Bionic Era

Chapter 220 Holiday

"No. 9 also said that we should not negotiate peace, but his idea is to obtain military protection first." Ma Bo said.

"Military guarantee?" Martin pondered for a moment, "Mowu City's control over this aspect is too strict, and it will take a long time to obtain the military guarantee. Of course, if you can unite with the bionics in Baker City, you can eliminate this problem." Concerns, this is our second recommendation."

The first suggestion is to engage in real and fake cities.

The second suggestion is to join forces with the androids in Baker City.

"I have a third suggestion here."

Martin put the map on the table back.

"Join Eden, take all your bionics, and migrate to the north. If there are no accidents, within three years, you can have your own city underground, and everyone will take care of each other."

The suggestion sounds tempting.

But the actual operation is too difficult.

There are so many bionic people around Mowu City, if they all go north, they will not be able to avoid the extreme weather, and they will lose a lot on the way, and this is also contrary to Ma Bo's original intention.

His original intention was to create a shelter for androids outside Mou City.

"This... just forget it. If we leave, the awakened bionics will not be able to find the organization in the future, and will be suppressed and beaten by the executive bureau as before." Ma Bo said seriously.

"This phenomenon is very strange. With so few people in the executive bureau, you will be suppressed and beaten by the executive bureau. In other cities, the army is often used to suppress it." Martin said.

A special phenomenon in Mowu City, a small number of executive officers can chase a large number of bionics to flee, and the army has nothing to do every day, except for drills.

The gap between weapons and individual combat capabilities is too great.

"In the past, it was too scattered. There were hundreds of people in an organization, and there were not many weapons. Now it won't happen. As long as we unite, we won't be afraid of the people in the executive bureau."

Ma Bo invites Martin to visit the city.

The construction of this city has just started, and every bionic person's face is full of hope and joy.

From time to time, the sound of explosions sounded not far away.

Those high-rise buildings that have been tested and found to be unqualified will be blasted and razed to the ground one by one in the following years, and almost everything needs to be demolished and rebuilt.

The dust in the city is very heavy, and the bionics don't care about it.

But Martin had to wear a mask.

"Humanity allows us to purchase supplies in the urban area. Over the years, we have accumulated a large amount of funds in the urban area. Almost every organization has compatriots who have replaced their identities on the human side."

Mapo said there was enough money to build a city.

And they have now signed a treaty, justifiably.

"Have you ever thought that humans allow you to purchase supplies just to let you expose the bionics who have replaced human identities?" Martin asked in a deep voice.

Purchasing related materials requires a lot of money.

Once there is an abnormality in the funds in the account, the bank will know.

"If A transfers his funds to B, and B happens to be in charge of material procurement, then the bank will know that A's real identity is very likely to be a bionic person."

Very likely, not absolutely.

Ma Bo didn't reply, he seemed to be deep in thought.

Martin knew Marble's purpose in showing him the city.

The leader of the bionic alliance in front of him still insists on his own opinion, and is not willing to accept any of the three suggestions.

In fact, in Eden's discussion, the first suggestion was the most appropriate.

Go towards the most south.

Bionics can adapt to cold weather, and the blue blood in their bodies has a certain ability to resist freezing, but human soldiers will experience various discomforts in that situation.

The white snow can also be the best cover for androids.

"The No. 9 you mentioned just now, is he here?"

Martin felt that the person named No. 9 was able to insist on force protection, which showed that he still understood human beings very well.

"He's not here. I heard he's gone to Baker City. I don't know when he'll be back."


The Council of Baker City discovered a very strange thing during this time.

The androids in No Man's Land disappeared.

At first, I thought that the bionics had changed their address and surrounded Baker City in another location.

But after they sent people to search carefully, they found that those bionics were really gone, and there were still some traces on the ground that had not been covered by wind and sand, and the whole world suddenly became quiet.

They were preparing to observe the movements of the bionics through the orbiting satellite, and then the satellite suddenly lost contact.

The council of Baker City was helpless for a while.

Everyone knew that there must be bionics lurking among them, but they couldn't be sure who it was.

"Judging from the traces, they should have gone to Mowu City. Mowu City has currently signed a treaty with the Bionic Human Alliance, allowing those bionic people to build a city."

"Do you want to tell the people in Mowu City?"

This question has generated a lot of discussion.

In a sense, Baker City can pretend not to see it without notifying Mowu City.

But the two cities are in the south, watching each other, and occasionally have some exchanges.

"Forget it, let's not tell them. Anyway, Mowu City is rich and can afford wars. It would be good to help us consume the bionics."

They are all sensible people, and they know that the treaty signed between Mowu City and No Man's Land is likely to be fake. It is just to temporarily appease the bionic people in Mowu City. war.

After a brief analysis and a show of hands, everyone reached a consensus.

Just take advantage of this time to clean up the underground organization in Baker City.

The underground organization was severely injured after fighting with the bionics, and now it is in chaos. New characters rise up every day, and they are quickly killed by other ruthless people.

Baker City has not completely tolerated the underground organization for so many years, and has done a lot of things secretly. At least, there are many undercover agents, and many of them have become the second-in-command of the organization, and it should be effective now.


In the remote no man's land.

Lu Wen sat on a large dry rock and looked into the distance.

The sandstorm at the end of the sky has not yet passed, and even though they are so far away, they can still feel the strong oppression and suffocation.

"No. 9, this is the third stoppage today. Our estimate of the no-man's land is insufficient, and it may take a few days before we can reach the outside of Mowu City." Standing not far away, Fang Zhou also looked at the That sandstorm.

The original plan was ten days, but it was postponed to twelve days.

By now, they are not sure how many more days it will take.

When Lu Wen traversed alone, it only took four days. Now it seems that he was really lucky at that time.

"Just get there as soon as possible."

Lu Wen got the latest news from Wei Boan.

Parliament gave some soldiers leave.

Before this holiday, a psychological test was conducted in the army of Mowu City. Although the test was anonymous, all the names could be seen clearly in the background.

The test included attitudes toward androids.

Those soldiers didn't think much about it. After all, the scope of the test was very wide, ranging from favorite color to favorite food. The attitude towards bionics was just a very inconspicuous test point.

But Wei Bo'an is the head of a regional executive bureau after all, and he has learned comprehensive information.

"Interesting, all soldiers who are friendly to androids are on vacation."

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