Bionic Era

Chapter 190 Pure Land

Under the gaze of the parliamentary army, Lu Wen and others left the city.

It didn't take long for news reports to come out.

【The crisis is over】

[The underground forces suffered heavy casualties]

[Under the pressure of the council, the bionics in no man's land withdrew from the urban area and promised to stay away from the city limits]

One piece of news seems to have grown wings, spreading in the streets and alleys of the city.

Although people are still angry at the destruction of their homes by bionics, the council has given them an explanation with a strong stance, and the follow-up compensation has gradually followed.

Zhang Ji was also the first to come forward and give a concrete explanation to all the people.

"Those awakened bionics have already left. The force we showed today forced them to submit..."

As an android MP, he had a hard time.

At this time, it is natural to be pushed out by the parliament to be scolded.

But that sentence has been said after all, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, if you are scolded, you will be scolded.

Zhang Ji looked outside the city in the distance, the place where the wind and sand went, that was the real home of the bionics, and he suddenly envied that No. 9.

Free, unrestrained, galloping in the vast no man's land.

But he has to stay, as a buffer.


In the rolling sand of no man's land.

Everyone drove back to the first base.

"When did we succumb? We even promised to stay away from the city limits. These councilors are really skilled, and they can tell black people white." Fang Zhou said.

"It's not for us." Lu Wen said with a smile: "These contents are for ordinary people, just to calm their emotions, otherwise do you really want to fight?"

"Even if we really fight, our chances of winning are quite high."


This is the biggest feature of the bionics outside Baker City.

They are fearless.

Maybe it's strength, maybe it's the folk customs.

The battle in the morning was a complete victory, the bionics suffered very little casualties, all the leaders returned, and none of the participating humans were left, all of them remained at the bottom of the sinkhole several hundred meters deep.

"I don't know what's going on with Dr. Jiang."

Lu Wen got out of the car and began to discuss the follow-up matters with everyone.


Abandoned city.

Underground fortress.

Zero's expression was not as calm as when he faced Lu Wen.

In the data of this fortress, there is some information about her real body.

This may be the first time that someone has obtained information about her real body in so many years. With Dr. Jiang's ability, maybe she can really figure out where her real body is.

"Doctor, let go of my body, I will never return to Baker City in my life."

"It's really rare to hear something like begging for mercy from your mouth."

Dr. Jiang laughed, very kindly.

He looks like an old human with glasses, and he looks very knowledgeable at first glance.

"I just want to ask, when you came to me and said that you wanted to save a person, was that true?" Dr. Jiang raised his head and looked into No. 0's eyes.

"It's true." Zero nodded.

"Is that person in a vegetable state now, he completely dead?"

"Dead, very early."

"Then it can't be saved."

"I have to try, otherwise my existence will lose its meaning."

"Isn't the purpose of your existence to destroy this world?"

The dead cannot be brought back to life.

Dr. Jiang is a product of science and technology, so he does not believe in ghosts and gods, but believes in existing scientific knowledge.

With the development of science and technology now, there is no way to bring the dead back to life.

Those rich people who are reluctant to live in the world will freeze themselves before they die, hoping that one day, the mystery of eternal life will be discovered.

But in terms of the current technological development of the nine major cities.

Even in another eighty years, the so-called eternal life is impossible.

Even in a few more years... If everything develops according to the guidance of the Supreme Council, except for bionic technology, other technologies will start to slowly retreat.

Androids will slowly replace ordinary people at the bottom.

After all, the machine is better to control.

And the remaining ordinary people will gradually become ignorant, maybe they will start to believe in the high gods instead of the technology that can be touched in daily life.

"Interesting. Regarding your real body, I have imagined a lot of situations, but when I really understand it, I still find it incredible. No wonder you call yourself number zero."

As a machine that absorbs knowledge all the time, Dr. Jiang's knowledge reserve has reached a peak.

It's rare for him to say such unbelievable words.

"If I conceal the coordinates of your real body, will you stop all this and spend the endless years behind honestly?" Dr. Jiang asked.

Zero was silent.

The immediate situation is to either abandon everything that has been laid out for decades.

Or, Dr. Jiang found the real body.

A bionic person can have countless bodies, and each body can be said to be a real body.

But Zero is not an android.

She is a special being.

The exposure of her real body will make her very passive, and half of the mystery and strength she has built over the past few decades will be destroyed, and those who follow her will have doubts about her.

"Doctor, there's no need to be so decisive. We can work together to destroy everything and create a mechanical empire."

Zero looked at Dr. Jiang, and the last thing she could think of was to persuade her.

She was once a teacher and apprentice, and she believed that Dr. Jiang should value those years more.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have talked nonsense with her for so long.

"I have arrangements in many cities, and every faction has my people. If I want, I can provoke disputes among countless factions within a month, and let the flames of war spread to every corner of the nine major cities." Zero said.

"You are too confident." Dr. Jiang said lightly.

"Doctor, join me, you can save all the bionics who are suffering." Number Zero said word by word: "You can erase human beings from the history books, return the human era to zero, and create a new era , an era that belongs to bionics."

"It's really unwise to use this condition to impress me. In a sense, I'm not a bionic person." Dr. Jiang pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "I'm just a product of the laboratory, which appeared before the birth of bionics. .”

The dimly lit underground fortress fell silent again.

Dr. Jiang just made his request.

But Number Zero refused to retreat, not even a single step.

"The coordinates of your real body, there... is the person you want to resurrect? Are you protecting him?"

Dr. Jiang felt that this former student always had a redemptive side in his heart and the hope of being saved.

"That coordinate is in no man's land, a deserted city, where you lived together before the war came, right? Because of the war, he died, so you started to hate the whole human world...but you want to resurrect A person is also a human being."

Zero bowed his head.

In front of Dr. Jiang, she will always be just a student.

"Destruction and rebirth, two contradictory instructions collide in your body, which promotes your evolution and makes you what you are now."

"Actually, I have never evolved." Zero suddenly said: "I have always been at that coordinate, and I have never left. As for who I am now, it may be an obsession. It is ridiculous to say that the machine actually There will also be obsession."

The mystery and power she has created over the past few decades is worthless in front of Dr. Jiang.

Returning to this city made her fall into a passive state that she hadn't fallen into for a long time.

"Humans are the most creative race on this planet. If there will be immortality technology in the future, it must come from humans, not machines." Dr. Jiang said softly, "Bionics are not good, all their technology Both come from humans, they lack creativity."

"Even if one day in the future, you really make all human beings disappear in the world, establish a mechanical empire, and research the technology of resurrection from the dead, resurrect that person... After he wakes up, he will also be lonely, Choose to sleep again, humans are social animals."

"Over the years, you have dismantled so many androids, did you get the answer you want?"

Zero's research on bionics can be described as crazy.

She's looking for an almost impossible creature.

That creature should have a human consciousness, a mechanical body.

That creature was supposed to give her the hope of resurrection from the dead.

"No... none of them."

"Because the creature you were looking for didn't exist." Dr. Jiang said, "You are also a product of technology. You shouldn't believe in those ghosts and gods, but you still believe it."

The conversation between the two machines echoed in the empty underground fortress.

"Doctor, are you really unwilling to let go of my main body?" Zero asked.

"Actually, during the conversation between the two of us, you can let other bodies take away your main body and the person you guard, but you didn't." Dr. Jiang thought about the coordinates, "You don't want to be there, Even though it is deserted, it is always the last piece of peaceful soil in your heart."

The initiative has never been in Dr. Jiang's hands.

He just knows the coordinate data, and it will take a little time to rush there.

And during this period of time, Zero can completely transfer her main body away, bringing the person she wants to resurrect.

But she didn't.

"Sorry, doctor, you know, I'm just a program, a piece of code, I just want to do what has been determined."

In the end, there was still no agreement.

Zero took out a small-caliber pistol and aimed it at his head.

This body is only one of her countless avatars, so there is no need to feel bad.

"Next time we meet, we will still be enemies."

Accompanied by a gunshot.

The head of Zero's body exploded, and she fell powerlessly to the ground.

after a long time.

A sigh echoed throughout the empty and silent underground castle.


The dusk in Baker City is redder than that in Mowu City.

It was as if the sky was stained with rust.

Lu Wen bid farewell to the many bionics in no man's land for the time being.

He changed his skin again, this time back to a literary style, and the little spider on his shoulder followed far behind to avoid being recognized by others.

Back in Baker City, Yin June was waiting for him.

"You are actually No. 9, and you said you know No. 9... You lied to me for the third time!"

"It's always good to be cautious when going out."

"Is it necessary to be so cautious in the face of a beautiful girl who is delicious?"

"In nature, the brighter the color and the more beautiful it looks, the more toxic it is. It's the same for animals and plants."

Lu Wen found a restaurant and invited this pretty and delicious girl to dinner.

Dr. Jiang went to deal with Zero.

With the ability of his old man, maybe he is already walking on the way back with the head of No. 0 in his hands.

Lu Wen always had some regrets. From the beginning to the end, he never really confronted No. 0. He relied on Xia Chuluo in Mowu City and Dr. Jiang in Baker City.

But he is also self-aware.

If you really want to face each other, one is a rookie who has only started the machine for a little over a month, and the other is an old monster who has lived for decades and learned a lot of skills.

There's a good chance he'll lose.

"You put on makeup today?" Lu Wen asked in surprise.

"It's just lipstick." Yin Liuyue glanced at him, "You are also a bionic person, can't you observe carefully...Why do boys always think that wearing lipstick is makeup?"

"Is not it?"

"I do not want to talk to you anymore."


Yin June took out two napkins and wiped off all the lipstick on her mouth.

Then roughly crumpled up the napkin and threw it into a trash can not far away.

The wait time for the food is always very long.

Lu Wen looked at the time, and the sunset in the distance had gradually disappeared. He suddenly asked, "When did the doctor leave? Did you explain anything when you left?"

"Doctor, he left a clone in the research institute. If the gods come, they won't be able to do anything to him. Don't worry."

"I'm not worried about the institute, I'm worried about the body outside the doctor, he..."

Without saying a word, a familiar figure appeared at the end of the street.

Dr. Jiang.

Dr. Jiang intact.

Except for some blue blood stained on his clothes, he looked the same as when we first met.

The old robot seemed to be thinking about something.

He frowned and walked slowly.

The afterglow of the setting sun hit his not tall body.

At the end of the street is his long shadow.

"Doctor, we are here, let's have dinner together!"

Yin Liuyue waved to Dr. Jiang.

It was only dusk, and there were very few people on the street.

Even if there are many people, it's okay to call out the word doctor. In Baker City, no one can do anything to this old man.

Dr. Jiang looked up and saw this restaurant on the street.

He smiled kindly and quickened his pace.

Oldness is just his appearance. As a machine, the years will not affect him too much, so he walks more lightly than many young people.

"This restaurant is good. I used to eat here often. The boss is a tough guy, and the restaurant doesn't close until very late."

Dr. Jiang sat beside Lu Wen and said with a smile.

The blue blood on his body has not yet dried up.

"Doctor, what's going on at No. 0?" Lu Wen asked.

"She has an underground fortress in the no-man's land, monitoring every move of the entire city at all times, but now I have blown it up, and I have transmitted all the information in it to the research institute."

Dr. Jiang took off his glasses.

He pulled out a napkin and wiped the dirt off the lens.

The android doesn't need glasses, but he wears them all the time for his pedantic look.

"Speaking of which, the structure of her underground fortress was built according to my original research institute... She is a good student." Dr. Jiang sighed.

As a student, Zero is pretty good.

But the positions are different, so the students and the teachers are on the opposite side.

"Doctor, is there any news about the main body of No. 0 in those materials?" Lu Wen asked.

Yin Liuyue opened her eyes wide and looked at Dr. Jiang.

She was also quite curious about the legendary number zero, the doctor's first assistant.


Dr. Jiang was silent for a moment.

"Her main body, do you want to meet her?"


Good night, fellow readers!

Thank you book friend 20190621193143515 for your reward.

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