Bionic Era

Chapter 239 Meeting

No man's land.

The bionics in Lu Wen's organization began to have some concepts of family and household.

Some bionics grouped together in twos and threes, found a room, and considered it a home.

Standing on the street, looking at the past, most of the dilapidated shops on both sides are already full.

These bionics are repairing the environment in front of the house.

They circled a piece of land as a small yard and placed some plastic flowers and plants.

"Although there is often precipitation in the no-man's land, the water resources cannot be retained, and the water does not know where to go. Otherwise, we can really consider planting some green plants." Huang Liang said with emotion.

In the entire uninhabited land, except for loess, it is wind and sand.

Extreme weather comes and wreaks havoc from time to time.

Humans are a very tenacious race. As long as they can live in places, they will try to settle on a large scale and multiply.

But after that war, only nine cities were eventually established.

Those who survived the war also tried No Man's Land.

All retreated.

"Is there any shortage of supplies recently?" Lu Wen asked.

"There is no shortage of this. The supplies last time were enough, and Chen Jun has been actively contacting our compatriots in the urban area to ask if we need more supplies. If necessary, he can prepare another batch at any time." Huang Liang replied seriously .

"Our organization also has alternate identities?"

"Yes, four of them have been developed now, but don't worry, they are all normal replacements. The original human beings either died accidentally, or they committed heinous crimes but were not discovered and were killed by us."

"That's good."

During the conversation between the two, Fang Zhou was not idle.

He found it very novel and walked around the city.

From time to time, ask about management experience in such small organizations.

In Baker City, a group of super-large-scale bionics was formed very early on. From the very beginning, they took the line of confrontation and never thought of compromise.

Here in Mowu City, the alliance has only recently begun to form.

Before this, they were all small-scale organizations, scattered in every corner of no man's land.

Fang Zhou carefully asked about the combat effectiveness of the entire organization, and said with emotion: "No. 9, your organization has almost 6,000 people, and there are less than 1,000 weapons, and they are all light weapons. I didn't believe it before. Yes, now it seems that there is some reason for the bionics outside Mowu City to choose to compromise."

"My organization is fine, at least now I don't have to worry about small-scale attacks from the executive bureau." Lu Wen smiled, "I want to send Yin June back to the city, do you want to come with me?"

"Of course, I can finally see what Mowu City looks like." Fang Zhou said immediately.

"In fact, it is more beautiful at night. It has a strong sense of technology. There are flying projection creatures in the sky. When I was living in the slums, I often sat on the garbage mountain and looked at the tall buildings in the distance." Yin Liuyue added.

The three set off again.

Lu Wen's organization is actually not too far away from Mowu City.

At that time, it took the entire organization about two days to migrate to prevent being easily found by those in the executive bureau.

With only the three of them, the speed is quite fast, and it is estimated that they will be able to enter the city in the afternoon.


Mowu City District.

The names of Wei Boan and Lu Wen have frequently appeared on major social platforms recently.

Lu Wen's number of fans grew rapidly.

"It doesn't make sense, why did your number of fans grow three times that of mine?" Wei Bo'an pondered for a while.

"If you can delete those top muscle pictures on your personal homepage, maybe you can get more money." Lu Wen said lightly.

The two of them dug up many old cases.

Not only from the tenth district, but also from other districts, and even two corrupt congressmen were found.

Of course, these are the two more serious ones. The other congressmen are more or less involved. Some interest transactions even involve Lu Wen's manufacturer, Bilan Company.

Lu Wen felt that Bilan's researchers were quite admirable.

As for Bilan's current high-level's hard to say.

"Are you busy in the morning?" Wei Bo'an asked.

"Well, Liang Chen arranged a TV show for me. The most popular one will be recorded for the whole morning. There will also be a few popular young meat stars." Lu Wen replied.

"Your popularity is much higher than those popular stars now."

The two of them leaned against the door of the executive bureau and talked for a short time, and many passers-by were secretly taking pictures.

"Forget it, I'll take a rest in the morning. I'm really tired during this time." Wei Boan relaxed some muscles all over his body, and all the back lines seemed to come alive, walking around.

He can rest in peace.

Lu Wen was reluctant to participate in the recording of the show.

He is not a star now, but he is better than a star.

This is an era in which traffic is judged by appearances, and no one can avoid clichés, just follow the arrangement.

Liang Chen became Lu Wen's manager.

The first advertisement Lu Wen received was also Liang Chen's family business.

This advertisement caused their company's stock to rise by 3.3% on the second day, and it continued to rise for many days after that. Many members of the older generation in the family praised Liang Chen for his vision, and he found it when Lu Wen was just famous. he.

"Brother Lu Wen, you are going to play a detective on today's show. When everyone thinks that the murderer is someone, you need to analyze the details to find the real murderer and create a shocking effect. "

"By the way, before solving the mystery, I have to say a line, which is 'there is only one truth'. This sentence is very important..."

Liang Chen handed the script to Lu Wen.

These shows are scripted and rehearsed several times in advance.

The final TV programs were all recorded and broadcast, and all the audience were invited to cooperate in creating the atmosphere.

Although false.

But as long as it can increase the ratings, fake it.

A morning of rehearsal and recording, Lu Wen was so bored that he wanted to explode, but he had to come. He had rejected so many arrangements, and he couldn't keep Liang Chenbai busy.

At noon, the recording finally ended.

Lu Wen declined the organizer's invitation to a dinner.

A female star approached him and asked him if he was willing to stir up the scandal, but Lu Wen also refused.

hurried out.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the sunshine outside.

This occasion is really not suitable for him.

"Finally finished?" Wei Boan waited for him outside.

"Why don't you come in?" Lu Wen asked.

"The two security guards at the door refused to let me in, saying that a program was being recorded inside and there should be no interference."

"You are also a person with tens of millions of fans. Didn't the two security guards recognize you?"

"I didn't recognize it... I wanted to show my identity and pretend, but I was afraid of trouble, so forget it, and bask in the sun at the door."

The two found a small restaurant on the street for lunch.

During the whole lunch, half of the people in the restaurant took out their mobile phones and secretly took pictures of the two of them.

A little girl couldn't hold back, and came up to Lu Wen to ask for an autograph.

Lu Wen patiently finished signing.

"Where are you going in the afternoon? Did you find the guy who escaped early last time?" He looked at Wei Bo'an.

"I found it. In the sixteenth district, Xiaotian helped me find out the consumption records of that person for the past two days. They are all in the sixteenth district. These guys are really smart. If they make a mistake, they will run to the sixteenth district. Really I thought I wouldn't dare go in and catch him."

The Sixteenth District is a criminal's paradise.

It seems to be a convention, or it may be because he is worried that he will be photographed black bricks after entering the sixteenth district.

People from the executive bureau will hardly go to that large area to arrest people.

As long as those criminals can tolerate the dirty and messy environment and hide in it for a long time, they can be safe and sound.

"Actually, not all places in District 16 are dirty and messy. Although some areas look dilapidated, the environment is still tolerable, such as the area where Duan Tiannan lived before." Lu Wen said.

"Catching probably won't work, so don't make too much noise."

"Go in and do him quietly."

That criminal did the methamphetamine business.

The quantity is huge.

Even if caught, according to the normal procedures for prosecution and trial, it will at least be indefinite.

It's a pity that it can only be indefinite.

Now the death penalty is abolished.

A long time ago, when there was no abolition, with that amount, ten lives were not enough for him to sentence.

The two of them had a tacit understanding, so they didn't intend to catch them alive.

Of the two of them, one is about to be promoted to a third-level executive officer, and the other is already the head of the executive bureau, no amount of credit is useless.

After lunch, although Wei Boan didn't drink, he sat in the co-pilot's seat as usual.

The vehicle slowly drove towards the sixteenth district.

The sunlight was very dazzling, reflecting on the windshield, Wei Boan had to squint his eyes.

"This damn weather is either heavy rain or an oven. The people who chose the site didn't know what they thought." He turned on the air conditioner.

"I don't care, I can endure extreme high temperature and extremely low temperature." Lu Wen said.

More than two hours later, the vehicle stopped slowly at the junction of the fifteenth district and the sixteenth district.

At a glance.

Familiar slums.

White plastic bags are everywhere, and dirty domestic wastewater flows on the narrow roads.

The mountains of rubbish are a paradise for children here.

Waste iron plates and plastic sheeting are bundled together to form rows of crumbling homes.

"At the beginning, the parliament also proposed a plan to help the slums, but it was quite difficult to implement. The people here...many have no fighting spirit, and feel that their lives count as a day. Unless they are given money directly, they are too lazy to move." Wei Boan walked in Lead the way.

According to the instructions of the little genius.

The fugitive is currently living temporarily in a dilapidated house not far away.

Wei Boan rarely came to this kind of place, he frowned.

The stench in the air was far beyond his imagination.

"I envy you, you have no sense of smell," he said.

"Then you should also know that I don't have a sense of taste, and I eat everything the same. It all depends on the system analysis to see if it tastes good or not." Lu Wen added.

No sense of smell is indeed a blessing in this place.

The summer heat has left a lot of things in high rot.

Next to this slum is a huge garbage dump.

It rained again a few days ago.

The black sewage slowly flowed out from the garbage mountain.

Blowflies were buzzing everywhere.

Wriggling white worms can be clearly seen in the sewage.

It looks disgusting.

But those children don't seem to have this feeling. They use bamboo sticks or branches to pick up the wriggling maggots, and then put them at the ant hole to attract the ants inside.

The hot weather doesn't stop them from playing.

"The guys here are so poor...why do they have children." Wei Bo'an sighed.

The two walked on the winding slum roads.

It was the same feeling as when Lu Wen came here for the first time.

It's like a maze here.

Countless twisted paths extend in all directions, like a huge spider web, connecting the entire area together.

Walked for a few minutes.

The two arrived at the designated place.

Lu Wen pushed open the rotten wooden door and glanced at the small room.

"There is no one in the room, but everything is still there. The mobile phone charger is still plugged into the socket. He didn't leave. He should have just gone out temporarily."

"I asked Xiaotian to check the location of his mobile phone."

Wei Boan took out his mobile phone and was about to contact the group of young geniuses in the network security department.

Suddenly, a person came forward.

The man was thin, with sallow skin, short, with deep-set eye sockets, and his steps were a little light. He didn't notice the two of them, and was playing with his mobile phone with his head down.

It was also because of his mobile phone, so he didn't look at the road very much, and stepped on the white plastic bag.

He felt a little uncomfortable, lifted his foot and shook it, trying to shake off the plastic bag stuck to the sole of his foot, when he saw two figures in front of him out of the corner of his eye.

Then his face changed.

turn around.


"Stop! If you run again, I'll shoot you!" Wei Bo'an shouted loudly.

"Don't shoot, I know a lot of information." The man exclaimed, "The sources of my goods, those in charge... Who did I sell the goods to, and how many people passed through them, I can tell you all this information! "

"Then you fucking stop, if you run again, I'll really shoot you!"

But the man didn't care.

After all, this place leads in all directions, so he turned into another path in a flash.

"He wants to go to a deeper place, where there are gangs." Lu Wen said.

This is the outskirts of the slums.

Inside are big and small gangs.

Where there are gangs, the executive bureau will be more afraid.

That guy must be planning to use the information he knows as a threat so that the two of them can't kill him directly, and then run all the way to the chassis of those gangs.

"Does your little geniuses know about the news he said?" Lu Wen asked.

"Not sure." Wei Boan answered truthfully.

"Then let's catch them alive for now."

The two were planning to kill them directly at first, but now they temporarily changed their minds.

Can not kill.

But it's not impossible to be disabled.

Just shoot that guy in the leg.

"Where did that guy go?"

The two turned around a street corner, surrounded by roads.

this kind of place.

As long as you lose the opponent's figure once, it will be difficult to keep up.

"Not far from us, I can hear footsteps fleeing in a hurry." Lu Wen said.

"Are your ears open?"

Lu Wen took the lead, and Wei Boan followed him.

Just a few minutes of chasing.

The criminal appeared again in the field of vision of the two.

This time, he was on the verge of running into a gang territory.

Not far ahead is a three-story concrete building. This kind of building is relatively rare in the slums, and it can be regarded as a dividing line.

Outside the dividing line is a place that no one cares about, and people from the executive bureau can look around.

As for the inside.

It's really the same as what Xia Chuluo said at the time, if someone from the executive bureau goes in to arrest someone, they won't know how they died.

"It seems that you are not in a hurry, and you are planning to use Xia Chuluo's relationship?" Wei Bo'an asked.


Lu Wen smiled lightly.

He even slowed down.

The fugitive turned his head and glanced while fleeing for his life, and saw that the two people following behind him had slowed down, as if they were more afraid of the slum areas occupied by gangs.

He was overjoyed.

A sense of relief that escaped from the sky could not help but well up in my heart.

After all, he has been taking drugs for a long time, and his physical condition is quite bad. After running for a few minutes, he feels like he is going to die.

If it is not to use the terrain of the slums.

With the speed of those two, it would probably take less than a minute to catch up with him and catch him back.

"Huh... so dangerous."

He secretly made up his mind.

I will stay in the slums for the rest of my life and never come out again.

He is quite clear that based on the quantity he sold, he must be sentenced to life imprisonment, and the possibility of commutation is not very high.

Although the slums are dirty and messy, they are better than the dark place in the prison.

That's what he was thinking.

Suddenly, I felt that the sun that had been shining above me dimmed a bit.

So he looked up.

I saw a nimble figure jumping down from the third floor.

The delicate-looking girl was holding a sharp hollow iron pipe, like a flying eagle with spread wings, and her dark red hair fluttered in the long wind.

third floor?

Won't you fall to your death from such a high jump?

The thought only existed in his mind for a moment.

In the next instant, the iron pipe pierced into his calf, firmly fixing him to the ground.

A horrific howl followed.

far away.

Wei Boan was amazed, and said, "This height can kill countless demon hunters."

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