Bionic Era

Chapter 184 Steel Sky

The howling shells skimmed the rusted steel jungle.

The androids are back.

They are fully armed.

The level of sophistication of the equipment far exceeds any bionic organization that Lu Wen has seen.

The same goes for regular legions.

They were dressed in black combat uniforms, neat and orderly, there was no confusion in the firefight, and they controlled the rhythm throughout the process.

Just over a thousand people suppressed Jia Ren's underground organization.

Countless streets have become their battlefields.


Countless drones flew across the sky.

The khaki appearance let everyone know that these drones belonged to the bionic organization. They flew at low altitude and crossed several streets, densely packed, covering the sky and covering the sky.

Swarm drone combat.

The slanted firepower in the air made the members of the underground organization dumbfounded.

"Ding ding dong dong..."

on the street.

Hundreds of iron balls flashed a dangerous red light and rolled towards those members.

Explosions sounded one after another.

This is the most powerful bionic organization that Lu Wen has ever seen.

Almost every shot can hit the enemy's vital parts.

In the streets with the most intensive firefights, all the buildings were battered.

Jia Ren's underground organization occupied several commanding heights, and the heavy machine guns kept spewing out flames, but soon those points disappeared, and the drones swooped down and attacked suicidally.

Members of these underground organizations usually have a semi-automatic pistol in the usual sense and can be surrounded by several people and called big brother.

But today I was fooled by these bionics.

The executive board was all gathered several blocks away.

Don't dare to approach the scene at all.

Fighting so far, the bionic organization has suffered very little casualties.

"Two super-large underground organizations have joined this battle." Yin Liuyue said: "Anyway, they are also underground organizations that claim to have tens of thousands of people each, and the forces that rule Baker City's dark night. At the same time, they were actually crushed and beaten by these bionics."

The most favorable terrains are all occupied by bionic organizations.

They played on the oldest traditions.

Surround the point to fight for aid.

High-rise buildings are their best shield.

More than a dozen streets were blocked by burning vehicles, and the sound of explosions was endless.

Broken glass, scattered plaques, blown pipes, and chaos in this city have been performed to the extreme.

Gunpowder smoke filled the sky over the city.

At this level, the parliament did not respond.

Are they also watching?

The powerful combat effectiveness of the bionic organization exceeded everyone's expectations, and this was even without the use of armored vehicles, fighter planes and other equipment.

As far as Lu Wen knows.

The armored vehicles owned by the bionic organization outside Baker City can completely form a torrent of steel.

I don't know where they got so many weapons and equipment.

It feels like Baker City's army equipment is all used to feed the bionic organization in no man's land.

"If those bionic organizations outside the no-man's land launch a fierce attack and try their best to paralyze the airport, air defense system, and communication system, and then a wave of carpet bombing, and then the torrent of steel on the ground crushes them, maybe it will be true." can capture Baker City in a very short period of time."

Lu Wen estimated the combat power of both sides.

It can be regarded as understanding why the parliament has not taken action to stop it now.

are waiting.

Wait for these bionic organizations to vent their anger.

"If this dispute can be resolved with infantry and small artillery, then there is no need to escalate the war."

The council of Baker City seems to be a little afraid of those bionic people in no man's land?

The bionic organization outside this city is really ruthless, and they will fight if they disagree.

Sure enough, what kind of folk customs can raise what kind of bionic people.

Lu Wen thought of the group of guys outside Mowu City who put down their weapons and thought about peace all day long.

Such a comparison, the gap is really too big.

Even in the legendary Eden, the city was built under the premise of ensuring force.

"Half an hour, at most it will be over in half an hour." Lu Wen said.

Those so-called underground organizations with tens of thousands of people can't touch the more than a thousand bionics at all.

The gap in weapons and equipment.

The difference in the quality of individual soldiers.

The difference in topography.

If logistical supplies were not considered, these androids could fight here for the rest of their lives.

Very strong, either military bionics, or modified bionics, ordinary housekeeping and labor service types are simply not seen.

This is an elite team.

"No, the underground organization has become ruthless, and three super-large underground organizations have come." Yin Liuyue saw it through the surveillance screen.

"These underground organizations can't swallow this breath, do they have to consume this group of bionics until they run out of ammunition and food?"

Lu Wen suddenly discovered that people in this city cannot be speculated with normal thinking.

Shells shuttled between tall buildings.

Within minutes.

A building leaned slowly, this was the center of the battle, and countless pillars supporting the building were smashed to pieces.

The skyscraper screamed in pain.

Slowly fell down in howling.

It hit the factory next to it.


Smoke and dust rose everywhere.

Thick dust swept several surrounding streets.

For a time, the vision of all human beings was affected.

So the androids launched a counterattack.

Huge roaring sounds continued to resound in the smoke and dust, and sometimes the flames soaring into the sky could be seen.

Several gigantic mechanical giants walked on the smoky streets, and under the control of those bionics, they kept shooting around, sometimes launching two grenades.

Another building began to tilt.

It is unknown how many casualties have been caused by this war.

"Such a dangerous city has a population of tens of millions. I have to say that Baker City has a rich heritage." Lu Wen sighed.

I don't know how many people will die today.

It is impossible to estimate in the collapsed building.

Perhaps many people were still thinking about what to eat at noon one moment, and were awakened by the sound of artillery fire the next moment, shivering and hiding in the building.

Fear and despair are good descriptions for ordinary residents in war zones.

Half an hour passed.

The end that Lu Wen expected did not come.

It seems that there is still a feeling of intensification.

These dozen or so streets have been completely smashed, the glass exterior walls are shattered, exposing the gray cement walls.

Numerous bomb craters are densely covered on the wall.

Several buildings in the central area were not spared and all collapsed.

"The firepower of the bionic organization has dropped, their ammunition is almost used up, and there is no follow-up supply." Yin Liuyue looked at the surveillance screen, "So far no other bionics have been found infiltrating the city, it seems that this time it is another Ended with the android's retreat."

In fact, the location of the two of them is not far from the place where the battle took place.

Just across the street.

They are sitting in a coffee shop.

The sound of gunfire was quite clear.

There are other customers in the cafe, who are now either huddling under the table or hiding under the reception desk.

The only ones sitting were Lu Wen and Yin June.

"The chaos has reached this point." Lu Wen felt the voice outside silently, "It's almost the same as I deduced, as long as the war between these two organizations is not so big that it will destroy Baker City, the council will not mobilize the army. "

It was precisely because of this deduction that Lu Wen agreed to Yin Juneyue's plan last night.

As long as the army does not appear, outright large-scale war will not break out.

As for the sacrifices of the dozen or so streets...

It can be said that it was triggered by the actions of Lu Wen and Yin June last night.

But even if Lu Wen and the others don't trigger it, No. 0 will send someone to trigger it. It may be bionic people and underground forces, or it may be life-releasers and the Executive Bureau, or other large-scale forces.

From the moment the reformed congressman died, everything was already doomed.

Zero knows the weaknesses of those androids.

Knowing that they will definitely sneak into the city and clear themselves of suspicion.

"So... what is No. 0's plan to drag the parliament into the water?" Lu Wen pondered.

"The bionic organization has begun to retreat. It's a bit miserable. There are only 300 people left out of a thousand people. This time, they may be really angry. I don't know if they will attack aggressively after returning." Yin Liu month said.

"No, there is still a bottom line." Lu Wen shook his head, "The council of Baker City acquiesced to the occurrence of this small-scale fight, and the council did not take action. This is to show its attitude to those bionic organizations. This is their bottom line."

Whoever breaks his face first will be left behind.

In fact, the bionic organization in Baker City has been working for a long time to improve the image of ordinary people in their hearts.

After all, there are bionics in almost every household now.

Many people still have a good attitude towards bionics.

The reason why the bionic member participated in the election was to improve the protection of the rights and interests of bionics and reduce the probability of bionics being forced to awaken, and on the other hand, to change people's impression of awakened bionics.

Even if it is awakened, it is not really the terrifying killing machine they imagined.

Many androids were forced to flee to no man's land.

"That's why those bionics sneaked into Baker City to find the truth about the murder. They hope that the public's impression of them can be changed, instead of just blaming the bionics for everything."

But none of that is possible now.

Two small fights.

Labels such as violence, terror, and killing were once again attached to these bionic people in no man's land.

Even if they fight the same disgusting underground organization.


A shell fell on the street in front of the cafe.

People hiding inside screamed.

The violent roar seemed to make the whole world blank for a short time, the earth was trembling, and the cracks continued to spread.

Several androids in combat uniforms were at the center of the explosion.

Severed limbs and blue blood splashed in the air.

Only one distant android survived.

But he also seemed to be affected, kneeling on the street, with blue blood constantly spilling from his mouth and nose.

The cracks in the street spread beneath him.

"This is... a collapse?"

The ground at the center of the cannonball cracked little by little and sunk downward.

Those cracks spread to the surroundings.

Lu Wen rushed out of the cafe.

The previous glass door had been shattered in the explosion.

The mechanical spider tightly grabbed his waist, and at the same time ejected a rope, which was fixed inside the cafe.

At the moment when the street completely collapsed.

Lu Wen held the bionic man firmly.

It seems that a huge black hole has appeared on the surface of the earth, bottomless.

"Underground city?"

Lu Wen saw the underside of the collapsed street.

It turned out to be another city.

Countless solid steel supports rose from the deepest ground to reinforce the high-rise buildings in the underground city, and on top of these high-rise buildings, the current Baker City was built with steel.

The sun shines through the collapsed hole in this street and shines into the dark underground dead city.

Countless pieces of steel are welded together and support each other.

They hold up a mighty firmament in the cold and darkness.

Above the sky is the current Baker City.

Although it's just the tip of the iceberg.

But its majestic and huge engineering volume still makes people feel deeply shocked.

Spectacular, majestic, like an underground steel lair.

That dead underground city.

Without anyone knowing, Baker City has been supported for eighty years.

Perhaps only rats and corpses accompany this once bustling city.

"Human, let me go, let me die like a warrior!"

The bionic man held by Lu Wen shouted.

He is now suspended in mid-air.

Below him is the emptiness hundreds of meters away, the wreckage of another city.

If you fall, you can only end up in pieces.

"My friend, death is a very simple matter." Lu Wen smiled lightly and started the data transmission, "But only those who survive can stand on the corpses of the dead and build a future that belongs to bionic people."


Sensing the data Lu Wen passed to him, the bionic man was stunned.

"You are also a bionic person, my are the No. 9 from Mowu City."


Good night, fellow readers!

Thanks to book friend Dallas0234 for the reward.

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