Bionic Era

Chapter 251 Introduction

"I can't wait to spend one penny in two... This sentence can probably be used to describe my brother." Zhen Yingcai said.

"Are you sure the money is still there?" Lu Wen asked.


Zhen Yingcai nodded, quite sure.

"A long time ago, when I was young, although he was many years older than me, he was willing to tell me many things, so I knew his character, and he didn't dare to put his money in the bank at all. They are usually stored in villas purchased anonymously.”

"It's interesting... On the surface, he is the largest shareholder of that pharmaceutical company, so he won't be suspected if he has some money. As for the money he corrupted, he can use money laundering methods to launder the black money." Lu Wen said.

"No, that company can't afford so much money. If it is done in another way, it will cause certain losses."

Zhen Yingcai explained.

Lu Wen finally understood.

Even in the process of money laundering, there may be a loss of a penny, that little old man Zhen Yingjie refused to try, so all his money is stored somewhere in cash.

Anyway, the old man wouldn't spend it, he just felt comfortable seeing so much money.

"In the wealthy districts, there are villas that no one lives in. In fact, some of them belong to my brother. He specially uses them to put money." Zhen Yingcai said.

"Do you know the exact location?"

"Of course I know, I know a lot about him."

Zhen Yingcai also said another thing.

The reason why his brother didn't kill him was not because of blood relationship.

As Lu Wen knew, the old man had no bottom line for money, so the so-called younger brother was probably closer to him than normal people in his eyes.

"He was actually okay at the beginning. Although he also liked money, he didn't want to be unscrupulous, so he would tell me many things. At that time, he... still thought about this blood relationship." Zhen Yingcai sighed.

Later, Zhen Yingjie became more and more powerful and his status became higher and higher.

Gradually, even his own brother became wary, as if there was no one he could trust enough in this world.

Money has twisted this man.

"I told him that I hid everything I knew, and if I died, those secrets would be exposed, so he never killed me."

Not killed, but not much better than killing him.

Life in a mental hospital for many years was worse than being in prison.

"If he really puts you in prison, it won't be easy for me to get in," Lu Wen said.

"Actually, it's already very good now, and the supervision is very lax." Zhen Yingcai said: "In the past few years, there were people guarding outside the ward every night, which was similar to house arrest. Now we just use surveillance to watch."

"It's not just monitoring." Lu Wen shook his head.

"What else?" Zhen Yingcai was stunned.


Lu Wen pointed to Zhen Yingcai's bed.

Zhen Yingcai was taken aback, and lay down to take a closer look.

There is a button-sized object under the bed, black and flat, like a coin, it looks very inconspicuous.

"There is also a piece sewn in the lower right corner of the curtain." Lu Wen reminded.

"Then what we talked about..."


Since Lu Wen dared to come, he was fully prepared.

Zhen Yingcai is not actually afraid of his brother, nor is he even too afraid of death.

After all, he has been imprisoned for so many years, and many things are taken lightly.

But he worries that many things will be buried in the years with his death.

"Where are the evidences you buried?" Lu Wen asked.

"Actually, I didn't hide any evidence. Those things were all in my head. I said that at the beginning because I was worried that he would kill me." Zhen Yingcai said with a wry smile.

"You don't trust me? Are you worried that I was sent by your brother?" Lu Wen looked into his eyes and asked in a deep voice.


Zhen Yingcai lowered her head and was silent for a moment.

It seems that Lu Wen has hit the spot.

After a while, he raised his head, looked at Lu Wen and said, "Actually, over the years, many people have been to this mental hospital, some of them came here openly, and some of them sneaked in secretly like you and asked me about my problems. Where is the evidence, but their acting is so poor."

Those people said that the purpose was to bring Zhen Yingjie down.

But that's not the case, they were just sent by Zhen Yingjie to ask where the evidence was hidden.

"I have been locked up here for so many years, and I had the opportunity to go out several times. The doctor who accompanied me took me around the entire hospital and deliberately let me know one thing...the management of this mental hospital is very lax."

If the management is strict, it will be difficult for outsiders to sneak in.

So the old man asked the hospital to instill the idea of ​​lax management into Zhen Yingcai's mind.

In this way, in the following time, if someone sneaked into the hospital in the middle of the night to look for him, he would be sure to believe it.

With trust, it is possible to defraud where those evidences are hidden.

"My brother is a very cautious person. He usually only sends bionics disguised as humans for this kind of evidence deception. It's just that those bionics have taken off their bracelets, so they look no different from normal humans, but I still found something wrong in the chat with them." Zhen Yingcai recalled.

"Actually, there is not much difference between the fifth-generation bionics and humans in daily chatting, almost none," Lu Wen said.

"No, there is still a gap."

"What's the difference?"

"This... I can't say it, it's just a feeling that when chatting with them, all the questions and answers are too patterned and familiar, like answers entered in advance."

Zhen Yingcai said that he has a very keen sense since he was a child

Probably something like a sixth sense.

Those androids his brother had sent over before gave him a mechanical feel, so he could recognize it.

"But you are different." Zhen Yingcai said: "The bracelet on your arm has not been removed. You are a bionic person, but you give me the feeling that you are no different from a normal human being. You must be in the bionic person. It's quite a special existence."

"I'm tired of hearing that."

"It seems that you know it yourself?"

"Change the subject, why don't you believe me?"


Zhen Yingcai herself couldn't tell.

It may have been locked up for too long, so that it was too sensitive.

It's hard for him to trust anyone now.

"Looking at you, you don't know me?" Lu Wen asked.

"No, this room doesn't have any means of communicating with the outside world." Zhen Yingcai shook her head.

After Lu Wen thought about it, it was relatively easy to gain the trust of this person.

If Zhen Yingcai is a bionic person, then he can directly tell him what happened during this period of time through data transmission, but Zhen Yingcai is a human being.

So it takes a certain amount of tongue-in-cheek.

"Then let me formally introduce myself."

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