Bionic Era

Chapter 243 Infinitely Strange

"He went in."

"Damn it, I'm really not afraid of death." Fatty Jiang cursed, "Get out all the drones we brought and monitor every exit in the city. Fat Grandpa will trap him to death."

This city is not too big, after all, it was built by relying on nuclear facilities.

"Fortunately, I was prepared and brought a radiation detector."

"Hey, it's over the limit."

Fatty Jiang glanced at the index on the display.

The terrifying multiple of exceeding the standard scared him into a cold sweat.

"It's been two hundred years, why is there such a strong radiation?" Everyone in the team was puzzled.

"Who the hell doesn't know, step back quickly and get to a safe place."

Everyone drove back 500 meters, away from the scope of the city.

More than thirty micro-drones hovered over the city, observing the target's every move.

The whole city has a panoramic view.

"He stopped, stopped in an abandoned amusement park, was smoking, and looked up at us, how arrogant he is."

"This is because he knows we dare not go in, so he is waiting."

"Wait for an extreme weather, preferably a sandstorm. The overwhelming yellow sand will affect the observation, and we must also avoid it, so that he has a chance to escape."

Extreme weather is common in no-man's land.

The man should have made sufficient preparations before escaping, and the dry food and water he brought were enough for him to last for several days.

In the past few days, the possibility of extreme weather is quite high.

"It's a pity that the drones I brought this time were all for observation and didn't carry weapons. Otherwise, I would have beaten that guy to the ground."

"In this way... only Lu Wen can go in."

All eyes were on Lu Wen.

As a mechanical life, his advantage is really too great.

"Are you sure?" Xia Chuluo looked at him.

"As long as there are no accidents, it is not difficult to kill him."

Not really.

And the other party relaxed after entering the city, without vigilance.

"Actually, there's no need for Lu Wen to take risks. We only need to hang around here for a few days, and that guy's life will be over. In the rest of his life, various cancers and lesions will not let him go." Lu Yang said.

"But look at his arrogance, I really can't bear it." Fatty Jiang pointed to the monitoring screen.

"It's okay, there will be no accidents."

Lu Wen reassured everyone.

He looked at the city in the distance.

The wind and sand passed by, and the sight was full of desolation.

Ruins always have a different kind of beauty, incomplete, dilapidated.

Lu Wen drove the vehicle and slowly drove into the city where the radiation seriously exceeded the standard.

Scattered cement boards and bricks pieced together a broken silence.

These ruins silently tell the story of another era, and these stories are most loved by painters and poets.


Wheels run over decaying street signs.

Time has eroded these metal objects to the point where only dark brown rust remains, and when they are crushed, debris is left on the ground, which is blown away by the wind.

Not every metal and machine can survive the long years like the main body of No. 0.

There are signs of life in this city.

The place where the city center was intensively bombarded by nuclear weapons is now a small lake surrounded by various green plants.

Withered yellow and emerald green are intertwined, announcing the death and new life of the city.

This city is different from the ruined cities that Lu Wen has seen before.

Although those cities in the past have experienced the baptism of war, most of them can maintain their original appearance. There are not too many collapsed buildings. The reason why they are abandoned is because they are not suitable for living.

And the city... is almost completely broken.

As far as the eye can see, there are only a few buildings that can be called complete.

Not long after entering the city, Lu Wen stopped the car.

He heard some other voices.


A sharper cry.

From below the ruins.

Lu Wen lifted a heavy cement slab. Fortunately, his strength was far superior to ordinary people.

Down there was a never-before-seen creature.

【Match failure】

[Preliminary judgment as a squamous animal]

As expected, Bilan's biological database failed again.

This strange creature was no more than the size of a basketball, covered in black scales, with sharp protrusions on the scales, and pointed lips.

Kind of like a pangolin, but pangolin scales aren't like that.

This little guy was very fierce, grinning at Lu Wen.

"The existence of this kind of creature shows that the city has a complete ecosystem."

Lu Wen put down the cement board.

This little guy prefers to stay in a dark corner, and just now he lifted the concrete slab, the sunlight makes him uncomfortable, and makes him feel that his territory has been violated.

"Sure enough, where there is water, there is life."

Lu Wen chose to walk forward.

The target didn't hide, it was in the center of the city, next to the lake, a former playground.

Walked for a long time towards the center.

During this period, Lu Wen encountered several strange creatures.

There was an ugly strange bird with three eyes, and a slender snake that grew four legs and crawled on the ground...

The further you go, the more vegetation you can see.

Dark red moss began to spread on the crushed stones and decayed cement slabs.

These mosses seem to be alive.

In one piece.

It is moving slowly on the ground at a speed that is almost undetectable to the naked eye, and it feels furry.

Lu Wen cut off a piece with a short knife, and the whole piece of moss shrank, as if feeling pain, and dark red liquid flowed out from the cut place.

Small crimson flowers swayed on the side of the street.

As soon as Lu Wen approached, these small flowers closed and retracted into the ground.

A dark red lizard was clinging to the ruined wall beside the road. There was also such a small dark red flower on the top of the lizard's head, which seemed to have bloomed from the skull.

The landmark building of the city is a bell tower, in the southeast corner of the urban area, where the amusement park is also located.

The bell tower survived the flames of war and has withstood the tempering of the years. Thick gray-black vines cling to the surface of the bell tower. From a distance, it looks like a building composed of plant vines.

The hands of the big clock on the top floor are still turning.

Those dark rhizomes are wrapped around the pointer, controlling the pointer to move bit by bit.

Animals gradually became less and less.

"I could still see some animals on the periphery just now, but now it's getting closer to the center, and there are more and more plants."

It stands to reason that these animals should need to drink water, and the center is the water source.

Along the way, Lu Wen saw more than a dozen plants that he had never seen before, and that were not recorded in the Bean Blue database.

He recorded it all.

These images are precious.

Almost no one is willing to explore such a heavily polluted place. One is because they are afraid of death, and the other is that there is no economic value. There is no need to customize a special robot to explore.

It's a pity that Lu Wen doesn't have any friends in botany.

[Attack intent detected]

[Attack intent detected]


The system has been giving him this reminder.

Normally, if someone stares at Lu Wen from behind for a long time, or approaches him quickly, the system will give this prompt.

But now the whole city is silent.

Even the wind is quite small.

Lu Wen looked around, and there were indeed only plants here.

Those animals may be scared by the sudden arrival of humans and hide, or it may not be time to move.

The plants in this place are rather strange, mainly vines.

Various vines.

Lu Wen came under a tree made of vines. Those vines were intertwined, and there seemed to be some fairly regular rhythms inside the twisted body.


He reached out and stuck to the vine.

It's really like a heartbeat.

There is also the sound of liquid flowing inside these vines, like blood rushing through blood vessels.

"Could it be that the plants here are all predatory or parasitic, so animals are afraid to come? But those animals have to drink water..."

Lu Wen came to the lake.

The lake is calm, with occasional ripples.

He crouched down slowly.

The lake water is very clear, and some dark red algae are attached to the rocks on the shore.

A swimming fish slowly swam to the shore, gnawing on the red algae on the stone bit by bit. Every time it gnawed, a red liquid would overflow and dissipate in the lake water, as if it was the blood from those algae.

this fish looks abnormal

There are dark red silk threads protruding from the fish's scales and even from the eyes. The tops of these threads are split, like tiny tentacles. The lines on them are clearly visible, and they should be a kind of plant.

But inside the silk thread, there is a liquid flowing rapidly.

Lu Wen stood up slowly.

From the point of view of the outside world, everything here is a bit weird, but at this time there is nothing that threatens his safety.

So he walked towards the amusement park in the southeast direction.

It was once a bustling place, and it is still the only place to see in the city.

These rides have obviously collapsed.

But for some reason, in the following years, it was bound together bit by bit by those plant vines, and slowly changed to the original appearance.

The same should be true of the city's iconic clock tower.

After all, this city has suffered the impact of nuclear weapons. Although the clock tower and amusement park here are not the center, there is no possibility of the buildings being preserved.

In the paradise, the lonely Ferris wheel is still spinning slowly.

Thick vines support the decayed metal brackets. It can be said that those brackets and even the cockpit are gradually replaced by plants.

"It's amazing, isn't it? These plants seem to have the consciousness of animals, slowly restoring the city to its previous appearance, this amusement park, that clock tower..." The man sat on the bench at the entrance of the amusement park.

The benches were originally made of wood, but have since been corroded by the years.

Those vines replaced the original texture.

Even the colors are very close.

These vines are khaki. If you don't pay attention to them, you will think they are things left over from that year.

That person was sitting on a chair made of vines.

His motorcycle is parked nearby.

Looking at the pale face of this man, Lu Wen suddenly understood.

"It turns out that it's not that you don't want to leave, but that you can't."

It was out of town.

Surveillance by drones.

Everyone saw this man parked his motorcycle beside the amusement park, smoking a cigarette while looking up at them with indifferent expressions.

At that time, everyone thought that this person was resting.

But he rested for too long, and he didn't get up once he sat down. He seemed to be provocative, as if he was asking the team members outside the city through the drone, asking if they had the guts to come in.

But everyone was wrong.

Perhaps when he first sat down, he really wanted to take a break.

But after sitting down, there was no chance to get up again.

Those withered and yellow vines slowly wrapped around his legs and arms when he was not paying attention.

Blood dripped slowly.

The vine-like plant was sucking his blood.

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