yet, stranger, what's your name?"

"My name is Sun Wei, how about you?"

"My name is Yin June."

"It's a perfunctory name, can't it be fake?"

"Is your name real?"



The time of the day always flies by quickly.

The setting sun shines on the streets of the steel city.

The figures of people coming and going on the road are stretched very long.

It was getting late.

On the side of the street, a man who walked slowly caught the attention of some people.

At this point in time, people are busy packing up and going home, night is synonymous with danger.

"Are you sure it's him?"

"It's him, the man with the spider on his shoulder. Boss Jia Ren offered a huge reward for clues to him, and told us to keep him alive."

Man with a spider on his shoulder.

This special logo was blown by the wind at night in Baker City, and it was transmitted to the minds of every gang member.

Lu Wen looked calm, and walked towards the designated place step by step.

A girl's voice was coming from the tiny earphones in her ears.

"Twenty meters behind you on the left, there are two homeless people who belong to the organization and have spotted you."

"Five meters to your right, the fruit stand is also a store organized by Jia Ren. The boss recognized you and is sending messages to people in the organization."

"Viagra, don't panic, go forward thirty meters and turn left at that intersection."

Regarding the title of 'Viagra', Lu Wen wanted to scold people.

But after all, it is the first cooperation, so it is not easy to attack.

"Brother Viagra, people are starting to follow behind you, and people from other streets are rushing towards you, but don't be afraid, everything is in my calculations, Jia Ren definitely wants to live, he won't let his men kill you you."

Torture is what the leader of that organization wants to do most.

After all, he is killing his son and his enemy.

Lu Wen quickened his pace.

It gave the impression that he was aware that someone was following him.

So the guys following behind were a little slower.

They knew that Lu Wen was difficult to deal with, and it was difficult to capture him alive when there were not many people, so they were all waiting for someone.

"Those people are getting more and more. There are more than 20 people behind you, and some are coming from the front of the street, trying to make dumplings for you."

a very short time.

It took less than two minutes from discovering Lu Wen to starting to surround him.

This efficiency made the executive bureaus of some regions feel ashamed.

Lu Wen quickened his pace again.

Turn left at the intersection.

The street on the left is relatively empty, and there are some old villas facing the street.

The afterglow of the dusk gradually dissipated, and there were few pedestrians left, and the only few also found that there were not too many things, and left in a hurry.

"Eight hundred meters ahead, there are more than 20 cars driving towards you."

"There are already more than a hundred people following behind, and there are hundreds of people in succession. The number is almost the same. Viagra, let's do it!"

Lu Wen looked up.

It was not completely dark yet.

He gave a command to the spider.

After a while.

More than a dozen tiny smoke bombs popped out from the mechanical spider's back, and the crisp sound of falling on the ground sounded very pleasant.

The thick smog blinded the crowd at both ends of the street in an instant.

"No, he wants to run!"

"There are our people in front and behind. Where can he go? Go to heaven?"

"On the left and right, he can climb over the wall, you idiot!"

At the same time, in the thick fog.

Lu Wen took an oval grenade from his waist, and with a crisp sound, he removed the ring and threw it into a villa on the right.

At the same time, he quickly ran to the left.


The gate of the villa on the right was blown to pieces.

Hundreds of bionics rushed out of the villa, fully armed, looking around vigilantly.

"These humans have found us!"

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