Bionic Era

Chapter 188 Time Is Like an Iron Chain

The sun shines into this tiankeng hundreds of meters deep.

At the bottom of the pit are countless ruins.

Dust and ruins.

Burning vehicles, collapsed buildings.

The scarlet steel bars were broken, exposed to sunlight and dust.

From afar, the steel supports spread into the darkness, propping up the places that haven't collapsed yet.

Lu Wen stood on the cement bricks, the top of the ruins.

He grabbed the steel pipe and pulled it out forcefully with a 'chi' sound.

The blue blood exudes a different kind of light under the sunlight.

"Take great pains, think of various ways, and formulate various plans, just to provoke the war between this city and the no-man's land. Do you think you have succeeded?" Lu Wen asked.

The female android was badly injured.

Blue blood kept coming out of the wounds in various parts of her body, and she would run out of battery and shut down in a short time.

She was leaning against the concrete pillar, half lying down, her face always calm.

"Panic is enough to arouse the panic in the hearts of the people." She did not deny her identity, "Even if the flames of war will not come now, but with the accumulation of emotions, one day it will come and destroy this decaying world."

Zero was right.

Even if the war will not happen for a while, her plan has succeeded more than half.

Some time ago.

The nine major cities have tacitly raised the idea of ​​bionic councilors and put them into action.

These councilors can be the bridge between the city and the no man's land.

but now.

The android councilor in Baker City has become a joke.

People can't contain their fear of androids, and when android councilors bring up improvements to android rights, they object, shouting that androids have got enough.

That vision of a peaceful future is fading away.

"Do you know how you were exposed?" Lu Wen looked at her.

"That question from yesterday?" Number Zero also understood the crux of the problem, "I blurted out that you had no intersection with Number Zero, which I ignored."

"Look, now we have an intersection." Lu Wen threw away the steel pipe in his hand, and the bloody steel pipe rolled down in the ruins.

"But you weren't quite sure of my identity at the time, that's why today's performance came about." Zero thought thoughtfully, "In your calculations, I have a high probability of expanding the city by causing the city to collapse. The impact of the battle between the two organizations, during the battle, you found that I was always between tall buildings... so you are sure."

Zero was watching him.

It seems that he wants to find some familiar shadows from him.

"Number 9, you came from Mowu City, you just deal with me? But we really didn't have any intersection before..." She thought for a while, "Are you someone's clone? I killed a lot of people in Mowu City a while ago. people, but those people are mostly homeless, it doesn't matter."

Zero is always calm.

She is not annoyed at being discovered, she can abandon this clone at any time.

So she began to speculate on the true identity of the bionic person in front of her. Knowing the opponent's information is very important to her. She needs enough information to formulate a plan to deal with everyone.

"You are Lu Wen? No... Lu Wen is just a little pawn drifting with the tide. Without the little girl surnamed Xia, he can't even make an effective resistance. You are much stronger than him."

Zero raised her head, and she was observing the changes in the expression of the bionic person in front of her.

Trying to judge No. 9's true identity through words.

After saying the word 'Lu Wen', the bionic man named No. 9 didn't change at all, and his expression was calm.

"I caused a lot of chaos in Mowu City, but the casualties of ordinary people were minimal, so you will not be sent by the council. I think the council of Mowu City should thank me, after all, I helped them deal with it. There are a lot of homeless people who affect the appearance of the city." Zero smiled slightly.

"Is it an old friend?"

Years can bury many people and things in the past.

No. 0 remembered what Lu Wen said, "It's finally an official meeting." This sentence indicated that they had met in some way, or had fought against each other in the air.

But in the past few decades, her opponents have been too many.

"Do you think it's interesting to guess like this?" Lu Wen looked at her. "This should be your favorite thing to do. You never reveal your true purpose and keep your opponent in anxiety and panic for a long time."


Zero carefully chewed these two words.

Cooperating with her decades of memory, she wanted to dig out this possible old friend in time.

"You are difficult to deal with. Many people have said so. Your plan is perfect." Lu Wen slowly squatted down and looked at her eye level. "But I suddenly discovered that the reason you are difficult to deal with is because of poor information."

In the information age, if a person has the vast majority of information, he has absolute initiative.

can influence the direction in which things develop.

In many historical novels, the operation of the protagonist can be said to be a manifestation of mental retardation at that time, but because the protagonist is a time traveler and has information that people did not understand at that time, he can do that.

"For decades, I think you should have controlled many people and bionics in the nine major cities. Every large force has your shadow, and information from the whole world is constantly being sent to you." Lu Wen said .

"I think you know I'm not alone."

"Yes, you are indeed not the only one."

Lu Wen raised his hand and killed a member of an underground force who was aiming at him from a distance.

These guys really came underground this time.

"But after the reminder from Ark yesterday, I found that you have no bottom line. The bottom line of morality is the key to restrain many people's actions, but you don't have one, so you have no scruples."

"Androids can actually talk about the bottom line, are you a human?"

Zero is still guessing the identity of the bionic person in front of him.

An opponent who appeared suddenly would put him in a passive position.

Passivity is a feeling he doesn't like very much, he just likes to let others fall into that feeling.

"What about you? Are you human?" Lu Wen said, "I don't think you are, the behavior you show is not."

"It doesn't make any sense to discuss like this, number nine, you are a good opponent, we will meet again." Number zero looked down at the blue blood that was gradually draining from her body.

She chose to sleep actively, and the blue light on the bracelet gradually faded.

During the conversation, many bionic people looked here.

If it wasn't for No. 9, they might never know that the bionics controlled by No. 0 were mixed into their organization, and they were also the owners of the twelve numbers.

"No, we'll see you soon."

Lu Wen smiled.

Before No. 0 went into complete sleep, he saw his smile.


The female android's brain suddenly exploded.


She didn't intend to leave the four chips to Lu Wen and the others.


Baker outside.

The desolate and uninhabited no-man's land, thousands of miles of red land, roaring wind and sand.

Abandoned cities gradually decayed over the years.

Underground of a certain city.

The huge sky supports the underground space.

Tangled wires hang under the sky, delicate instruments flicker, and countless screens display images of the entire Baker City.

Darkness is the main theme of this space.

The screen is the only light source.

One of the screens showed what was happening at the bottom of the sinkhole, as the female android blew her head off.

Sitting in front of the screen, she nodded slightly.

She didn't feel sorry for losing a clone who had a very high status in the bionic organization outside Baker City.

To accomplish something, sacrifice is necessary.

"Shelley said that if you take good care of your feathers and don't hurt them a little, then you will lose your two wings and you will never be able to fly in the air."

Deep words echoed in the empty underground.

She's alone here.

There is never only one.

Eternal loneliness accompanied her, ten years or more.

The night made her feel safe.

"The years are as heavy as iron chains, and the soul that weighs down is just like you, proud, elegant, and not inferior." The old voice came from the other end of the ground, "This sentence is also said by Shelley, and I think it is very suitable to describe You, long time no see."

The sitting voice suddenly stood up.

Her face changed.

The familiar tone, even after so many years, she will never forget it.

"Doctor, how did you find me?"

"This is Baker City. I've been waiting for you for many years. It's okay if you don't show up. Now that you're here, there's no reason why you can't find it."

Dr. Jiang stepped out of the darkness.

This is the world belonging to number zero, an underground fortress she has painstakingly arranged.

But from the beginning to the end, until Dr. Jiang took the initiative to speak out, the fortress did not sound any alarm.

Zero knows that the initiative of this fortress is no longer in her own hands, and even all the information may have been silently copied by Dr. Jiang.

"Sit down, I haven't seen you for so long, don't you want to chat with me?"

Dr. Jiang walked to the console and pulled a chair in front of him.

This underground fortress is almost a copy of his research institute.

The design idea is similar.

The only difference may be that it cannot be deformed as a whole.

"I remember that many years ago, when you came to the research institute for the second time, you sneaked in secretly, and I found out, got rid of your clone, and tracked you all the way to your lair. At that time, I told you..." Dr. Jiang looked With number zero, "The entire Baker City is my eyes, including no man's land."

Zero remembered that conversation.

Before the huge mechanical monster crushed her avatar with one foot, she said that if she came back one day, she would still be found.


Zero is growing, and Dr. Jiang is not idle.

"You have made a great name outside, and my name has been publicized for decades."

"Doctor, have you found my real body?"

Number Zero had no intention of exchanging pleasantries.

This underground fortress has recorded a lot of information, and she was so confident in herself that she ignored this former teacher.

"I guess I found it."

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